// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.application.api; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Tags; import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor; import com.yahoo.slime.Inspector; import com.yahoo.slime.Slime; import com.yahoo.slime.SlimeUtils; import com.yahoo.text.Utf8; import java.io.IOException; /** * Metadata about an application package. * * @author hmusum */ public class ApplicationMetaData { private final String deployedFromDir; private final long deployTimestamp; private final boolean internalRedeploy; private final ApplicationId applicationId; private final String checksum; private final long generation; private final long previousActiveGeneration; public ApplicationMetaData(String deployedFromDir, Long deployTimestamp, boolean internalRedeploy, ApplicationId applicationId, String checksum, Long generation, long previousActiveGeneration) { this.deployedFromDir = deployedFromDir; this.deployTimestamp = deployTimestamp; this.internalRedeploy = internalRedeploy; this.applicationId = applicationId; this.checksum = checksum; this.generation = generation; this.previousActiveGeneration = previousActiveGeneration; } @Deprecated // TODO: Remove on Vespa 9 public ApplicationMetaData(String deployedFromDir, Long deployTimestamp, boolean internalRedeploy, ApplicationId applicationId, Tags ignored, String checksum, Long generation, long previousActiveGeneration) { this(deployedFromDir, deployTimestamp, internalRedeploy, applicationId, checksum, generation, previousActiveGeneration); } @Deprecated // TODO: Remove on Vespa 9 public ApplicationMetaData(String ignored, String deployedFromDir, Long deployTimestamp, boolean internalRedeploy, ApplicationId applicationId, String checksum, Long generation, long previousActiveGeneration) { this(deployedFromDir, deployTimestamp, internalRedeploy, applicationId, Tags.empty(), checksum, generation, previousActiveGeneration); } /** * Gets the user who deployed the application. * * @return username of the user who ran "deploy-application" */ @Deprecated // TODO: Remove in Vespa 9 public String getDeployedByUser() { return "unknown"; } @Deprecated // TODO: Remove in Vespa 9 public Tags getTags() { return Tags.empty(); } /** * Gets the directory where the application was deployed from. * Will return null if a problem occurred while getting metadata * * @return path to raw deploy directory (for the original application) */ public String getDeployPath() { return deployedFromDir; } public ApplicationId getApplicationId() { return applicationId; } /** * Gets the time the application was deployed. * Will return null if a problem occurred while getting metadata. * * @return when this application version was deployed in epoch ms */ public Long getDeployTimestamp() { return deployTimestamp; } /** * Returns the config generation of this application instance. * Will return null if a problem occurred while getting metadata. */ public Long getGeneration() { return generation; } /** * Returns whether this application generation was produced by a system internal redeployment, * not an application package change */ public boolean isInternalRedeploy() { return internalRedeploy; } /** Returns an MD5 hash of the contents of the application package */ public String getChecksum() { return checksum; } /** Returns the previously active generation at the point when this application was created. */ public long getPreviousActiveGeneration() { return previousActiveGeneration; } @Override public String toString() { return deployedFromDir + ", " + deployTimestamp + ", " + generation + ", " + checksum + ", " + previousActiveGeneration; } public static ApplicationMetaData fromJsonString(String jsonString) { try { Slime data = SlimeUtils.jsonToSlime(jsonString); Inspector root = data.get(); Inspector deploy = root.field("deploy"); Inspector app = root.field("application"); return new ApplicationMetaData(deploy.field("from").asString(), deploy.field("timestamp").asLong(), booleanField("internalRedeploy", false, deploy), ApplicationId.fromSerializedForm(app.field("id").asString()), app.field("checksum").asString(), app.field("generation").asLong(), app.field("previousActiveGeneration").asLong()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing json metadata", e); } } public Slime getSlime() { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor meta = slime.setObject(); Cursor deploy = meta.setObject("deploy"); deploy.setString("from", deployedFromDir); deploy.setLong("timestamp", deployTimestamp); deploy.setBool("internalRedeploy", internalRedeploy); Cursor app = meta.setObject("application"); app.setString("id", applicationId.serializedForm()); app.setString("checksum", checksum); app.setLong("generation", generation); app.setLong("previousActiveGeneration", previousActiveGeneration); return slime; } private static boolean booleanField(String fieldName, boolean defaultValue, Inspector object) { Inspector value = object.field(fieldName); if ( ! value.valid()) return defaultValue; return value.asBool(); } public String asJsonString() { return Utf8.toString(asJsonBytes()); } public byte[] asJsonBytes() { try { return SlimeUtils.toJsonBytes(getSlime()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to encode metadata", e); } } }