// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.searchdefinition.document; import com.yahoo.document.CompressionConfig; import com.yahoo.document.DataType; import com.yahoo.document.DataTypeName; import com.yahoo.document.DocumentType; import com.yahoo.document.Field; import com.yahoo.document.PositionDataType; import com.yahoo.document.StructDataType; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.AnnotationType; import com.yahoo.document.annotation.AnnotationTypeRegistry; import com.yahoo.documentmodel.NewDocumentType; import com.yahoo.documentmodel.VespaDocumentType; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.DocumentReferences; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.FieldSets; import com.yahoo.searchdefinition.Search; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; /** * A document definition is a list of fields. Documents may inherit other documents, * implicitly acquiring their fields as it's own. If a document is not set to inherit * any document, it will always inherit the document "document.0". * * @author Thomas Gundersen * @author bratseth */ public class SDDocumentType implements Cloneable, Serializable { public static final SDDocumentType VESPA_DOCUMENT; private Map inheritedTypes = new HashMap<>(); private Map ownedTypes = new HashMap<>(); private AnnotationTypeRegistry annotationTypes = new AnnotationTypeRegistry(); private DocumentType docType; private DataType structType; // The field sets here are set from the processing step in SD, to ensure that the full Search and this SDDocumentType is built first. private FieldSets fieldSets; // Document references private Optional documentReferences = Optional.empty(); private TemporaryImportedFields temporaryImportedFields; static { VESPA_DOCUMENT = new SDDocumentType(VespaDocumentType.INSTANCE.getFullName().getName()); VESPA_DOCUMENT.addType(createSDDocumentType(PositionDataType.INSTANCE)); } public SDDocumentType clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { SDDocumentType type = (SDDocumentType) super.clone(); type.docType = docType.clone(); type.inheritedTypes.putAll(inheritedTypes); type.structType = structType; // TODO this isn't complete; should it be..?! return type; } /** * For adding structs defined in document scope * * @param dt The struct to add. * @return self, for chaining */ public SDDocumentType addType(SDDocumentType dt) { NewDocumentType.Name name = new NewDocumentType.Name(dt.getName()); if (getType(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data type '" + name.toString() + "' has already been used."); } if (name.getName() == docType.getName()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data type '" + name.toString() + "' can not have same name as its defining document."); } ownedTypes.put(name, dt); return this; } public final SDDocumentType getOwnedType(String name) { return getOwnedType(new NewDocumentType.Name(name)); } public SDDocumentType getOwnedType(DataTypeName name) { return getOwnedType(name.getName()); } public SDDocumentType getOwnedType(NewDocumentType.Name name) { return ownedTypes.get(name); } public final SDDocumentType getType(String name) { return getType(new NewDocumentType.Name(name)); } public SDDocumentType getType(NewDocumentType.Name name) { SDDocumentType type = ownedTypes.get(name); if (type == null) { for (SDDocumentType inherited : inheritedTypes.values()) { type = inherited.getType(name); if (type != null) { return type; } } } return type; } public SDDocumentType addAnnotation(AnnotationType annotation) { annotationTypes.register(annotation); return this; } /** * Access to all owned datatypes. * @return all types */ public Collection getTypes() { return ownedTypes.values(); } public Collection getAnnotations() { return annotationTypes.getTypes().values(); } public AnnotationType findAnnotation(String name) { return annotationTypes.getType(name); } public Collection getAllTypes() { Collection list = new ArrayList<>(); list.addAll(getTypes()); for (SDDocumentType inherited : inheritedTypes.values()) { list.addAll(inherited.getAllTypes()); } return list; } /** * Creates a new document type. * The document type id will be generated as a hash from the document type name. * * @param name The name of the new document type */ public SDDocumentType(String name) { this(name,null); } public SDDocumentType(DataTypeName name) { this(name.getName()); } /** * Creates a new document type. * The document type id will be generated as a hash from the document type name. * * @param name The name of the new document type * @param search check for type ID collisions in this search definition */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public SDDocumentType(String name, Search search) { docType = new DocumentType(name); docType.contentStruct().setCompressionConfig(new CompressionConfig()); validateId(search); inherit(VESPA_DOCUMENT); } public boolean isStruct() { return getStruct() != null; } public DataType getStruct() { return structType; } public SDDocumentType setStruct(DataType structType) { if (structType != null) { this.structType = structType; inheritedTypes.clear(); } else { if (docType.contentStruct() != null) { this.structType = docType.contentStruct(); inheritedTypes.clear(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can not set a null struct"); } } return this; } public String getName() { return docType.getName(); } public DataTypeName getDocumentName() { return docType.getDataTypeName(); } public DocumentType getDocumentType() { return docType; } public void inherit(DataTypeName name) { if ( ! inheritedTypes.containsKey(name)) { inheritedTypes.put(name, new TemporarySDDocumentType(name)); } } public void inherit(SDDocumentType type) { if (type != null) { if (!inheritedTypes.containsKey(type.getDocumentName()) || (inheritedTypes.get(type.getDocumentName()) instanceof TemporarySDDocumentType)) { inheritedTypes.put(type.getDocumentName(), type); } } } public Collection getInheritedTypes() { return inheritedTypes.values(); } protected void validateId(Search search) { if (search == null) return; if (search.getDocument(getName()) == null) return; SDDocumentType doc = search.getDocument(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed creating document type '" + getName() + "', " + "document type '" + doc.getName() + "' already uses ID '" + doc.getName() + "'"); } public void setFieldId(SDField field, int id) { field.setId(id, docType); } /** Override getField, as it may need to ask inherited types that isn't registered in document type. * @param name Name of field to get. * @return The field found. */ public Field getField(String name) { if (name.contains(".")) { String superFieldName = name.substring(0,name.indexOf(".")); String subFieldName = name.substring(name.indexOf(".")+1); Field f = docType.getField(superFieldName); if (f != null) { if (f instanceof SDField) { SDField superField = (SDField)f; return superField.getStructField(subFieldName); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field "+f.getName()+" is not SDField"); } } } Field f = docType.getField(name); if (f == null) { for(SDDocumentType parent : inheritedTypes.values()) { f = parent.getField(name); if (f != null) return f; } } return f; } public void addField(Field field) { verifyInheritance(field); for (Iterator i = docType.fieldIteratorThisTypeOnly(); i.hasNext(); ) { if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase((i.next()).getName())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate (case insensitively) " + field + " in " + this); } } docType.addField(field); } /** * This is SD parse-time inheritance check. * * @param field The field being verified. */ private void verifyInheritance(Field field) { for (SDDocumentType parent : inheritedTypes.values()) { for (Field pField : parent.fieldSet()) { if (pField.getName().equals(field.getName())) { if (!pField.getDataType().equals(field.getDataType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("For search '"+getName()+"', field '"+field.getName()+"': " + "datatype can't be different from that of same field in supertype '"+parent.getName()+"'."); } } } } } public SDField addField(String string, DataType dataType) { SDField field = new SDField(this, string, dataType); addField(field); return field; } public Field addField(String string, DataType dataType, boolean header, int code) { SDField field = new SDField(this, string, code, dataType, header); addField(field); return field; } private Map fieldsInherited() { Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (SDDocumentType parent : inheritedTypes.values()) { for (Field field : parent.fieldSet()) { map.put(field.getName(), field); } } return map; } public Set fieldSet() { Map map = fieldsInherited(); Iterator it = docType.fieldIteratorThisTypeOnly(); while (it.hasNext()) { Field field = it.next(); map.put(field.getName(), field); } return new LinkedHashSet<>(map.values()); } public Iterator fieldIterator() { return fieldSet().iterator(); } public int getFieldCount() { return docType.getFieldCount(); } public String toString() { return "SD document type '" + docType.getName() + "'"; } private static SDDocumentType createSDDocumentType(StructDataType structType) { SDDocumentType docType = new SDDocumentType(structType.getName()); for (Field field : structType.getFields()) { docType.addField(new SDField(docType, field.getName(), field.getDataType())); } docType.setStruct(structType); return docType; } /** The field sets defined for this type and its {@link Search} */ public FieldSets getFieldSets() { return fieldSets; } /** Sets the field sets for this */ public void setFieldSets(FieldSets fieldSets) { this.fieldSets = fieldSets; } public Optional getDocumentReferences() { return documentReferences; } public void setDocumentReferences(DocumentReferences documentReferences) { this.documentReferences = Optional.of(documentReferences); } public TemporaryImportedFields getTemporaryImportedFields() { return temporaryImportedFields; } public void setTemporaryImportedFields(TemporaryImportedFields temporaryImportedFields) { this.temporaryImportedFields = temporaryImportedFields; } }