package; import; import; import; import; /** * This class contains utils used when handling summary fields with dynamic transforms during processing and deriving. * * Originally (before Vespa 8.52), dynamic transforms where only supported for string fields. * Due to legacy functionality in the backend docsum framework, * such summary fields are in some cases added as extra document fields and populated in indexing scripts. * This is something we want to avoid in the future, but it might not be entirely possible before Vespa 9. * * With the introduction of dynamic transform for array of string fields, * we move in the right direction and avoid adding extra document fields with indexing script population for this type. * Instead, we configure the dynamic transform in the backend to use the original source field directly. * * See SummaryTransform.isDynamic() for which transforms this applies to. */ public class DynamicSummaryTransformUtils { public static boolean hasSupportedType(SummaryField field) { return isSupportedType(field.getDataType()); } public static boolean isSupportedType(DataType type) { return isOriginalSupportedType(type) || isNewSupportedType(type); } private static boolean isOriginalSupportedType(DataType type) { return (type == DataType.STRING) || (type == DataType.URI); } private static boolean isNewSupportedType(DataType type) { return (type.equals(DataType.getArray(DataType.STRING))); } /** * Whether a summary field must be populated by the source field with the given type in an indexing script. */ public static boolean summaryFieldIsPopulatedBySourceField(DataType sourceFieldType) { return isOriginalSupportedType(sourceFieldType); } /** * Whether a summary field is required as an extra field in the document type. */ public static boolean summaryFieldIsRequiredInDocumentType(SummaryField summaryField) { return summaryFieldIsPopulatedBySourceField(summaryField.getDataType()); } public static String getSource(SummaryField summaryField, Schema schema) { // Summary fields with the original supported type is always present in the document type. // However, if the source of that summary field is a single explicit source that exists in the schema we // use that as source instead as this is handled by the backend code. // This is a move in the right direction to avoid adding some summary fields as extra document fields. if (isOriginalSupportedType(summaryField.getDataType())) { if (summaryField.hasExplicitSingleSource()) { String sourceFieldName = summaryField.getSingleSource(); ImmutableSDField source = schema.getField(sourceFieldName); if (source != null) { return sourceFieldName; } } return summaryField.getName(); } else { return summaryField.getSingleSource(); } } }