// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema.derived; import com.yahoo.config.ConfigInstance; import com.yahoo.config.model.deploy.DeployState; import com.yahoo.document.config.DocumenttypesConfig; import com.yahoo.document.config.DocumentmanagerConfig; import com.yahoo.io.IOUtils; import com.yahoo.protect.Validator; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.QueryProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.schema.RankProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.schema.Schema; import com.yahoo.schema.derived.validation.Validation; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.search.AttributesConfig; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.search.core.RankingConstantsConfig; import com.yahoo.vespa.model.container.search.QueryProfiles; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; /** * A set of all derived configuration of a schema. Use this as a facade to individual configurations when * necessary. * * @author bratseth */ public class DerivedConfiguration implements AttributesConfig.Producer { private final Schema schema; private Summaries summaries; private Juniperrc juniperrc; private AttributeFields attributeFields; private RankProfileList rankProfileList; private IndexingScript indexingScript; private IndexInfo indexInfo; private SchemaInfo schemaInfo; private VsmFields streamingFields; private VsmSummary streamingSummary; private IndexSchema indexSchema; private ImportedFields importedFields; private final QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles; private final long maxUncommittedMemory; /** * Creates a complete derived configuration from a search definition. * Only used in tests. * * @param schema the search to derive a configuration from. Derived objects will be snapshots, but this argument is * live. Which means that this object will be inconsistent when the given search definition is later * modified. * @param rankProfileRegistry a {@link com.yahoo.schema.RankProfileRegistry} */ public DerivedConfiguration(Schema schema, RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry) { this(schema, rankProfileRegistry, new QueryProfileRegistry()); } DerivedConfiguration(Schema schema, RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry, QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles) { this(schema, new DeployState.Builder().rankProfileRegistry(rankProfileRegistry).queryProfiles(queryProfiles).build(), false); } /** * Creates a complete derived configuration snapshot from a schema. * * @param schema the schema to derive a configuration from. Derived objects will be snapshots, but this * argument is live. Which means that this object will be inconsistent if the given * schema is later modified. */ public DerivedConfiguration(Schema schema, DeployState deployState, boolean isStreaming) { try { Validator.ensureNotNull("Schema", schema); this.schema = schema; this.queryProfiles = deployState.getQueryProfiles().getRegistry(); this.maxUncommittedMemory = deployState.getProperties().featureFlags().maxUnCommittedMemory(); if (!schema.isDocumentsOnly()) { streamingFields = new VsmFields(schema); streamingSummary = new VsmSummary(schema); } if (!schema.isDocumentsOnly()) { attributeFields = new AttributeFields(schema); summaries = new Summaries(schema, deployState.getDeployLogger(), deployState.getProperties().featureFlags()); juniperrc = new Juniperrc(schema); rankProfileList = new RankProfileList(schema, schema.rankExpressionFiles(), attributeFields, deployState); indexingScript = new IndexingScript(schema); indexInfo = new IndexInfo(schema, isStreaming); schemaInfo = new SchemaInfo(schema, deployState.rankProfileRegistry(), summaries); indexSchema = new IndexSchema(schema); importedFields = new ImportedFields(schema); } Validation.validate(this, schema); } catch (IllegalArgumentException|IllegalStateException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid " + schema, e); } } /** * Exports a complete set of configuration-server format config files. * * @param toDirectory the directory to export to, current dir if null * @throws IOException if exporting fails, some files may still be created */ public void export(String toDirectory) throws IOException { if (!schema.isDocumentsOnly()) { summaries.export(toDirectory); juniperrc.export(toDirectory); attributeFields.export(toDirectory); streamingFields.export(toDirectory); streamingSummary.export(toDirectory); indexSchema.export(toDirectory); rankProfileList.export(toDirectory); indexingScript.export(toDirectory); indexInfo.export(toDirectory); importedFields.export(toDirectory); schemaInfo.export(toDirectory); } } public static void exportDocuments(DocumentmanagerConfig.Builder documentManagerCfg, String toDirectory) throws IOException { exportCfg(new DocumentmanagerConfig(documentManagerCfg), toDirectory + "/" + "documentmanager.cfg"); } public static void exportDocuments(DocumenttypesConfig.Builder documentTypesCfg, String toDirectory) throws IOException { exportCfg(new DocumenttypesConfig(documentTypesCfg), toDirectory + "/" + "documenttypes.cfg"); } public static void exportQueryProfiles(QueryProfileRegistry queryProfileRegistry, String toDirectory) throws IOException { exportCfg(new QueryProfiles(queryProfileRegistry, (level, message) -> {}).getConfig(), toDirectory + "/" + "query-profiles.cfg"); } public void exportConstants(String toDirectory) throws IOException { RankingConstantsConfig.Builder b = new RankingConstantsConfig.Builder(); rankProfileList.getConfig(b); exportCfg(b.build(), toDirectory + "/" + "ranking-constants.cfg"); } private static void exportCfg(ConfigInstance instance, String fileName) throws IOException { Writer writer = null; try { writer = IOUtils.createWriter(fileName, false); writer.write(instance.toString()); writer.write("\n"); } finally { if (writer != null) { IOUtils.closeWriter(writer); } } } public Summaries getSummaries() { return summaries; } public AttributeFields getAttributeFields() { return attributeFields; } @Override public void getConfig(AttributesConfig.Builder builder) { getConfig(builder, AttributeFields.FieldSet.ALL); } public void getConfig(AttributesConfig.Builder builder, AttributeFields.FieldSet fs) { attributeFields.getConfig(builder, fs, maxUncommittedMemory); } public IndexingScript getIndexingScript() { return indexingScript; } public IndexInfo getIndexInfo() { return indexInfo; } public SchemaInfo getSchemaInfo() { return schemaInfo; } public void setIndexingScript(IndexingScript script) { this.indexingScript = script; } public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } public RankProfileList getRankProfileList() { return rankProfileList; } public VsmSummary getVsmSummary() { return streamingSummary; } public VsmFields getVsmFields() { return streamingFields; } public IndexSchema getIndexSchema() { return indexSchema; } public Juniperrc getJuniperrc() { return juniperrc; } public ImportedFields getImportedFields() { return importedFields; } public QueryProfileRegistry getQueryProfiles() { return queryProfiles; } }