// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.component; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * The id of a component. * Consists of a name, optionally a version, and optionally a namespace. * This is an immutable value object. * * @author bratseth * @author Tony Vaagenes */ public final class ComponentId implements Comparable { private final Spec spec; private final boolean anonymous; private static AtomicInteger threadIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); private static ThreadLocal threadLocalUniqueId = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected Counter initialValue() { return new Counter(); } }; private static ThreadLocal threadId = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected String initialValue() { return new String("_" + threadIdCounter.getAndIncrement() + "_"); } }; /** Precomputed string value */ private final String stringValue; /** * Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version)?(@namespace)?, * where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)? * and namespace is a component id */ public ComponentId(String id) { this(new SpecSplitter(id)); } private ComponentId(SpecSplitter splitter) { this(splitter.name, Version.fromString(splitter.version), splitter.namespace); } public ComponentId(String name, Version version, ComponentId namespace) { this(name, version, namespace, false); } /** Creates a component id from a name and version. The version may be null */ public ComponentId(String name, Version version) { this(name, version, null); } private ComponentId(String id, Version version, ComponentId namespace, boolean anonymous) { this.spec = new Spec<>(new VersionHandler(), id, version, namespace); this.anonymous = anonymous; this.stringValue = spec.createStringValue(); } public ComponentId nestInNamespace(ComponentId namespace) { if (namespace == null) { return this; } else { ComponentId newNamespace = (getNamespace() == null) ? namespace : getNamespace().nestInNamespace(namespace); return new ComponentId(getName(), getVersion(), newNamespace); } } /** Returns the name of this. This is never null */ public String getName() { return spec.name; } /** Returns the version of this id, or emptyVersion if no version is specified */ public Version getVersion() { return spec.version; } /** The namespace is null if this is a top level component id **/ public ComponentId getNamespace() { return spec.namespace; } /** * Returns the string value of this id. * If no version is given, this is simply the name. * If a version is given, it is name:version. * Trailing ".0"'s are stripped from the version part. */ public String stringValue() { return stringValue; } @Override public String toString() { return spec.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( ! (o instanceof ComponentId)) return false; ComponentId c = (ComponentId) o; if (isAnonymous() || c.isAnonymous()) // TODO: Stop doing this return false; return c.stringValue().equals(stringValue); } @Override public int hashCode() { return stringValue.hashCode(); } public ComponentSpecification toSpecification() { if (isAnonymous()) throw new RuntimeException("Can't generate a specification for an anonymous component id."); return new ComponentSpecification(getName(), getVersion().toSpecification(), getNamespace()); } public int compareTo(ComponentId other) { //anonymous must never be equal to non-anonymous if (isAnonymous() ^ other.isAnonymous()) { return isAnonymous() ? -1 : 1; } return spec.compareTo(other.spec); } /** Creates a componentId that is unique for this run-time instance */ public static ComponentId createAnonymousComponentId(String baseName) { return new ComponentId(createAnonymousId(baseName), null, null, true); } public boolean isAnonymous() { return anonymous; } /** Returns a copy of this id with namespace set to null **/ public ComponentId withoutNamespace() { return new ComponentId(getName(), getVersion(), null); } /** * Creates a component id from the id string form: name(:version)?(@namespace)?, * where version has the form 1(.2(.3(.identifier)?)?)? * and namespace is a component id. * * @return new ComponentId(componentId), or null if the input string is null */ public static ComponentId fromString(String componentId) { try { return (componentId != null) ? new ComponentId(componentId) : null; } catch(Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal component id: '" + componentId + "'", e); } } /** * Returns this id's stringValue (i.e the id without trailing ".0"'s) translated to a file name using the * standard translation: *

     *     : → -
     *     / → _
*/ public String toFileName() { return stringValue.replace(":","-").replace("/","."); } /** * Creates an id from a file first name string encoded in the standard translation (see {@link #toFileName}). * Note that any file last name, like e.g ".xml" must be stripped off before handoff to this method. */ public static ComponentId fromFileName(String fileName) { // Initial assumptions String id = fileName; Version version = null; ComponentId namespace = null; // Split out namespace, if any int at = id.indexOf("@"); if (at > 0) { String newId = id.substring(0, at); namespace = ComponentId.fromString(id.substring(at + 1)); id = newId; } // Split out version, if any int dash = id.lastIndexOf("-"); if (dash > 0) { String newId = id.substring(0, dash); try { version = new Version(id.substring(dash + 1)); id = newId; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // don't interpret the text following the dash as a version } } // Convert dots in id portion back - this is the part which prevents us from id=id.replace(".","/"); return new ComponentId(id,version,namespace); } /** WARNING: For testing only: Resets counters creating anonymous component ids for this thread. */ public static void resetGlobalCountersForTests() { threadId.set("_0_"); threadLocalUniqueId.set(new Counter()); } private static String createAnonymousId(String name) { return name + threadId.get() + threadLocalUniqueId.get().getAndIncrement(); } /** Creates a component id with the given value, marked as anonymous */ public static ComponentId newAnonymous(String spec) { var splitter = new SpecSplitter(spec); return new ComponentId(splitter.name, Version.fromString(splitter.version), splitter.namespace, true); } private final class VersionHandler implements Spec.VersionHandler { @Override public Version emptyVersion() { return Version.emptyVersion; } @Override public int compare(Version v1, Version v2) { return v1.compareTo(v2); } } private final static class Counter { private int count = 0; public int getAndIncrement() { return count++; } } }