// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema.expressiontransforms; import com.yahoo.schema.FeatureNames; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.RankingExpression; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.Reference; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.parser.ParseException; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.CompositeNode; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.ConstantNode; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.ExpressionNode; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.ReferenceNode; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.TensorFunctionNode; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.transform.ExpressionTransformer; import com.yahoo.tensor.functions.Generate; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Analyzes expression to figure out what inputs it needs * * @author arnej */ public class InputRecorder extends ExpressionTransformer { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InputRecorder.class.getName()); private final Set neededInputs; private final Set handled = new HashSet<>(); public InputRecorder(Set target) { this.neededInputs = target; } public void process(RankingExpression expression, RankProfileTransformContext context) { transform(expression.getRoot(), new InputRecorderContext(context)); } @Override public ExpressionNode transform(ExpressionNode node, InputRecorderContext context) { if (node instanceof ReferenceNode r) { handle(r, context); return node; } if (node instanceof TensorFunctionNode t) { var f = t.function(); if (f instanceof Generate) { var childContext = new InputRecorderContext(context); var tt = f.type(context.types()); // expects only indexed dimensions, should we check? for (var dim : tt.dimensions()) { childContext.localVariables().add(dim.name()); } return transformChildren(t, childContext); } node = t.withTransformedExpressions(expr -> transform(expr, context)); } if (node instanceof CompositeNode c) return transformChildren(c, context); if (node instanceof ConstantNode) { return node; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle node type: "+ node + " [" + node.getClass() + "]"); } private void handle(ReferenceNode feature, InputRecorderContext context) { Reference ref = feature.reference(); String name = ref.name(); var args = ref.arguments(); boolean simpleFunctionOrIdentifier = (args.size() == 0) && (ref.output() == null); if (simpleFunctionOrIdentifier && context.localVariables().contains(name)) { return; } if (ref.isSimpleRankingExpressionWrapper()) { name = ref.simpleArgument().get(); simpleFunctionOrIdentifier = true; } if (simpleFunctionOrIdentifier) { if (handled.contains(name)) { return; } var f = context.rankProfile().getFunctions().get(name); if (f != null && f.function().arguments().size() == 0) { transform(f.function().getBody().getRoot(), context); handled.add(name); return; } neededInputs.add(feature.toString()); return; } if (FeatureNames.isSimpleFeature(ref)) { if (FeatureNames.isAttributeFeature(ref)) { neededInputs.add(feature.toString()); return; } if (FeatureNames.isQueryFeature(ref)) { // get rid of this later, we should be able // to get it from the query neededInputs.add(feature.toString()); return; } if (FeatureNames.isConstantFeature(ref)) { var allConstants = context.rankProfile().constants(); if (allConstants.containsKey(ref)) { // assumes we have the constant available during evaluation without any more wiring return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown constant: " + feature); } } if ("onnx".equals(name)) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected name of ONNX model as argument: " + feature); } var arg = args.expressions().get(0); var models = context.rankProfile().onnxModels(); var model = models.get(arg.toString()); if (model == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing onnx model: " + arg); } model.getInputMap().forEach((onnxName, onnxInput) -> { if (model.getInitializers().contains(onnxName)) { log.fine(() -> "For input '%s': skipping name '%s' as it's an initializer".formatted(onnxInput, onnxName)); return; } var reader = new StringReader(onnxInput); try { var asExpression = new RankingExpression(reader); transform(asExpression.getRoot(), context); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal onnx input '" + onnxInput + "': " + e.getMessage()); } }); return; } neededInputs.add(feature.toString()); } }