// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.searchdefinition.derived; import com.yahoo.document.CollectionDataType; import com.yahoo.document.DataType; import com.yahoo.document.Field; import com.yahoo.document.MapDataType; import com.yahoo.document.NumericDataType; import com.yahoo.document.PositionDataType; import com.yahoo.document.PrimitiveDataType; import com.yahoo.document.StructuredDataType; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.Index; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.Schema; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.Attribute; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.BooleanIndexDefinition; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.Case; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.FieldSet; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.ImmutableSDField; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.Matching; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.Stemming; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.processing.ExactMatch; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.processing.NGramMatch; import com.yahoo.vespa.documentmodel.SummaryField; import com.yahoo.search.config.IndexInfoConfig; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * Per-index commands which should be applied to queries prior to searching * * @author bratseth */ public class IndexInfo extends Derived implements IndexInfoConfig.Producer { private static final String CMD_ATTRIBUTE = "attribute"; private static final String CMD_DEFAULT_POSITION = "default-position"; private static final String CMD_DYNTEASER = "dynteaser"; private static final String CMD_FULLURL = "fullurl"; private static final String CMD_HIGHLIGHT = "highlight"; private static final String CMD_INDEX = "index"; private static final String CMD_LOWERCASE = "lowercase"; private static final String CMD_NORMALIZE = "normalize"; private static final String CMD_STEM = "stem"; private static final String CMD_URLHOST = "urlhost"; private static final String CMD_WORD = "word"; private static final String CMD_PLAIN_TOKENS = "plain-tokens"; private static final String CMD_MULTIVALUE = "multivalue"; private static final String CMD_FAST_SEARCH = "fast-search"; private static final String CMD_PREDICATE = "predicate"; private static final String CMD_PREDICATE_BOUNDS = "predicate-bounds"; private static final String CMD_NUMERICAL = "numerical"; private static final String CMD_PHRASE_SEGMENTING = "phrase-segmenting"; private final Set commands = new java.util.LinkedHashSet<>(); private final Map aliases = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map fieldSets; private Schema schema; public IndexInfo(Schema schema) { this.fieldSets = schema.fieldSets().userFieldSets(); addIndexCommand("sddocname", CMD_INDEX); addIndexCommand("sddocname", CMD_WORD); derive(schema); } @Override protected void derive(Schema schema) { super.derive(schema); // Derive per field this.schema = schema; // Populate fieldsets with actual field objects, bit late to do that here but for (FieldSet fs : fieldSets.values()) { for (String fieldName : fs.getFieldNames()) { fs.fields().add(schema.getField(fieldName)); } } // Must follow, because index settings overrides field settings for (Index index : schema.getExplicitIndices()) { derive(index, schema); } // Commands for summary fields // TODO: Move to fieldinfo and implement differently. This is not right for (SummaryField summaryField : schema.getUniqueNamedSummaryFields().values()) { if (summaryField.getTransform().isTeaser()) { addIndexCommand(summaryField.getName(), CMD_DYNTEASER); } if (summaryField.getTransform().isBolded()) { addIndexCommand(summaryField.getName(), CMD_HIGHLIGHT); } } } private static boolean isPositionArrayField(ImmutableSDField field) { return field.getDataType().equals(DataType.getArray(PositionDataType.INSTANCE)); } private static boolean isPositionField(ImmutableSDField field) { return field.getDataType().equals(PositionDataType.INSTANCE) || isPositionArrayField(field); } @Override protected void derive(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema) { derive(field, schema, false); } protected void derive(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema, boolean inPosition) { if (field.getDataType().equals(DataType.PREDICATE)) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_PREDICATE); Index index = field.getIndex(field.getName()); if (index != null) { BooleanIndexDefinition options = index.getBooleanIndexDefiniton(); if (options.hasLowerBound() || options.hasUpperBound()) { addIndexCommand(field.getName(), CMD_PREDICATE_BOUNDS + " [" + (options.hasLowerBound() ? Long.toString(options.getLowerBound()) : "") + ".." + (options.hasUpperBound() ? Long.toString(options.getUpperBound()) : "") + "]"); } } } // Field level aliases for (Map.Entry e : field.getAliasToName().entrySet()) { String alias = e.getKey(); String name = e.getValue(); addIndexAlias(alias, name); } boolean isPosition = isPositionField(field); if (field.usesStructOrMap()) { for (ImmutableSDField structField : field.getStructFields()) { derive(structField, schema, isPosition); // Recursion } } if (isPosition) { addIndexCommand(field.getName(), CMD_DEFAULT_POSITION); } addIndexCommand(field, CMD_INDEX); // List the indices if (needLowerCase(field)) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_LOWERCASE); } if (field.getDataType().isMultivalue()) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_MULTIVALUE); } Attribute attribute = field.getAttribute(); if ((field.doesAttributing() || (attribute != null && !inPosition)) && !field.doesIndexing()) { addIndexCommand(field.getName(), CMD_ATTRIBUTE); if (attribute != null && attribute.isFastSearch()) addIndexCommand(field.getName(), CMD_FAST_SEARCH); } else if (field.doesIndexing()) { if (stemSomehow(field, schema)) { addIndexCommand(field, stemCmd(field, schema), new StemmingOverrider(this, schema)); } if (normalizeAccents(field)) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_NORMALIZE); } if (field.getMatching() == null || field.getMatching().getType().equals(Matching.Type.TEXT)) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_PLAIN_TOKENS); } } if (isUriField(field)) { addUriIndexCommands(field); } if (field.getDataType().getPrimitiveType() instanceof NumericDataType) { addIndexCommand(field, CMD_NUMERICAL); } // Explicit commands for (String command : field.getQueryCommands()) { addIndexCommand(field, command); } } private static boolean isAnyChildString(DataType dataType) { PrimitiveDataType primitive = dataType.getPrimitiveType(); if (primitive == PrimitiveDataType.STRING) return true; if (primitive != null) return false; if (dataType instanceof StructuredDataType) { StructuredDataType structured = (StructuredDataType) dataType; for (Field field : structured.getFields()) { if (isAnyChildString(field.getDataType())) return true; } } else if (dataType instanceof MapDataType) { MapDataType mapType = (MapDataType) dataType; return isAnyChildString(mapType.getKeyType()) || isAnyChildString(mapType.getValueType()); } return false; } private static boolean needLowerCase(ImmutableSDField field) { return field.doesIndexing() || field.doesLowerCasing() || ((field.doesAttributing() || (field.getAttribute() != null)) && isAnyChildString(field.getDataType()) && field.getMatching().getCase().equals(Case.UNCASED)); } static String stemCmd(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema) { return CMD_STEM + ":" + field.getStemming(schema).toStemMode(); } private boolean stemSomehow(ImmutableSDField field, Schema schema) { if (field.getStemming(schema).equals(Stemming.NONE)) return false; return isTypeOrNested(field, DataType.STRING); } private boolean normalizeAccents(ImmutableSDField field) { return field.getNormalizing().doRemoveAccents() && isTypeOrNested(field, DataType.STRING); } private boolean isTypeOrNested(ImmutableSDField field, DataType type) { return field.getDataType().equals(type) || field.getDataType().equals(DataType.getArray(type)) || field.getDataType().equals(DataType.getWeightedSet(type)); } private boolean isUriField(ImmutableSDField field) { DataType fieldType = field.getDataType(); if (DataType.URI.equals(fieldType)) { return true; } if (fieldType instanceof CollectionDataType && DataType.URI.equals(((CollectionDataType)fieldType).getNestedType())) { return true; } return false; } private void addUriIndexCommands(ImmutableSDField field) { String fieldName = field.getName(); addIndexCommand(fieldName, CMD_FULLURL); addIndexCommand(fieldName, CMD_LOWERCASE); addIndexCommand(fieldName + "." + fieldName, CMD_FULLURL); addIndexCommand(fieldName + "." + fieldName, CMD_LOWERCASE); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".path", CMD_FULLURL); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".path", CMD_LOWERCASE); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".query", CMD_FULLURL); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".query", CMD_LOWERCASE); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".hostname", CMD_URLHOST); addIndexCommand(fieldName + ".hostname", CMD_LOWERCASE); // XXX hack Index index = field.getIndex("hostname"); if (index != null) { addIndexCommand(index, CMD_URLHOST); } } /** * Sets a command for all indices of a field */ private void addIndexCommand(Index index, String command) { addIndexCommand(index.getName(), command); } /** * Sets a command for all indices of a field */ private void addIndexCommand(ImmutableSDField field, String command) { addIndexCommand(field, command, null); } /** * Sets a command for all indices of a field */ private void addIndexCommand(ImmutableSDField field, String command, IndexOverrider overrider) { if (overrider == null || !overrider.override(field.getName(), command, field)) { addIndexCommand(field.getName(), command); } } private void addIndexCommand(String indexName, String command) { commands.add(new IndexCommand(indexName, command)); } private void addIndexAlias(String alias, String indexName) { aliases.put(alias, indexName); } /** * Returns whether a particular command is prsent in this index info */ public boolean hasCommand(String indexName, String command) { return commands.contains(new IndexCommand(indexName, command)); } private boolean notInCommands(String index) { for (IndexCommand command : commands) { if (command.getIndex().equals(index)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public void getConfig(IndexInfoConfig.Builder builder) { IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Builder iiB = new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Builder(); iiB.name(getName()); for (IndexCommand command : commands) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(command.getIndex()) .command(command.getCommand())); } // Make user defined field sets searchable for (FieldSet fieldSet : fieldSets.values()) { if (notInCommands(fieldSet.getName())) { addFieldSetCommands(iiB, fieldSet); } } for (Map.Entry e : aliases.entrySet()) { iiB.alias( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Alias.Builder() .alias(e.getKey()) .indexname(e.getValue())); } builder.indexinfo(iiB); } // TODO: Move this to the FieldSetSettings processor (and rename it) as that already has to look at this. private void addFieldSetCommands(IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Builder iiB, FieldSet fieldSet) { for (String qc : fieldSet.queryCommands()) iiB.command(new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder().indexname(fieldSet.getName()).command(qc)); boolean anyIndexing = false; boolean anyAttributing = false; boolean anyLowerCasing = false; boolean anyStemming = false; boolean anyNormalizing = false; String phraseSegmentingCommand = null; String stemmingCommand = null; Matching fieldSetMatching = fieldSet.getMatching(); // null if no explicit matching // First a pass over the fields to read some params to decide field settings implicitly: for (ImmutableSDField field : fieldSet.fields()) { if (field.doesIndexing()) { anyIndexing = true; } if (field.doesAttributing()) { anyAttributing = true; } if (needLowerCase(field)) { anyLowerCasing = true; } if (stemming(field)) { anyStemming = true; stemmingCommand = CMD_STEM + ":" + getEffectiveStemming(field).toStemMode(); } if (field.getNormalizing().doRemoveAccents()) { anyNormalizing = true; } if (fieldSetMatching == null && field.getMatching().getType() != Matching.defaultType) { fieldSetMatching = field.getMatching(); } Optional explicitPhraseSegmentingCommand = field.getQueryCommands().stream().filter(c -> c.startsWith(CMD_PHRASE_SEGMENTING)).findFirst(); if (explicitPhraseSegmentingCommand.isPresent()) { phraseSegmentingCommand = explicitPhraseSegmentingCommand.get(); } } if (anyIndexing && anyAttributing && fieldSet.getMatching() == null) { // We have both attributes and indexes and no explicit match setting -> // use default matching as that at least works if the data in the attribute consists // of single tokens only. fieldSetMatching = new Matching(); } if (anyLowerCasing) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_LOWERCASE)); } if (hasMultiValueField(fieldSet)) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_MULTIVALUE)); } if (anyIndexing) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_INDEX)); if ( ! isExactMatch(fieldSetMatching)) { if (fieldSetMatching == null || fieldSetMatching.getType().equals(Matching.Type.TEXT)) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_PLAIN_TOKENS)); } if (anyStemming) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(stemmingCommand)); } if (anyNormalizing) iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_NORMALIZE)); if (phraseSegmentingCommand != null) iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(phraseSegmentingCommand)); } } else { // Assume only attribute fields iiB .command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_ATTRIBUTE)) .command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_INDEX)); } if (fieldSetMatching != null) { // Explicit matching set on fieldset if (fieldSetMatching.getType().equals(Matching.Type.EXACT)) { String term = fieldSetMatching.getExactMatchTerminator(); if (term==null) term=ExactMatch.DEFAULT_EXACT_TERMINATOR; iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command("exact "+term)); } else if (fieldSetMatching.getType().equals(Matching.Type.WORD)) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command(CMD_WORD)); } else if (fieldSetMatching.getType().equals(Matching.Type.GRAM)) { iiB.command( new IndexInfoConfig.Indexinfo.Command.Builder() .indexname(fieldSet.getName()) .command("ngram "+(fieldSetMatching.getGramSize()>0 ? fieldSetMatching.getGramSize() : NGramMatch.DEFAULT_GRAM_SIZE))); } else if (fieldSetMatching.getType().equals(Matching.Type.TEXT)) { } } } private boolean hasMultiValueField(FieldSet fieldSet) { for (ImmutableSDField field : fieldSet.fields()) { if (field.getDataType().isMultivalue()) return true; } return false; } private Stemming getEffectiveStemming(ImmutableSDField field) { Stemming active = field.getStemming(schema); if (field.getIndex(field.getName()) != null) { if (field.getIndex(field.getName()).getStemming()!=null) { active = field.getIndex(field.getName()).getStemming(); } } if (active != null) { return active; } return Stemming.BEST; // assume default } private boolean stemming(ImmutableSDField field) { if (field.getStemming() != null) { return !field.getStemming().equals(Stemming.NONE); } if (schema.getStemming() == Stemming.NONE) return false; if (field.isImportedField()) return false; if (field.getIndex(field.getName())==null) return true; if (field.getIndex(field.getName()).getStemming()==null) return true; return !(field.getIndex(field.getName()).getStemming().equals(Stemming.NONE)); } private boolean isExactMatch(Matching m) { if (m == null) return false; if (m.getType().equals(Matching.Type.EXACT)) return true; if (m.getType().equals(Matching.Type.WORD)) return true; return false; } @Override protected String getDerivedName() { return "index-info"; } /** * An index command. Null commands are also represented, to detect consistency issues. This is an (immutable) value * object. */ public static class IndexCommand { private String index; private String command; public IndexCommand(String index, String command) { this.index = index; this.command = command; } public String getIndex() { return index; } public String getCommand() { return command; } /** * Returns true if this is the null command (do nothing) */ public boolean isNull() { return command.equals(""); } public int hashCode() { return index.hashCode() + 17 * command.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof IndexCommand)) { return false; } IndexCommand other = (IndexCommand)object; return other.index.equals(this.index) && other.command.equals(this.command); } public String toString() { return "index command " + command + " on index " + index; } } /** * A command which may override the command setting of a field for a particular index */ private static abstract class IndexOverrider { protected IndexInfo owner; public IndexOverrider(IndexInfo owner) { this.owner = owner; } /** * Override the setting of this index for this field, returns true if overriden, false if this index should be * set according to the field */ public abstract boolean override(String indexName, String command, ImmutableSDField field); } private static class StemmingOverrider extends IndexOverrider { private Schema schema; public StemmingOverrider(IndexInfo owner, Schema schema) { super(owner); this.schema = schema; } public boolean override(String indexName, String command, ImmutableSDField field) { if (schema == null) { return false; } Index index = schema.getIndex(indexName); if (index == null) { return false; } Stemming indexStemming = index.getStemming(); if (indexStemming == null) { return false; } if (Stemming.NONE.equals(indexStemming)) { // Add nothing } else { owner.addIndexCommand(indexName, CMD_STEM + ":" + indexStemming.toStemMode()); } return true; } } }