// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import com.yahoo.config.codegen.CNode; import com.yahoo.config.codegen.InnerCNode; import com.yahoo.config.codegen.LeafCNode; /** * Represents an instance of an application config with a specific configId. *

* An instance of this class contains all values (represented by Nodes) for the config object as it * is the superclass of the generated config class used by the client. */ public abstract class ConfigInstance extends InnerNode { private static final java.util.logging.Logger log = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(ConfigInstance.class.getName()); public interface Builder extends ConfigBuilder { /** * Dispatches a getConfig() call if this instance's producer is of the right type * * @param producer a config producer * @return true if this instance's producer was the correct type, and hence a getConfig call was dispatched */ boolean dispatchGetConfig(Producer producer); String getDefName(); String getDefNamespace(); String getDefMd5(); /** Returns true if this instance should be applied on restart, false if it should be applied immediately */ default boolean getApplyOnRestart() { return false; } default void setApplyOnRestart(boolean applyOnRestart) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } default ConfigInstance buildInstance(InnerCNode targetDef) { try { if (targetDef != null) applyDef(this, targetDef); Class clazz = getConfigClass(getClass()); return clazz.getConstructor(getClass()).newInstance(this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(e); } } /** * If some fields on the builder are null now, set them from the def. Do recursively. *

* If the targetDef has some schema incompatibilities, they are not handled here * (except logging in some cases), but in ConfigInstance.serialize(). * * @param builder a {@link com.yahoo.config.ConfigBuilder} * @param targetDef a config definition * @throws Exception if applying values form config definitions fails */ static void applyDef(ConfigBuilder builder, InnerCNode targetDef) throws Exception { for (Map.Entry e: targetDef.children().entrySet()) { CNode node = e.getValue(); if (node instanceof LeafCNode) { setLeafValueIfUnset(targetDef, builder, (LeafCNode)node); } else if (node instanceof InnerCNode) { // Is there a private field on the builder that matches this inner node in the def? if (hasField(builder.getClass(), node.getName())) { Field innerField = builder.getClass().getDeclaredField(node.getName()); innerField.setAccessible(true); Object innerFieldVal = innerField.get(builder); if (innerFieldVal instanceof List) { // inner array? Check that list elems are ConfigBuilder List innerList = (List) innerFieldVal; for (Object b : innerList) { if (b instanceof ConfigBuilder) { applyDef((ConfigBuilder) b, (InnerCNode) node); } } } else if (innerFieldVal instanceof ConfigBuilder) { // Struct perhaps applyDef((ConfigBuilder) innerFieldVal, (InnerCNode) node); } else { // Likely a config value mismatch. That is handled in ConfigInstance.serialize() (error message, omit from response.) } } } } } private static boolean hasField(Class aClass, String name) { for (Field field : aClass.getDeclaredFields()) { if (name.equals(field.getName())) { return true; } } return false; } private static void setLeafValueIfUnset(InnerCNode targetDef, Object builder, LeafCNode node) throws Exception { if (hasField(builder.getClass(), node.getName())) { Field field = builder.getClass().getDeclaredField(node.getName()); field.setAccessible(true); Object val = field.get(builder); if (val==null) { // Not set on builder, if the leaf node has a default value, try the private setter that takes String try { if (node.getDefaultValue()!=null) { Method setter = builder.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(node.getName(), String.class); setter.setAccessible(true); setter.invoke(builder, node.getDefaultValue().getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "For config '" + targetDef.getFullName() + "': " + "Unable to apply the default value for field '" + node.getName() + "' to config Builder (where it wasn't set)", e); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class getConfigClass(Class builderClass) { Class configClass = builderClass.getEnclosingClass(); if (configClass == null || ! ConfigInstance.class.isAssignableFrom(configClass)) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Builder class " + builderClass + " has enclosing class " + configClass + ", which is not a ConfigInstance"); } return (Class) configClass; } } public interface Producer {} private String configMd5 = ""; @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Used by reflection from ConfigInstanceUtil String configId; /** * Gets the name of the given config instance */ public static String getDefName(Class type) { return getStaticStringField(type, "CONFIG_DEF_NAME"); } /** * Gets the namespace of the given config instance */ public static String getDefNamespace(Class type) { return getStaticStringField(type, "CONFIG_DEF_NAMESPACE"); } /** * Returns the serialized representation of the given node. *

* Declared static, instead of InnerNode member, to avoid a public 0-arg method with a commonly used name. * * @param node The inner node * @return a list of strings, containing the serialized representation of this config */ public static List serialize(InnerNode node) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : getAllDescendantLeafNodes(node).entrySet()) { ret.add(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue().toString()); } return ret; } public static void serialize(InnerNode node, Serializer serializer) { serializeMap(node.getChildren(), serializer); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void serializeObject(String name, Object child, Serializer serializer) { if (child instanceof InnerNode) { Serializer childSerializer = serializer.createInner(name); serialize((InnerNode) child, childSerializer); } else if (child instanceof Map) { Serializer mapSerializer = serializer.createMap(name); serializeMap((Map)child, mapSerializer); } else if (child instanceof NodeVector) { Serializer arraySerializer = serializer.createArray(name); serializeArray((NodeVector) child, arraySerializer); } else if (child instanceof LeafNode) { ((LeafNode) child).serialize(name, serializer); } } private static void serializeMap(Map childMap, Serializer serializer) { for (Map.Entry entry : childMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Object child = entry.getValue(); serializeObject(name, child, serializer); } } private static void serializeArray(NodeVector nodeVector, Serializer arraySerializer) { for (Object child : nodeVector.vector) { if (child instanceof InnerNode) { Serializer childSerializer = arraySerializer.createInner(); serialize((InnerNode) child, childSerializer); } else if (child instanceof LeafNode) { ((LeafNode) child).serialize(arraySerializer); } } } public String getConfigMd5() { return configMd5; } public void setConfigMd5(String configMd5) { this.configMd5 = configMd5; } private static String getStaticStringField(Class type, String fieldName) { try { return (String) type.getField(fieldName).get(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException (e.getMessage() + ": Static field " + fieldName + " not " + "accessible in " + type.getName()); } } }