// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema.derived; import com.yahoo.document.ArrayDataType; import com.yahoo.document.DataType; import com.yahoo.document.Field; import com.yahoo.document.StructuredDataType; import com.yahoo.document.TensorDataType; import com.yahoo.document.WeightedSetDataType; import com.yahoo.schema.Schema; import com.yahoo.schema.document.FieldSet; import com.yahoo.schema.document.ImmutableSDField; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.search.IndexschemaConfig; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Deriver of indexschema config containing information of all text index fields with name and data type. * * @author geirst */ public class IndexSchema extends Derived { private final List fields = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map collections = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map fieldSets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public IndexSchema(Schema schema) { fieldSets.putAll(schema.fieldSets().userFieldSets()); derive(schema); } public boolean containsField(String fieldName) { return fields.stream().anyMatch(field -> field.getName().equals(fieldName)); } @Override protected void derive(Schema schema) { super.derive(schema); } private boolean isTensorField(ImmutableSDField field) { return field.getDataType() instanceof TensorDataType; } private void deriveIndexFields(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema) { // Note: Indexes for tensor fields are NOT part of the index schema for text fields. if ((!field.doesIndexing() && !field.isIndexStructureField()) || isTensorField(field)) { return; } List lst = flattenField(field.asField()); if (lst.isEmpty()) { return; } String fieldName = field.getName(); for (Field flatField : lst) { deriveIndexFields(flatField, schema); } if (lst.size() > 1) { FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet(fieldName); for (Field flatField : lst) { fieldSet.addFieldName(flatField.getName()); } fieldSets.put(fieldName, fieldSet); } } private void deriveIndexFields(Field field, Schema schema) { IndexField toAdd = new IndexField(field.getName(), Index.convertType(field.getDataType()), field.getDataType()); com.yahoo.schema.Index definedIndex = schema.getIndex(field.getName()); if (definedIndex != null) { toAdd.setIndexSettings(definedIndex); } fields.add(toAdd); addFieldToCollection(field.getName(), field.getName()); // implicit } private FieldCollection getCollection(String collectionName) { FieldCollection retval = collections.get(collectionName); if (retval == null) { collections.put(collectionName, new FieldCollection(collectionName)); return collections.get(collectionName); } return retval; } private void addFieldToCollection(String fieldName, String collectionName) { FieldCollection collection = getCollection(collectionName); collection.fields.add(fieldName); } @Override protected void derive(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema) { if (field.usesStructOrMap()) { return; // unsupported } deriveIndexFields(field, schema); } @Override protected String getDerivedName() { return "indexschema"; } private static IndexschemaConfig.Indexfield.Builder createIndexFieldConfig(IndexField f) { var ifB = new IndexschemaConfig.Indexfield.Builder() .name(f.getName()) .datatype(IndexschemaConfig.Indexfield.Datatype.Enum.valueOf(f.getType())) .prefix(f.hasPrefix()) .phrases(false) .positions(true) .interleavedfeatures(f.useInterleavedFeatures()); if (!f.getCollectionType().equals("SINGLE")) { ifB.collectiontype(IndexschemaConfig.Indexfield.Collectiontype.Enum.valueOf(f.getCollectionType())); } return ifB; } private static IndexschemaConfig.Fieldset.Builder createFieldSetConfig(FieldSet fieldSet) { var fsB = new IndexschemaConfig.Fieldset.Builder().name(fieldSet.getName()); for (String f : fieldSet.getFieldNames()) { fsB.field(new IndexschemaConfig.Fieldset.Field.Builder().name(f)); } return fsB; } public void getConfig(IndexschemaConfig.Builder icB) { // Replace icB.indexfield(fields.stream().map(IndexSchema::createIndexFieldConfig).toList()); icB.fieldset(fieldSets.values().stream().map(IndexSchema::createFieldSetConfig).toList()); } public void export(String toDirectory) throws IOException { var builder = new IndexschemaConfig.Builder(); getConfig(builder); export(toDirectory, builder.build()); } static List flattenField(Field field) { DataType fieldType = field.getDataType(); if (fieldType.getPrimitiveType() != null){ return Collections.singletonList(field); } if (fieldType instanceof ArrayDataType) { List ret = new LinkedList<>(); Field innerField = new Field(field.getName(), ((ArrayDataType)fieldType).getNestedType()); for (Field flatField : flattenField(innerField)) { ret.add(new Field(flatField.getName(), DataType.getArray(flatField.getDataType()))); } return ret; } if (fieldType instanceof StructuredDataType) { List ret = new LinkedList<>(); String fieldName = field.getName(); for (Field childField : ((StructuredDataType)fieldType).getFields()) { for (Field flatField : flattenField(childField)) { ret.add(new Field(fieldName + "." + flatField.getName(), flatField)); } } return ret; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(fieldType.getName()); } public List getFields() { return fields; } /** * Representation of an index field with name and data type. */ public static class IndexField { private final String name; private final Index.Type type; private final DataType sdFieldType; private boolean prefix = false; // Whether the posting lists of this index field should have interleaved features (num occs, field length) in document id stream. private boolean interleavedFeatures = false; public IndexField(String name, Index.Type type, DataType sdFieldType) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.sdFieldType = sdFieldType; } public void setIndexSettings(com.yahoo.schema.Index index) { if (type.equals(Index.Type.TEXT)) { prefix = index.isPrefix(); interleavedFeatures = index.useInterleavedFeatures(); } } public String getName() { return name; } public String getType() { return type.equals(Index.Type.INT64) ? "INT64" : "STRING"; } public String getCollectionType() { return (sdFieldType == null) ? "SINGLE" : (sdFieldType instanceof WeightedSetDataType) ? "WEIGHTEDSET" : (sdFieldType instanceof ArrayDataType) ? "ARRAY" : "SINGLE"; } public boolean hasPrefix() { return prefix; } public boolean useInterleavedFeatures() { return interleavedFeatures; } } /** * Representation of a collection of fields (aka index, physical view). */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration" }) private static class FieldCollection { private final String name; private final List fields = new ArrayList<>(); FieldCollection(String name) { this.name = name; } } }