// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.searchdefinition; import com.yahoo.config.application.api.ApplicationPackage; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.QueryProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldDescription; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileType; import com.yahoo.search.query.ranking.Diversity; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.ImmutableSDField; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.expressiontransforms.ExpressionTransforms; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.expressiontransforms.RankProfileTransformContext; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.parser.ParseException; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.ExpressionFunction; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.FeatureList; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.RankingExpression; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.Reference; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.evaluation.TensorValue; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.evaluation.Value; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.integration.ml.importer.ImportedModels; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.ReferenceNode; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.tensor.evaluation.TypeContext; import com.yahoo.vespa.model.VespaModel; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; /** * Represents a rank profile - a named set of ranking settings * * @author bratseth */ public class RankProfile implements Serializable, Cloneable { /** The search definition-unique name of this rank profile */ private final String name; /** The search definition owning this profile, or null if global (owned by a model) */ private final Search search; /** The model owning this profile if it is global, or null if it is owned by a search definition */ private final VespaModel model; /** The name of the rank profile inherited by this */ private String inheritedName = null; /** The match settings of this profile */ protected MatchPhaseSettings matchPhaseSettings = null; /** The rank settings of this profile */ protected Set rankSettings = new java.util.LinkedHashSet<>(); /** The ranking expression to be used for first phase */ private RankingExpression firstPhaseRanking = null; /** The ranking expression to be used for second phase */ private RankingExpression secondPhaseRanking = null; /** Number of hits to be reranked in second phase, -1 means use default */ private int rerankCount = -1; /** Mysterious attribute */ private int keepRankCount = -1; private int numThreadsPerSearch = -1; private int minHitsPerThread = -1; private int numSearchPartitions = -1; private Double termwiseLimit = null; /** The drop limit used to drop hits with rank score less than or equal to this value */ private double rankScoreDropLimit = -Double.MAX_VALUE; private Set summaryFeatures; private Set rankFeatures; /** The properties of this - a multimap */ private Map> rankProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Boolean ignoreDefaultRankFeatures = null; private Map functions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Set filterFields = new HashSet<>(); private final RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry; /** Constants in ranking expressions */ private Map constants = new HashMap<>(); private final TypeSettings attributeTypes = new TypeSettings(); private final TypeSettings queryFeatureTypes = new TypeSettings(); /** * Creates a new rank profile for a particular search definition * * @param name the name of the new profile * @param search the search definition owning this profile * @param rankProfileRegistry the {@link com.yahoo.searchdefinition.RankProfileRegistry} to use for storing * and looking up rank profiles. */ public RankProfile(String name, Search search, RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry) { this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name cannot be null"); this.search = Objects.requireNonNull(search, "search cannot be null"); this.model = null; this.rankProfileRegistry = rankProfileRegistry; } /** * Creates a global rank profile * * @param name the name of the new profile * @param model the model owning this profile */ public RankProfile(String name, VespaModel model, RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry) { this.name = Objects.requireNonNull(name, "name cannot be null"); this.search = null; this.model = Objects.requireNonNull(model, "model cannot be null"); this.rankProfileRegistry = rankProfileRegistry; } public String getName() { return name; } /** Returns the search definition owning this, or null if it is global */ public Search getSearch() { return search; } /** Returns the application this is part of */ public ApplicationPackage applicationPackage() { return search != null ? search.applicationPackage() : model.applicationPackage(); } /** Returns the ranking constants of the owner of this */ public RankingConstants rankingConstants() { return search != null ? search.rankingConstants() : model.rankingConstants(); } private Stream allFields() { return search != null ? search.allFields() : Stream.empty(); } private Stream allImportedFields() { return search != null ? search.allImportedFields() : Stream.empty(); } /** * Sets the name of the rank profile this inherits. Both rank profiles must be present in the same search * definition */ public void setInherited(String inheritedName) { this.inheritedName = inheritedName; } /** Returns the name of the profile this one inherits, or null if none is inherited */ public String getInheritedName() { return inheritedName; } /** Returns the inherited rank profile, or null if there is none */ public RankProfile getInherited() { if (getSearch() == null) return getInheritedFromRegistry(inheritedName); RankProfile inheritedInThisSearch = rankProfileRegistry.get(search, inheritedName); if (inheritedInThisSearch != null) return inheritedInThisSearch; return getInheritedFromRegistry(inheritedName); } private RankProfile getInheritedFromRegistry(String inheritedName) { for (RankProfile r : rankProfileRegistry.all()) { if (r.getName().equals(inheritedName)) { return r; } } return null; } /** * Returns whether this profile inherits (directly or indirectly) the given profile * * @param name the profile name to compare this to. * @return whether or not this inherits from the named profile. */ public boolean inherits(String name) { RankProfile parent = getInherited(); while (parent != null) { if (parent.getName().equals(name)) return true; parent = parent.getInherited(); } return false; } public void setMatchPhaseSettings(MatchPhaseSettings settings) { settings.checkValid(); this.matchPhaseSettings = settings; } public MatchPhaseSettings getMatchPhaseSettings() { MatchPhaseSettings settings = this.matchPhaseSettings; if (settings != null ) return settings; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getMatchPhaseSettings(); return null; } public void addRankSetting(RankSetting rankSetting) { rankSettings.add(rankSetting); } public void addRankSetting(String fieldName, RankSetting.Type type, Object value) { addRankSetting(new RankSetting(fieldName, type, value)); } /** * Returns the a rank setting of a field, or null if there is no such rank setting in this profile * * @param field the field whose settings to return. * @param type the type that the field is required to be. * @return the rank setting found, or null. */ public RankSetting getDeclaredRankSetting(String field, RankSetting.Type type) { for (Iterator i = declaredRankSettingIterator(); i.hasNext();) { RankSetting setting = i.next(); if (setting.getFieldName().equals(field) && setting.getType().equals(type)) { return setting; } } return null; } /** * Returns a rank setting of field or index, or null if there is no such rank setting in this profile or one it * inherits * * @param field the field whose settings to return * @param type the type that the field is required to be * @return the rank setting found, or null */ public RankSetting getRankSetting(String field, RankSetting.Type type) { RankSetting rankSetting = getDeclaredRankSetting(field, type); if (rankSetting != null) return rankSetting; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getRankSetting(field, type); return null; } /** * Returns the rank settings in this rank profile * * @return an iterator for the declared rank setting */ public Iterator declaredRankSettingIterator() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(rankSettings).iterator(); } /** * Returns all settings in this profile or any profile it inherits * * @return an iterator for all rank settings of this */ public Iterator rankSettingIterator() { return rankSettings().iterator(); } /** * Returns a snapshot of the rank settings of this and everything it inherits. * Changes to the returned set will not be reflected in this rank profile. */ public Set rankSettings() { Set allSettings = new LinkedHashSet<>(rankSettings); RankProfile parent = getInherited(); if (parent != null) allSettings.addAll(parent.rankSettings()); return allSettings; } public void addConstant(String name, Value value) { constants.put(name, value.freeze()); } public void addConstantTensor(String name, TensorValue value) { addConstant(name, value); } /** Returns an unmodifiable view of the constants available in this */ public Map getConstants() { if (constants.isEmpty()) return getInherited() != null ? getInherited().getConstants() : Collections.emptyMap(); if (getInherited() == null || getInherited().getConstants().isEmpty()) return Collections.unmodifiableMap(constants); Map combinedConstants = new HashMap<>(getInherited().getConstants()); combinedConstants.putAll(constants); return combinedConstants; } public void addAttributeType(String attributeName, String attributeType) { attributeTypes.addType(attributeName, attributeType); } public Map getAttributeTypes() { return attributeTypes.getTypes(); } public void addQueryFeatureType(String queryFeature, String queryFeatureType) { queryFeatureTypes.addType(queryFeature, queryFeatureType); } public Map getQueryFeatureTypes() { return queryFeatureTypes.getTypes(); } /** * Returns the ranking expression to use by this. This expression must not be edited. * Returns null if no expression is set. */ public RankingExpression getFirstPhaseRanking() { if (firstPhaseRanking != null) return firstPhaseRanking; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getFirstPhaseRanking(); return null; } public void setFirstPhaseRanking(RankingExpression rankingExpression) { this.firstPhaseRanking = rankingExpression; } public void setFirstPhaseRanking(String expression) { try { this.firstPhaseRanking = parseRankingExpression("firstphase", expression); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal first phase ranking function", e); } } /** * Returns the ranking expression to use by this. This expression must not be edited. * Returns null if no expression is set. */ public RankingExpression getSecondPhaseRanking() { if (secondPhaseRanking != null) return secondPhaseRanking; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getSecondPhaseRanking(); return null; } public void setSecondPhaseRanking(RankingExpression rankingExpression) { this.secondPhaseRanking = rankingExpression; } public void setSecondPhaseRanking(String expression) { try { this.secondPhaseRanking = parseRankingExpression("secondphase", expression); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal second phase ranking function", e); } } /** Returns a read-only view of the summary features to use in this profile. This is never null */ public Set getSummaryFeatures() { if (summaryFeatures != null) return Collections.unmodifiableSet(summaryFeatures); if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getSummaryFeatures(); return Collections.emptySet(); } public void addSummaryFeature(ReferenceNode feature) { if (summaryFeatures == null) summaryFeatures = new LinkedHashSet<>(); summaryFeatures.add(feature); } /** * Adds the content of the given feature list to the internal list of summary features. * * @param features The features to add. */ public void addSummaryFeatures(FeatureList features) { for (ReferenceNode feature : features) { addSummaryFeature(feature); } } /** Returns a read-only view of the rank features to use in this profile. This is never null */ public Set getRankFeatures() { if (rankFeatures != null) return Collections.unmodifiableSet(rankFeatures); if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getRankFeatures(); return Collections.emptySet(); } public void addRankFeature(ReferenceNode feature) { if (rankFeatures == null) rankFeatures = new LinkedHashSet<>(); rankFeatures.add(feature); } /** * Adds the content of the given feature list to the internal list of rank features. * * @param features The features to add. */ public void addRankFeatures(FeatureList features) { for (ReferenceNode feature : features) { addRankFeature(feature); } } /** Returns a read only flattened list view of the rank properties to use in this profile. This is never null. */ public List getRankProperties() { List properties = new ArrayList<>(); for (List propertyList : getRankPropertyMap().values()) { properties.addAll(propertyList); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(properties); } /** Returns a read only map view of the rank properties to use in this profile. This is never null. */ public Map> getRankPropertyMap() { if (rankProperties.size() == 0 && getInherited() == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); if (rankProperties.size() == 0) return getInherited().getRankPropertyMap(); if (getInherited() == null) return Collections.unmodifiableMap(rankProperties); // Neither is null Map> combined = new LinkedHashMap<>(getInherited().getRankPropertyMap()); combined.putAll(rankProperties); // Don't combine values across inherited properties return Collections.unmodifiableMap(combined); } public void addRankProperty(String name, String parameter) { addRankProperty(new RankProperty(name, parameter)); } private void addRankProperty(RankProperty rankProperty) { // Just the usual multimap semantics here List properties = rankProperties.get(rankProperty.getName()); if (properties == null) { properties = new ArrayList<>(1); rankProperties.put(rankProperty.getName(), properties); } properties.add(rankProperty); } @Override public String toString() { return "rank profile '" + getName() + "'"; } public int getRerankCount() { return (rerankCount < 0 && (getInherited() != null)) ? getInherited().getRerankCount() : rerankCount; } public int getNumThreadsPerSearch() { return (numThreadsPerSearch < 0 && (getInherited() != null)) ? getInherited().getNumThreadsPerSearch() : numThreadsPerSearch; } public void setNumThreadsPerSearch(int numThreads) { this.numThreadsPerSearch = numThreads; } public int getMinHitsPerThread() { return (minHitsPerThread < 0 && (getInherited() != null)) ? getInherited().getMinHitsPerThread() : minHitsPerThread; } public void setMinHitsPerThread(int minHits) { this.minHitsPerThread = minHits; } public void setNumSearchPartitions(int numSearchPartitions) { this.numSearchPartitions = numSearchPartitions; } public int getNumSearchPartitions() { return (numSearchPartitions < 0 && (getInherited() != null)) ? getInherited().getNumSearchPartitions() : numSearchPartitions; } public double getTermwiseLimit() { return ((termwiseLimit == null) && (getInherited() != null)) ? getInherited().getTermwiseLimit() : (termwiseLimit != null) ? termwiseLimit : 1.0; } public void setTermwiseLimit(double termwiseLimit) { this.termwiseLimit = termwiseLimit; } /** Sets the rerank count. Set to -1 to use inherited */ public void setRerankCount(int rerankCount) { this.rerankCount = rerankCount; } /** Whether we should ignore the default rank features. Set to null to use inherited */ public void setIgnoreDefaultRankFeatures(Boolean ignoreDefaultRankFeatures) { this.ignoreDefaultRankFeatures = ignoreDefaultRankFeatures; } public boolean getIgnoreDefaultRankFeatures() { if (ignoreDefaultRankFeatures != null) return ignoreDefaultRankFeatures; return (getInherited() != null) && getInherited().getIgnoreDefaultRankFeatures(); } /** Adds a function */ public void addFunction(String name, List arguments, String expression, boolean inline) { try { addFunction(new ExpressionFunction(name, arguments, parseRankingExpression(name, expression)), inline); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse function '" + name + "'", e); } } /** Adds a function and returns it */ public RankingExpressionFunction addFunction(ExpressionFunction function, boolean inline) { RankingExpressionFunction rankingExpressionFunction = new RankingExpressionFunction(function, inline); functions.put(function.getName(), rankingExpressionFunction); return rankingExpressionFunction; } /** Returns an unmodifiable snapshot of the functions in this */ public Map getFunctions() { if (functions.isEmpty() && getInherited() == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); if (functions.isEmpty()) return getInherited().getFunctions(); if (getInherited() == null) return Collections.unmodifiableMap(new LinkedHashMap<>(functions)); // Neither is null Map allFunctions = new LinkedHashMap<>(getInherited().getFunctions()); allFunctions.putAll(functions); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(allFunctions); } public int getKeepRankCount() { if (keepRankCount >= 0) return keepRankCount; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getKeepRankCount(); return -1; } public void setKeepRankCount(int rerankArraySize) { this.keepRankCount = rerankArraySize; } public double getRankScoreDropLimit() { if (rankScoreDropLimit >- Double.MAX_VALUE) return rankScoreDropLimit; if (getInherited() != null) return getInherited().getRankScoreDropLimit(); return rankScoreDropLimit; } public void setRankScoreDropLimit(double rankScoreDropLimit) { this.rankScoreDropLimit = rankScoreDropLimit; } public Set filterFields() { return filterFields; } /** * Returns all filter fields in this profile and any profile it inherits. * * @return the set of all filter fields */ public Set allFilterFields() { RankProfile parent = getInherited(); Set retval = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (parent != null) { retval.addAll(parent.allFilterFields()); } retval.addAll(filterFields()); return retval; } private RankingExpression parseRankingExpression(String expressionName, String expression) throws ParseException { if (expression.trim().length() == 0) throw new ParseException("Encountered an empty ranking expression in " + getName()+ ", " + expressionName + "."); try (Reader rankingExpressionReader = openRankingExpressionReader(expressionName, expression.trim())) { return new RankingExpression(expressionName, rankingExpressionReader); } catch (com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.parser.ParseException e) { ParseException exception = new ParseException("Could not parse ranking expression '" + expression.trim() + "' in " + getName()+ ", " + expressionName + "."); throw (ParseException)exception.initCause(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException parsing ranking expression '" + expressionName + "'"); } } private Reader openRankingExpressionReader(String expName, String expression) { if ( ! expression.startsWith("file:")) return new StringReader(expression); String fileName = expression.substring("file:".length()).trim(); if ( ! fileName.endsWith(ApplicationPackage.RANKEXPRESSION_NAME_SUFFIX)) fileName = fileName + ApplicationPackage.RANKEXPRESSION_NAME_SUFFIX; File file = new File(fileName); if ( ! (file.isAbsolute()) && file.getPath().contains("/")) // See ticket 4102122 throw new IllegalArgumentException("In " + getName() +", " + expName + ", ranking references file '" + file + "' in subdirectory, which is not supported."); return search.getRankingExpression(fileName); } /** Shallow clones this */ @Override public RankProfile clone() { try { RankProfile clone = (RankProfile)super.clone(); clone.rankSettings = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.rankSettings); clone.matchPhaseSettings = this.matchPhaseSettings; // hmm? clone.summaryFeatures = summaryFeatures != null ? new LinkedHashSet<>(this.summaryFeatures) : null; clone.rankFeatures = rankFeatures != null ? new LinkedHashSet<>(this.rankFeatures) : null; clone.rankProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.rankProperties); clone.functions = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.functions); clone.filterFields = new HashSet<>(this.filterFields); clone.constants = new HashMap<>(this.constants); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Won't happen", e); } } /** * Returns a copy of this where the content is optimized for execution. * Compiled profiles should never be modified. */ public RankProfile compile(QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, ImportedModels importedModels) { try { RankProfile compiled = this.clone(); compiled.compileThis(queryProfiles, importedModels); return compiled; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rank profile '" + getName() + "' is invalid", e); } } private void compileThis(QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, ImportedModels importedModels) { checkNameCollisions(getFunctions(), getConstants()); ExpressionTransforms expressionTransforms = new ExpressionTransforms(); // Function compiling first pass: compile inline functions without resolving other functions Map inlineFunctions = compileFunctions(this::getInlineFunctions, queryProfiles, importedModels, Collections.emptyMap(), expressionTransforms); // Function compiling second pass: compile all functions and insert previously compiled inline functions functions = compileFunctions(this::getFunctions, queryProfiles, importedModels, inlineFunctions, expressionTransforms); firstPhaseRanking = compile(this.getFirstPhaseRanking(), queryProfiles, importedModels, getConstants(), inlineFunctions, expressionTransforms); secondPhaseRanking = compile(this.getSecondPhaseRanking(), queryProfiles, importedModels, getConstants(), inlineFunctions, expressionTransforms); } private void checkNameCollisions(Map functions, Map constants) { for (Map.Entry functionEntry : functions.entrySet()) { if (constants.get(functionEntry.getKey()) != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have both a constant and function named '" + functionEntry.getKey() + "'"); } } private Map getInlineFunctions() { return getFunctions().entrySet().stream().filter(x -> x.getValue().inline()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); } private Map compileFunctions(Supplier> functions, QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, ImportedModels importedModels, Map inlineFunctions, ExpressionTransforms expressionTransforms) { Map compiledFunctions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map.Entry entry; // Compile all functions. Why iterate in such a complicated way? // Because some functions (imported models adding generated macros) may add other functions during compiling. // A straightforward iteration will either miss those functions, or may cause a ConcurrentModificationException while (null != (entry = findUncompiledFunction(functions.get(), compiledFunctions.keySet()))) { RankingExpressionFunction rankingExpressionFunction = entry.getValue(); RankingExpression compiled = compile(rankingExpressionFunction.function().getBody(), queryProfiles, importedModels, getConstants(), inlineFunctions, expressionTransforms); compiledFunctions.put(entry.getKey(), rankingExpressionFunction.withExpression(compiled)); } return compiledFunctions; } private Map.Entry findUncompiledFunction(Map functions, Set compiledFunctionNames) { for (Map.Entry entry : functions.entrySet()) { if ( ! compiledFunctionNames.contains(entry.getKey())) return entry; } return null; } private RankingExpression compile(RankingExpression expression, QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, ImportedModels importedModels, Map constants, Map inlineFunctions, ExpressionTransforms expressionTransforms) { if (expression == null) return null; RankProfileTransformContext context = new RankProfileTransformContext(this, queryProfiles, importedModels, constants, inlineFunctions); expression = expressionTransforms.transform(expression, context); for (Map.Entry rankProperty : context.rankProperties().entrySet()) { addRankProperty(rankProperty.getKey(), rankProperty.getValue()); } return expression; } /** * Creates a context containing the type information of all constants, attributes and query profiles * referable from this rank profile. */ public TypeContext typeContext(QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles) { MapEvaluationTypeContext context = new MapEvaluationTypeContext(getFunctions().values().stream() .map(RankingExpressionFunction::function) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // Add small and large constants, respectively getConstants().forEach((k, v) -> context.setType(FeatureNames.asConstantFeature(k), v.type())); rankingConstants().asMap().forEach((k, v) -> context.setType(FeatureNames.asConstantFeature(k), v.getTensorType())); // Add attributes allFields().forEach(field -> addAttributeFeatureTypes(field, context)); allImportedFields().forEach(field -> addAttributeFeatureTypes(field, context)); // Add query features from rank profile types reached from the "default" profile for (QueryProfileType queryProfileType : queryProfiles.getTypeRegistry().allComponents()) { for (FieldDescription field : queryProfileType.declaredFields().values()) { TensorType type = field.getType().asTensorType(); Optional feature = Reference.simple(field.getName()); if ( ! feature.isPresent() || ! feature.get().name().equals("query")) continue; TensorType existingType = context.getType(feature.get()); if ( ! Objects.equals(existingType, context.defaultTypeOf(feature.get()))) type = existingType.dimensionwiseGeneralizationWith(type).orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalArgumentException(queryProfileType + " contains query feature " + feature.get() + " with type " + field.getType().asTensorType() + ", but this is already defined " + "in another query profile with type " + context.getType(feature.get()))); context.setType(feature.get(), type); } } return context; } private void addAttributeFeatureTypes(ImmutableSDField field, MapEvaluationTypeContext context) { field.getAttributes().forEach((k, a) -> { String name = k; if (k.equals(field.getBackingField().getName())) // this attribute should take the fields name name = field.getName(); // switch to that - it is separate for imported fields context.setType(FeatureNames.asAttributeFeature(name), a.tensorType().orElse(TensorType.empty)); }); } /** * A rank setting. The identity of a rank setting is its field name and type (not value). * A rank setting is immutable. */ public static class RankSetting implements Serializable { private String fieldName; private Type type; /** The rank value */ private Object value; public enum Type { RANKTYPE("rank-type"), LITERALBOOST("literal-boost"), WEIGHT("weight"), PREFERBITVECTOR("preferbitvector",true); private String name; /** True if this setting really pertains to an index, not a field within an index */ private boolean isIndexLevel; Type(String name) { this(name,false); } Type(String name,boolean isIndexLevel) { this.name = name; this.isIndexLevel=isIndexLevel; } /** True if this setting really pertains to an index, not a field within an index */ public boolean isIndexLevel() { return isIndexLevel; } /** Returns the name of this type */ public String getName() { return name; } public String toString() { return "type: " + name; } } public RankSetting(String fieldName, RankSetting.Type type, Object value) { this.fieldName = fieldName; this.type = type; this.value = value; } public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Type getType() { return type; } public Object getValue() { return value; } /** Returns the value as an int, or a negative value if it is not an integer */ public int getIntValue() { if (value instanceof Integer) { return ((Integer)value); } else { return -1; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return fieldName.hashCode() + 17 * type.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof RankSetting)) { return false; } RankSetting other = (RankSetting)object; return fieldName.equals(other.fieldName) && type.equals(other.type); } @Override public String toString() { return type + " setting " + fieldName + ": " + value; } } /** A rank property. Rank properties are Value Objects */ public static class RankProperty implements Serializable { private String name; private String value; public RankProperty(String name, String value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getValue() { return value; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() + 17 * value.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (! (object instanceof RankProperty)) return false; RankProperty other=(RankProperty)object; return (other.name.equals(this.name) && other.value.equals(this.value)); } @Override public String toString() { return name + " = " + value; } } /** A function in a rank profile */ public static class RankingExpressionFunction { private ExpressionFunction function; /** True if this should be inlined into calling expressions. Useful for very cheap functions. */ private final boolean inline; public RankingExpressionFunction(ExpressionFunction function, boolean inline) { this.function = function; this.inline = inline; } public void setReturnType(TensorType type) { this.function = function.withReturnType(type); } public ExpressionFunction function() { return function; } public boolean inline() { return inline && function.arguments().isEmpty(); // only inline no-arg functions; } public RankingExpressionFunction withExpression(RankingExpression expression) { return new RankingExpressionFunction(function.withBody(expression), inline); } @Override public String toString() { return "function " + function; } } public static final class DiversitySettings { private String attribute = null; private int minGroups = 0; private double cutoffFactor = 10; private Diversity.CutoffStrategy cutoffStrategy = Diversity.CutoffStrategy.loose; public void setAttribute(String value) { attribute = value; } public void setMinGroups(int value) { minGroups = value; } public void setCutoffFactor(double value) { cutoffFactor = value; } public void setCutoffStrategy(Diversity.CutoffStrategy strategy) { cutoffStrategy = strategy; } public void setCutoffStrategy(String strategy) { cutoffStrategy = Diversity.CutoffStrategy.valueOf(strategy); } public String getAttribute() { return attribute; } public int getMinGroups() { return minGroups; } public double getCutoffFactor() { return cutoffFactor; } public Diversity.CutoffStrategy getCutoffStrategy() { return cutoffStrategy; } public void checkValid() { if (attribute == null || attribute.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'diversity' did not set non-empty diversity attribute name."); } if (minGroups <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'diversity' did not set min-groups > 0"); } if (cutoffFactor < 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("diversity.cutoff.factor must be larger or equal to 1.0."); } } } public static class MatchPhaseSettings { private String attribute = null; private boolean ascending = false; private int maxHits = 0; // try to get this many hits before degrading the match phase private double maxFilterCoverage = 0.2; // Max coverage of original corpus that will trigger the filter. private DiversitySettings diversity = null; private double evaluationPoint = 0.20; private double prePostFilterTippingPoint = 1.0; public void setDiversity(DiversitySettings value) { value.checkValid(); diversity = value; } public void setAscending(boolean value) { ascending = value; } public void setAttribute(String value) { attribute = value; } public void setMaxHits(int value) { maxHits = value; } public void setMaxFilterCoverage(double value) { maxFilterCoverage = value; } public void setEvaluationPoint(double evaluationPoint) { this.evaluationPoint = evaluationPoint; } public void setPrePostFilterTippingPoint(double prePostFilterTippingPoint) { this.prePostFilterTippingPoint = prePostFilterTippingPoint; } public boolean getAscending() { return ascending; } public String getAttribute() { return attribute; } public int getMaxHits() { return maxHits; } public double getMaxFilterCoverage() { return maxFilterCoverage; } public DiversitySettings getDiversity() { return diversity; } public double getEvaluationPoint() { return evaluationPoint; } public double getPrePostFilterTippingPoint() { return prePostFilterTippingPoint; } public void checkValid() { if (attribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("match-phase did not set any attribute"); } if (! (maxHits > 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("match-phase did not set max-hits > 0"); } } } public static class TypeSettings { private final Map types = new HashMap<>(); public void addType(String name, String type) { types.put(name, type); } public Map getTypes() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(types); } } }