package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; /** * @author bratseth */ public class DeploymentSpecXmlReader { private static final String testTag = "test"; private static final String stagingTag = "staging"; private static final String blockChangeTag = "block-change"; private static final String prodTag = "prod"; private final boolean validate; /** Creates a validating reader */ public DeploymentSpecXmlReader() { this(true); } /** * Creates a reader * * @param validate true to validate the input, false to accept any input which can be unabiguously parsed */ public DeploymentSpecXmlReader(boolean validate) { this.validate = validate; } public DeploymentSpec read(Reader reader) { try { return read(IOUtils.readAll(reader)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read deployment spec", e); } } /** Reads a deployment spec from XML */ public DeploymentSpec read(String xmlForm) { List steps = new ArrayList<>(); Optional globalServiceId = Optional.empty(); Element root = XML.getDocument(xmlForm).getDocumentElement(); if (validate) validateTagOrder(root); for (Element environmentTag : XML.getChildren(root)) { if ( ! isEnvironmentName(environmentTag.getTagName())) continue; Environment environment = Environment.from(environmentTag.getTagName()); if (environment == { for (Element stepTag : XML.getChildren(environmentTag)) { if (stepTag.getTagName().equals("delay")) { steps.add(new Delay(Duration.ofSeconds(longAttribute("hours", stepTag) * 60 * 60 + longAttribute("minutes", stepTag) * 60 + longAttribute("seconds", stepTag)))); } else if (stepTag.getTagName().equals("parallel")) { List zones = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element regionTag : XML.getChildren(stepTag)) { zones.add(readDeclaredZone(environment, regionTag)); } steps.add(new ParallelZones(zones)); } else { // a region: deploy step steps.add(readDeclaredZone(environment, stepTag)); } } } else { steps.add(new DeclaredZone(environment)); } if (environment == globalServiceId = readGlobalServiceId(environmentTag); else if (readGlobalServiceId(environmentTag).isPresent()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute 'global-service-id' is only valid on 'prod' tag."); } return new DeploymentSpec(globalServiceId, readUpgradePolicy(root), readChangeBlockers(root), steps, xmlForm); } /** Imposes some constraints on tag order which are not expressible in the schema */ private void validateTagOrder(Element root) { List tags = XML.getChildren(root).stream().map(Element::getTagName).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { if (tags.get(i).equals(blockChangeTag)) { String constraint = " must be placed after and and before "; if (containsAfter(i, testTag, tags)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(constraint); if (containsAfter(i, stagingTag, tags)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(constraint); if (containsBefore(i, prodTag, tags)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(constraint); } } } private boolean containsAfter(int i, String item, List items) { return items.subList(i+1, items.size()).contains(item); } private boolean containsBefore(int i, String item, List items) { return items.subList(0, i).contains(item); } /** Returns the given attribute as an integer, or 0 if it is not present */ private long longAttribute(String attributeName, Element tag) { String value = tag.getAttribute(attributeName); if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) return 0; try { return Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected an integer for attribute '" + attributeName + "' but got '" + value + "'"); } } private boolean isEnvironmentName(String tagName) { return tagName.equals(testTag) || tagName.equals(stagingTag) || tagName.equals(prodTag); } private DeclaredZone readDeclaredZone(Environment environment, Element regionTag) { return new DeclaredZone(environment, Optional.of(RegionName.from(XML.getValue(regionTag).trim())), readActive(regionTag)); } private Optional readGlobalServiceId(Element environmentTag) { String globalServiceId = environmentTag.getAttribute("global-service-id"); if (globalServiceId == null || globalServiceId.isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return Optional.of(globalServiceId); } } private List readChangeBlockers(Element root) { List changeBlockers = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element tag : XML.getChildren(root)) { // TODO: Remove block-upgrade on Vespa 7 if ( ! blockChangeTag.equals(tag.getTagName()) && !"block-upgrade".equals(tag.getTagName())) continue; boolean blockVersions = tag.getTagName().equals("block-upgrade") || // TODO: Remove condition on Vespa 7 trueOrMissing(tag.getAttribute("version")); boolean blockRevisions = trueOrMissing(tag.getAttribute("revision")) && !tag.getTagName().equals("block-upgrade"); // TODO: Remove condition on Vespa 7 String daySpec = tag.getAttribute("days"); String hourSpec = tag.getAttribute("hours"); String zoneSpec = tag.getAttribute("time-zone"); if (zoneSpec.isEmpty()) { // Default to UTC time zone zoneSpec = "UTC"; } changeBlockers.add(new DeploymentSpec.ChangeBlocker(blockRevisions, blockVersions, TimeWindow.from(daySpec, hourSpec, zoneSpec))); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(changeBlockers); } /** Returns true if the given value is "true", or if it is missing */ private boolean trueOrMissing(String value) { return value == null || value.isEmpty() || value.equals("true"); } private DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy readUpgradePolicy(Element root) { Element upgradeElement = XML.getChild(root, "upgrade"); if (upgradeElement == null) return DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy.defaultPolicy; String policy = upgradeElement.getAttribute("policy"); switch (policy) { case "canary" : return DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy.canary; case "default" : return DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy.defaultPolicy; case "conservative" : return DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy.conservative; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal upgrade policy '" + policy + "': " + "Must be one of " + Arrays.toString(DeploymentSpec.UpgradePolicy.values())); } } private boolean readActive(Element regionTag) { String activeValue = regionTag.getAttribute("active"); if ("true".equals(activeValue)) return true; if ("false".equals(activeValue)) return false; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Region tags must have an 'active' attribute set to 'true' or 'false' " + "to control whether the region should receive production traffic"); } }