// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.searchdefinition.derived; import com.yahoo.document.CollectionDataType; import com.yahoo.document.DataType; import com.yahoo.document.NumericDataType; import com.yahoo.documentmodel.NewDocumentReferenceDataType; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.BoolFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.FieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.PredicateFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.Raw; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.StringFieldValue; import com.yahoo.document.datatypes.TensorFieldValue; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.FieldSets; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.Schema; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.FieldSet; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.GeoPos; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.Matching; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.MatchType; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.SDDocumentType; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document.SDField; import com.yahoo.vespa.config.search.vsm.VsmfieldsConfig; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Vertical streaming matcher field specification */ public class VsmFields extends Derived implements VsmfieldsConfig.Producer { private final Map fields=new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map doctypes=new LinkedHashMap<>(); public VsmFields(Schema schema) { addSearchdefinition(schema); } private void addSearchdefinition(Schema schema) { derive(schema); } @Override protected void derive(SDDocumentType document, Schema schema) { super.derive(document, schema); StreamingDocumentType docType=getDocumentType(document.getName()); if (docType == null) { docType = new StreamingDocumentType(document.getName(), schema.fieldSets()); doctypes.put(document.getName(), docType); } for (Object o : document.fieldSet()) { derive(docType, (SDField) o); } } protected void derive(StreamingDocumentType document, SDField field) { if (field.usesStructOrMap()) { if (GeoPos.isAnyPos(field)) { StreamingField streamingField = new StreamingField(field); addField(streamingField.getName(), streamingField); addFieldToIndices(document, field.getName(), streamingField); } for (SDField structField : field.getStructFields()) { derive(document, structField); // Recursion } } else { if (! (field.doesIndexing() || field.doesSummarying() || field.doesAttributing()) ) return; StreamingField streamingField = new StreamingField(field); addField(streamingField.getName(),streamingField); deriveIndices(document, field, streamingField); } } private void deriveIndices(StreamingDocumentType document, SDField field, StreamingField streamingField) { if (field.doesIndexing()) { addFieldToIndices(document, field.getName(), streamingField); } else if (field.doesAttributing()) { for (String indexName : field.getAttributes().keySet()) { addFieldToIndices(document, indexName, streamingField); } } } private void addFieldToIndices(StreamingDocumentType document, String indexName, StreamingField streamingField) { if (indexName.contains(".")) { addFieldToIndices(document, indexName.substring(0,indexName.lastIndexOf(".")), streamingField); // Recursion } document.addIndexField(indexName, streamingField.getName()); } private void addField(String name, StreamingField field) { fields.put(name, field); } /** Returns a streaming index, or null if there is none with this name */ public StreamingDocumentType getDocumentType(String name) { return doctypes.get(name); } public String getDerivedName() { return "vsmfields"; } @Override public void getConfig(VsmfieldsConfig.Builder vsB) { for (StreamingField streamingField : fields.values()) { vsB.fieldspec(streamingField.getFieldSpecConfig()); } for (StreamingDocumentType streamingDocType : doctypes.values()) { vsB.documenttype(streamingDocType.getDocTypeConfig()); } } private static class StreamingField { private final String name; /** Whether this field does prefix matching by default */ private final Matching matching; /** The type of this field */ private final Type type; private final boolean isAttribute; /** The streaming field type enumeration */ public static class Type { public static Type INT8 = new Type("int8","INT8"); public static Type INT16 = new Type("int16","INT16"); public static Type INT32 = new Type("int32","INT32"); public static Type INT64 = new Type("int64","INT64"); public static Type FLOAT16 = new Type("float16", "FLOAT16"); public static Type FLOAT = new Type("float","FLOAT"); public static Type DOUBLE = new Type("double","DOUBLE"); public static Type STRING = new Type("string","AUTOUTF8"); public static Type BOOL = new Type("bool","BOOL"); public static Type UNSEARCHABLESTRING = new Type("string","NONE"); public static Type GEO_POSITION = new Type("position", "GEOPOS"); private String name; private String searchMethod; private Type(String name, String searchMethod) { this.name = name; this.searchMethod = searchMethod; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } /** Returns the name of this type */ public String getName() { return name; } public String getSearchMethod() { return searchMethod; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if ( ! (other instanceof Type)) return false; return this.name.equals(((Type)other).name); } @Override public String toString() { return "type: " + name; } } public StreamingField(SDField field) { this(field.getName(), field.getDataType(), field.getMatching(), field.doesAttributing()); } private StreamingField(String name, DataType sourceType, Matching matching, boolean isAttribute) { this.name = name; this.type = convertType(sourceType); this.matching = matching; this.isAttribute = isAttribute; } /** Converts to the right index type from a field datatype */ private static Type convertType(DataType fieldType) { FieldValue fval = fieldType.createFieldValue(); if (fieldType.equals(DataType.FLOAT16)) { return Type.FLOAT16; } else if (fieldType.equals(DataType.FLOAT)) { return Type.FLOAT; } else if (fieldType.equals(DataType.LONG)) { return Type.INT64; } else if (fieldType.equals(DataType.DOUBLE)) { return Type.DOUBLE; } else if (fieldType.equals(DataType.BOOL)) { return Type.BOOL; } else if (fieldType.equals(DataType.BYTE)) { return Type.INT8; } else if (GeoPos.isAnyPos(fieldType)) { return Type.GEO_POSITION; } else if (fieldType instanceof NumericDataType) { return Type.INT32; } else if (fval instanceof StringFieldValue) { return Type.STRING; } else if (fval instanceof BoolFieldValue) { return Type.BOOL; } else if (fval instanceof Raw) { return Type.STRING; } else if (fval instanceof PredicateFieldValue) { return Type.UNSEARCHABLESTRING; } else if (fval instanceof TensorFieldValue) { return Type.UNSEARCHABLESTRING; } else if (fieldType instanceof CollectionDataType) { return convertType(((CollectionDataType) fieldType).getNestedType()); } else if (fieldType instanceof NewDocumentReferenceDataType) { return Type.UNSEARCHABLESTRING; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know which streaming field type to convert " + fieldType + " to"); } } public String getName() { return name; } public VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Builder getFieldSpecConfig() { VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Builder fB = new VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Builder(); String matchingName = matching.getType().getName(); if (matching.getType().equals(MatchType.TEXT)) matchingName = ""; if (matching.getType() != MatchType.EXACT) { if (matching.isPrefix()) { matchingName = "prefix"; } else if (matching.isSubstring()) { matchingName = "substring"; } else if (matching.isSuffix()) { matchingName = "suffix"; } } if (type != Type.STRING) { matchingName = ""; } fB.name(getName()) .searchmethod(VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Searchmethod.Enum.valueOf(type.getSearchMethod())) .arg1(matchingName) .fieldtype(isAttribute ? VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Fieldtype.ATTRIBUTE : VsmfieldsConfig.Fieldspec.Fieldtype.INDEX); if (matching.maxLength() != null) { fB.maxlength(matching.maxLength()); } return fB; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o.getClass().equals(getClass())) { StreamingField sf = (StreamingField)o; return name.equals(sf.name) && matching.equals(sf.matching) && type.equals(sf.type); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return java.util.Objects.hash(name, matching, type); } } private static class StreamingDocumentType { private final String name; private final Map fieldSets = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map userFieldSets; public StreamingDocumentType(String name, FieldSets fieldSets) { this.name=name; userFieldSets = fieldSets.userFieldSets(); } public VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Builder getDocTypeConfig() { VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Builder dtB = new VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Builder(); dtB.name(name); Map all = new LinkedHashMap<>(); all.putAll(fieldSets); all.putAll(userFieldSets); for (Map.Entry e : all.entrySet()) { VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Index.Builder indB = new VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Index.Builder(); indB.name(e.getValue().getName()); for (String field : e.getValue().getFieldNames()) { indB.field(new VsmfieldsConfig.Documenttype.Index.Field.Builder().name(field)); } dtB.index(indB); } return dtB; } public String getName() { return name; } public void addIndexField(String indexName, String fieldName) { FieldSet fs = fieldSets.get(indexName); if (fs == null) { fs = new FieldSet(indexName); fieldSets.put(indexName, fs); } fs.addFieldName(fieldName); } } }