// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.model.provision; import com.yahoo.collections.ListMap; import com.yahoo.collections.Pair; import com.yahoo.config.model.api.HostProvisioner; import com.yahoo.config.model.api.Provisioned; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterResources; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec; import com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ProvisionLogger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.IntStream; /** * In memory host provisioner for testing only. * NB! ATM cannot be reused after allocate has been called. * * @author hmusum * @author bratseth */ public class InMemoryProvisioner implements HostProvisioner { public static final NodeResources defaultResources = new NodeResources(1, 3, 10, 1); /** * If this is true an exception is thrown when all nodes are used. * If false this will simply return nodes best effort, preferring to satisfy the * number of groups requested when possible. */ private final boolean failOnOutOfCapacity; /** Hosts which should be returned as retired */ private final Set retiredHostNames; /** If false, nodes returned will have the resources of the host, if true node resources will be as requested */ private final boolean sharedHosts; /** Free hosts of each resource size */ private final ListMap freeNodes = new ListMap<>(); private final Map> allocations = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** Indexes must be unique across all groups in a cluster */ private final Map, Integer> nextIndexInCluster = new HashMap<>(); /** Use this index as start index for all clusters */ private final int startIndexForClusters; private final boolean useMaxResources; private Provisioned provisioned = new Provisioned(); /** Creates this with a number of nodes with resources 1, 3, 9, 1 */ public InMemoryProvisioner(int nodeCount, boolean sharedHosts) { this(nodeCount, defaultResources, sharedHosts); } /** Creates this with a number of nodes with given resources */ public InMemoryProvisioner(int nodeCount, NodeResources resources, boolean sharedHosts) { this(Map.of(resources, createHostInstances(nodeCount)), true, false, sharedHosts, 0); } /** Creates this with a set of host names of the flavor 'default' */ public InMemoryProvisioner(boolean failOnOutOfCapacity, boolean sharedHosts, String... hosts) { this(Map.of(defaultResources, toHostInstances(hosts)), failOnOutOfCapacity, false, sharedHosts, 0); } /** Creates this with a set of host names of the flavor 'default' */ public InMemoryProvisioner(boolean failOnOutOfCapacity, boolean sharedHosts, List hosts) { this(Map.of(defaultResources, toHostInstances(hosts.toArray(new String[0]))), failOnOutOfCapacity, false, sharedHosts, 0); } /** Creates this with a set of hosts of the flavor 'default' */ public InMemoryProvisioner(Hosts hosts, boolean failOnOutOfCapacity, boolean sharedHosts, String ... retiredHostNames) { this(Map.of(defaultResources, hosts.asCollection()), failOnOutOfCapacity, false, sharedHosts, 0, retiredHostNames); } /** Creates this with a set of hosts of the flavor 'default' */ public InMemoryProvisioner(Hosts hosts, boolean failOnOutOfCapacity, boolean sharedHosts, int startIndexForClusters, String ... retiredHostNames) { this(Map.of(defaultResources, hosts.asCollection()), failOnOutOfCapacity, false, sharedHosts, startIndexForClusters, retiredHostNames); } public InMemoryProvisioner(Map> hosts, boolean failOnOutOfCapacity, boolean useMaxResources, boolean sharedHosts, int startIndexForClusters, String ... retiredHostNames) { this.failOnOutOfCapacity = failOnOutOfCapacity; this.useMaxResources = useMaxResources; for (Map.Entry> hostsWithResources : hosts.entrySet()) for (Host host : hostsWithResources.getValue()) freeNodes.put(hostsWithResources.getKey(), host); this.sharedHosts = sharedHosts; this.startIndexForClusters = startIndexForClusters; this.retiredHostNames = Set.of(retiredHostNames); } private static Collection toHostInstances(String[] hostnames) { return Arrays.stream(hostnames).map(Host::new).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static Collection createHostInstances(int hostCount) { return IntStream.range(1, hostCount + 1).mapToObj(i -> new Host("host" + i)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** Returns the current allocations of this as a mutable map */ public Map> allocations() { return allocations; } @Override public HostSpec allocateHost(String alias) { List defaultHosts = freeNodes.get(defaultResources); if (defaultHosts.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No more hosts with default resources available"); Host newHost = freeNodes.removeValue(defaultResources, 0); return new HostSpec(newHost.hostname(), List.of(alias), Optional.empty()); } @Override public List prepare(ClusterSpec cluster, Capacity requested, ProvisionLogger logger) { provisioned.add(cluster.id(), requested); if (useMaxResources) return prepare(cluster, requested.maxResources(), requested.isRequired(), requested.canFail()); else return prepare(cluster, requested.minResources(), requested.isRequired(), requested.canFail()); } public List prepare(ClusterSpec cluster, ClusterResources requested, boolean required, boolean canFail) { if (cluster.group().isPresent() && requested.groups() > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot both be specifying a group and ask for groups to be created"); int capacity = failOnOutOfCapacity || required ? requested.nodes() : Math.min(requested.nodes(), freeNodes.get(defaultResources).size() + totalAllocatedTo(cluster)); int groups = requested.groups() > capacity ? capacity : requested.groups(); List allocation = new ArrayList<>(); if (groups == 1) { allocation.addAll(allocateHostGroup(cluster.with(Optional.of(ClusterSpec.Group.from(0))), requested.nodeResources(), capacity, startIndexForClusters, canFail)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < groups; i++) { allocation.addAll(allocateHostGroup(cluster.with(Optional.of(ClusterSpec.Group.from(i))), requested.nodeResources(), capacity / groups, allocation.size(), canFail)); } } for (ListIterator i = allocation.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { HostSpec host = i.next(); if (retiredHostNames.contains(host.hostname())) i.set(retire(host)); } return allocation; } /** Create a new provisioned instance to record provision requests to this and returns it */ public Provisioned startProvisionedRecording() { provisioned = new Provisioned(); return provisioned; } private HostSpec retire(HostSpec host) { return new HostSpec(host.hostname(), host.realResources(), host.advertisedResources(), host.requestedResources().orElse(NodeResources.unspecified()), host.membership().get().retire(), host.version(), Optional.empty(), host.dockerImageRepo()); } private List allocateHostGroup(ClusterSpec clusterGroup, NodeResources requestedResources, int nodesInGroup, int startIndex, boolean canFail) { List allocation = allocations.getOrDefault(clusterGroup, new ArrayList<>()); allocations.put(clusterGroup, allocation); // Check if the current allocations are compatible with the new request for (int i = allocation.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { NodeResources currentResources = allocation.get(0).advertisedResources(); if (currentResources.isUnspecified() || requestedResources.isUnspecified()) continue; if ( ! currentResources.compatibleWith(requestedResources)) { HostSpec removed = allocation.remove(i); freeNodes.put(currentResources, new Host(removed.hostname())); // Return the node back to free pool } } int nextIndex = nextIndexInCluster.getOrDefault(new Pair<>(clusterGroup.type(), clusterGroup.id()), startIndex); while (nonRetiredIn(allocation).size() < nodesInGroup) { // Find the smallest host that can fit the requested resources Optional hostResources = freeNodes.keySet().stream() .sorted(new MemoryDiskCpu()) .filter(resources -> requestedResources.isUnspecified() || resources.satisfies(requestedResources)) .findFirst(); if (hostResources.isEmpty()) { if (canFail) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Insufficient capacity for " + requestedResources); else break; // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ } Host newHost = freeNodes.removeValue(hostResources.get(), 0); if (freeNodes.get(hostResources.get()).isEmpty()) freeNodes.removeAll(hostResources.get()); ClusterMembership membership = ClusterMembership.from(clusterGroup, nextIndex++); NodeResources resources = sharedHosts ? requestedResources : hostResources.get(); allocation.add(new HostSpec(newHost.hostname(), resources, resources, requestedResources, membership, newHost.version(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty())); } nextIndexInCluster.put(new Pair<>(clusterGroup.type(), clusterGroup.id()), nextIndex); while (nonRetiredIn(allocation).size() > nodesInGroup) allocation.remove(0); return allocation; } private List nonRetiredIn(List hosts) { return hosts.stream().filter(host -> ! retiredHostNames.contains(host.hostname())).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private int totalAllocatedTo(ClusterSpec cluster) { int count = 0; for (Map.Entry> allocation : allocations.entrySet()) { if ( ! allocation.getKey().type().equals(cluster.type())) continue; if ( ! allocation.getKey().id().equals(cluster.id())) continue; count += allocation.getValue().size(); } return count; } private static class MemoryDiskCpu implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(NodeResources a, NodeResources b) { if (a.memoryGb() > b.memoryGb()) return 1; if (a.memoryGb() < b.memoryGb()) return -1; if (a.diskGb() > b.diskGb()) return 1; if (a.diskGb() < b.diskGb()) return -1; if (a.vcpu() > b.vcpu()) return 1; if (a.vcpu() < b.vcpu()) return -1; return 0; } } }