// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.application.api; import com.yahoo.collections.Comparables; import com.yahoo.config.application.api.xml.DeploymentSpecXmlReader; import com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain; import com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment; import com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName; import com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName; import java.io.Reader; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Specifies the environments and regions to which an application should be deployed. * This may be used both for inspection as part of an application model and to answer * queries about deployment from the command line. A main method is included for the latter usage. * * A deployment consists of a number of steps executed in the order listed in deployment xml, as * well as some additional settings. * * This is immutable. * * @author bratseth */ public class DeploymentSpec { /** The empty deployment spec, specifying no zones or rotation, and defaults for all settings */ public static final DeploymentSpec empty = new DeploymentSpec(List.of(new DeploymentInstanceSpec(InstanceName.from("default"), Collections.emptyList(), UpgradePolicy.defaultPolicy, Collections.emptyList(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Notifications.none(), List.of())), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), ""); private final List steps; // Attributes which can be set on the root tag and which must be available outside of any particular instance private final Optional majorVersion; private final Optional athenzDomain; private final Optional athenzService; private final String xmlForm; public DeploymentSpec(List steps, Optional majorVersion, Optional athenzDomain, Optional athenzService, String xmlForm) { if (hasSingleInstance(steps)) { // TODO: Remove this clause after November 2019 var singleInstance = singleInstance(steps); this.steps = List.of(singleInstance.withSteps(completeSteps(singleInstance.steps()))); } else { this.steps = List.copyOf(completeSteps(steps)); } this.majorVersion = majorVersion; this.athenzDomain = athenzDomain; this.athenzService = athenzService; this.xmlForm = xmlForm; validateTotalDelay(steps); validateUpgradePoliciesOfIncreasingConservativeness(steps); } /** Adds missing required steps and reorders steps to a permissible order */ private static List completeSteps(List inputSteps) { List steps = new ArrayList<>(inputSteps); // Add staging if required and missing if (steps.stream().anyMatch(step -> step.deploysTo(Environment.prod)) && steps.stream().noneMatch(step -> step.deploysTo(Environment.staging))) { steps.add(new DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone(Environment.staging)); } // Add test if required and missing if (steps.stream().anyMatch(step -> step.deploysTo(Environment.staging)) && steps.stream().noneMatch(step -> step.deploysTo(Environment.test))) { steps.add(new DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone(Environment.test)); } // Enforce order test, staging, prod DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone testStep = remove(Environment.test, steps); if (testStep != null) steps.add(0, testStep); DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone stagingStep = remove(Environment.staging, steps); if (stagingStep != null) steps.add(1, stagingStep); return steps; } /** * Removes the first occurrence of a deployment step to the given environment and returns it. * * @return the removed step, or null if it is not present */ private static DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone remove(Environment environment, List steps) { for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) { if ( ! (steps.get(i) instanceof DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone)) continue; DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone zoneStep = (DeploymentSpec.DeclaredZone)steps.get(i); if (zoneStep.environment() == environment) { steps.remove(i); return zoneStep; } } return null; } /** Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the total delay exceeds 24 hours */ private void validateTotalDelay(List steps) { long totalDelaySeconds = steps.stream().mapToLong(step -> (step.delay().getSeconds())).sum(); if (totalDelaySeconds > Duration.ofHours(24).getSeconds()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The total delay specified is " + Duration.ofSeconds(totalDelaySeconds) + " but max 24 hours is allowed"); } /** Throws an IllegalArgumentException if any instance has a looser upgrade policy than the previous */ private void validateUpgradePoliciesOfIncreasingConservativeness(List steps) { UpgradePolicy previous = Collections.min(List.of(UpgradePolicy.values())); for (Step step : steps) { UpgradePolicy strictest = previous; List specs = instances(List.of(step)); for (DeploymentInstanceSpec spec : specs) { if (spec.upgradePolicy().compareTo(previous) < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance '" + spec.name() + "' cannot have a looser upgrade " + "policy than the previous of '" + previous + "'"); strictest = Comparables.max(strictest, spec.upgradePolicy()); } previous = strictest; } } // TODO: Remove after October 2019 private DeploymentInstanceSpec singleInstance() { return singleInstance(steps); } // TODO: Remove after October 2019 private static DeploymentInstanceSpec singleInstance(List steps) { List instances = instances(steps); if (instances.size() == 1) return instances.get(0); throw new IllegalArgumentException("This deployment spec does not support the legacy API " + "as it has multiple instances: " + instances.stream().map(Step::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(","))); } /** Returns the major version this application is pinned to, or empty (default) to allow all major versions */ public Optional majorVersion() { return majorVersion; } /** Returns the deployment steps of this in the order they will be performed */ public List steps() { if (hasSingleInstance(steps)) return singleInstance().steps(); // TODO: Remove line after November 2019 return steps; } // TODO: Remove after November 2019 public List zones() { return singleInstance().steps().stream() .flatMap(step -> step.zones().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** Returns the Athenz domain set on the root tag, if any */ public Optional athenzDomain() { return athenzDomain; } /** Returns the Athenz service set on the root tag, if any */ // athenz-service can be overridden on almost all tags, and with legacy mode + standard + environment and region variants // + tester application services it gets complicated, but: // 1. any deployment outside dev/perf should happen only with declared instances, implicit or not, which means the spec for // that instance should provide the correct service, based on environment and region, and we should not fall back to this; and // 2. any deployment to dev/perf can only have the root or instance tags' value for service, which means we can ignore variants; and // a. for single-instance specs the service is always set on the root tag, and deploying under an unknown instance leads here, and // b. for multi-instance specs the root tag may or may not have a service, and unknown instances also lead here; and // 3. any tester application deployment is always an unknown instance, and always gets here, but there should not be any reason // to have environment, instance or region variants on those. public Optional athenzService() { return this.athenzService; } // TODO remove when 7.135 is the oldest version public Optional athenzService(InstanceName instanceName, Environment environment, RegionName region) { Optional instance = instance(instanceName); if (instance.isEmpty()) return this.athenzService; return instance.get().athenzService(environment, region).or(() -> this.athenzService); } /** Returns the XML form of this spec, or null if it was not created by fromXml, nor is empty */ public String xmlForm() { return xmlForm; } // TODO: Remove after November 2019 private static boolean hasSingleInstance(List steps) { return instances(steps).size() == 1; } /** Returns the instance step containing the given instance name */ public Optional instance(InstanceName name) { for (DeploymentInstanceSpec instance : instances()) { if (instance.name().equals(name)) return Optional.of(instance); } return Optional.empty(); } public DeploymentInstanceSpec requireInstance(String name) { return requireInstance(InstanceName.from(name)); } public DeploymentInstanceSpec requireInstance(InstanceName name) { Optional instance = instance(name); if (instance.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No instance '" + name + "' in deployment.xml'. Instances: " + instances().stream().map(spec -> spec.name().toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","))); return instance.get(); } /** Returns the instance names declared in this */ public List instanceNames() { return instances().stream().map(DeploymentInstanceSpec::name).collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()); } /** Returns the step descendants of this which are instances */ public List instances() { return instances(steps); } private static List instances(List steps) { return steps.stream() .flatMap(step -> step instanceof ParallelZones ? ((ParallelZones) step).steps.stream() : List.of(step).stream()) .filter(step -> step instanceof DeploymentInstanceSpec).map(DeploymentInstanceSpec.class::cast) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Creates a deployment spec from XML. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the XML is invalid */ public static DeploymentSpec fromXml(Reader reader) { return new DeploymentSpecXmlReader().read(reader); } /** * Creates a deployment spec from XML. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the XML is invalid */ public static DeploymentSpec fromXml(String xmlForm) { return fromXml(xmlForm, true); } /** * Creates a deployment spec from XML. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the XML is invalid */ public static DeploymentSpec fromXml(String xmlForm, boolean validate) { return new DeploymentSpecXmlReader(validate).read(xmlForm); } public static String toMessageString(Throwable t) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); String lastMessage = null; String message; for (; t != null; t = t.getCause()) { message = t.getMessage(); if (message == null) continue; if (message.equals(lastMessage)) continue; if (b.length() > 0) { b.append(": "); } b.append(message); lastMessage = message; } return b.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DeploymentSpec other = (DeploymentSpec) o; return majorVersion.equals(other.majorVersion) && steps.equals(other.steps) && xmlForm.equals(other.xmlForm); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(majorVersion, steps, xmlForm); } /** A deployment step */ public abstract static class Step { /** Returns whether this step deploys to the given region */ public final boolean deploysTo(Environment environment) { return deploysTo(environment, Optional.empty()); } /** Returns whether this step deploys to the given environment, and (if specified) region */ public abstract boolean deploysTo(Environment environment, Optional region); /** Returns the zones deployed to in this step */ public List zones() { return Collections.emptyList(); } /** The delay introduced by this step (beyond the time it takes to execute the step). Default is zero. */ public Duration delay() { return Duration.ZERO; } /** Returns all the steps nested in this. This default implementatiino returns an empty list. */ public List steps() { return List.of(); } } /** A deployment step which is to wait for some time before progressing to the next step */ public static class Delay extends Step { private final Duration duration; public Delay(Duration duration) { this.duration = duration; } @Override public Duration delay() { return duration; } @Override public boolean deploysTo(Environment environment, Optional region) { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "delay " + duration; } } /** A deployment step which is to run deployment in a particular zone */ public static class DeclaredZone extends Step { private final Environment environment; private final Optional region; private final boolean active; private final Optional athenzService; private final Optional testerFlavor; public DeclaredZone(Environment environment) { this(environment, Optional.empty(), false); } public DeclaredZone(Environment environment, Optional region, boolean active) { this(environment, region, active, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()); } public DeclaredZone(Environment environment, Optional region, boolean active, Optional athenzService) { this(environment, region, active, athenzService, Optional.empty()); } public DeclaredZone(Environment environment, Optional region, boolean active, Optional athenzService, Optional testerFlavor) { if (environment != Environment.prod && region.isPresent()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-prod environments cannot specify a region"); if (environment == Environment.prod && region.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Prod environments must be specified with a region"); this.environment = environment; this.region = region; this.active = active; this.athenzService = athenzService; this.testerFlavor = testerFlavor; } public Environment environment() { return environment; } /** The region name, or empty if not declared */ public Optional region() { return region; } /** Returns whether this zone should receive production traffic */ public boolean active() { return active; } public Optional testerFlavor() { return testerFlavor; } public Optional athenzService() { return athenzService; } @Override public List zones() { return Collections.singletonList(this); } @Override public boolean deploysTo(Environment environment, Optional region) { if (environment != this.environment) return false; if (region.isPresent() && ! region.equals(this.region)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(environment, region); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( ! (o instanceof DeclaredZone)) return false; DeclaredZone other = (DeclaredZone)o; if (this.environment != other.environment) return false; if ( ! this.region.equals(other.region())) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return environment + (region.map(regionName -> "." + regionName).orElse("")); } } /** A deployment step which is to run multiple steps (zones or instances) in parallel */ public static class ParallelZones extends Step { private final List steps; public ParallelZones(List steps) { this.steps = List.copyOf(steps); } /** Returns the steps inside this which are zones */ @Override public List zones() { return this.steps.stream() .filter(step -> step instanceof DeclaredZone) .map(DeclaredZone.class::cast) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** Returns all the steps nested in this */ @Override public List steps() { return steps; } @Override public boolean deploysTo(Environment environment, Optional region) { return steps().stream().anyMatch(zone -> zone.deploysTo(environment, region)); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ParallelZones)) return false; ParallelZones that = (ParallelZones) o; return Objects.equals(steps, that.steps); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(steps); } @Override public String toString() { return steps.size() + " parallel steps"; } } /** Controls when this application will be upgraded to new Vespa versions */ public enum UpgradePolicy { /** Canary: Applications with this policy will upgrade before any other */ canary, /** Default: Will upgrade after all canary applications upgraded successfully. The default. */ defaultPolicy, /** Will upgrade after most default applications upgraded successfully */ conservative } /** A blocking of changes in a given time window */ public static class ChangeBlocker { private final boolean revision; private final boolean version; private final TimeWindow window; public ChangeBlocker(boolean revision, boolean version, TimeWindow window) { this.revision = revision; this.version = version; this.window = window; } public boolean blocksRevisions() { return revision; } public boolean blocksVersions() { return version; } public TimeWindow window() { return window; } @Override public String toString() { return "change blocker revision=" + revision + " version=" + version + " window=" + window; } } }