// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.model; import com.yahoo.config.FileReference; import com.yahoo.config.application.api.DeployLogger; import com.yahoo.config.model.api.PortInfo; import com.yahoo.config.model.api.ServiceInfo; import com.yahoo.config.model.producer.AbstractConfigProducer; import com.yahoo.vespa.defaults.Defaults; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import static com.yahoo.text.Lowercase.toLowerCase; /** * Superclass for all Processes. * * @author gjoranv */ public abstract class AbstractService extends AbstractConfigProducer> implements Service { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // The physical host this Service runs on. private HostResource hostResource = null; /** * Identifier that ensures that multiple instances of the same * Service subclass will have unique names on the host. The first * instance of one kind of Service will have the id 1, and the id * will increase by 1 for each new instance. * TODO: Do something more intelligent in Host? */ private int id = 0; /** The actual base port for this Service. */ private int basePort = 0; /** The ports allocated to this Service. */ private List ports = new ArrayList<>(); /** The optional JVM execution options for this Service. */ // Please keep non-null, as passed to command line in service startup private String jvmOptions = ""; /** The optional PRELOAD libraries for this Service. */ // Please keep non-null, as passed to command line in service startup private String preload = null; // If larger or equal to 0 it mean that explicit mmaps shall not be included in coredump. private long mmapNoCoreLimit = -1L; // If this is true it will dump core when OOM private boolean coreOnOOM = false; // If greater than 0, controls the number of threads used by open mp private int ompNumThreads = 0; private String noVespaMalloc = ""; private String vespaMalloc = ""; private String vespaMallocDebug = ""; private String vespaMallocDebugStackTrace = ""; /** The ports metainfo object */ protected PortsMeta portsMeta = new PortsMeta(); /** * Custom properties that a service may populate to communicate * more key/value pairs to the service-list dump. * Supported key datatypes are String, and values may be String or Integer. */ private final Map serviceProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** The affinity properties of this service. */ private Optional affinity = Optional.empty(); private boolean initialized = false; protected String defaultPreload() { return Defaults.getDefaults().underVespaHome("lib64/vespa/malloc/libvespamalloc.so"); } /** * Preferred constructor when building from XML. Use this if you are building * in doBuild() in an AbstractConfigProducerBuilder. * build() will call initService() in that case, after setting hostalias and baseport. * * @param parent the parent config producer in the model tree * @param name the name of this service */ public AbstractService(AbstractConfigProducer parent, String name) { super(parent, name); } /** * Only used for testing. Stay away. * * @param name the name of this service. */ public AbstractService(String name) { super(name); } @Override public void remove() { super.remove(); if (hostResource != null) hostResource.deallocateService(this); } /** * Distribute affinity on a collection of services. Services that are located on the same host * will be assigned a specific cpu socket on that host. * * @param services A {@link Collection} of services of the same type, not necessarily on the same host. */ public static void distributeCpuSocketAffinity(Collection services) { Map> affinityMap = new HashMap<>(); for (SERVICE service : services) { if (!affinityMap.containsKey(service.getHostResource())) { affinityMap.put(service.getHostResource(), new ArrayList<>()); } int cpuSocket = affinityMap.get(service.getHostResource()).size(); affinityMap.get(service.getHostResource()).add(service); service.setAffinity(new Affinity.Builder().cpuSocket(cpuSocket).build()); } } /** * Helper method to avoid replicating code. * * @param hostResource The physical host on which this service should run. * @param userPort The wanted port given by the user. */ private void initService(DeployLogger deployLogger, HostResource hostResource, int userPort) { if (initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("Service '" + getConfigId() + "' already initialized."); } if (hostResource == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No host found for service '" + getServiceName() + "'. " + "The hostalias is probably missing from hosts.xml."); } id = getIndex(hostResource); ports = hostResource.allocateService(deployLogger, this, getInstanceWantedPort(userPort)); initialized = true; } /** * Called by builder class which has not given the host or port in a constructor, hence * initService is not yet run for this. */ public void initService(DeployLogger deployLogger) { initService(deployLogger, this.hostResource, this.basePort); } /** * Returns the desired base port for the first instance of the * service type. Returns '0' as default, which means that the * service type should use the default port allocation mechanism. * * @return The desired base port for the first instance of the service type. */ public int getWantedPort() { return 0; } /** * Returns the desired base port for this service instance, '0' if * it should use the default port allocation mechanism. * * @param userWantedPort The wanted port given by the user. * @return The desired base port for this service instance, '0' by default */ private int getInstanceWantedPort(int userWantedPort) { int wantedPort = 0; if (userWantedPort == 0) { if (requiresWantedPort()) wantedPort = getWantedPort(); else if (getWantedPort() > 0) wantedPort = getWantedPort() + ((getId() - 1) * getPortCount()); } else { // User defined from spec wantedPort = userWantedPort; } return wantedPort; } /** * Override if the desired base port (returned by getWantedPort()) is the only allowed base port. * * @return false by default */ public boolean requiresWantedPort() { return false; } /** * Gets the ports metainfo object. The service implementation must populate this object in the constructor. */ public PortsMeta getPortsMeta() { return portsMeta; } /** * Computes and returns the i'th port for this service, based on this Service's baseport. * * @param i the offset from 'basePort' of the port to return * @return the i'th port relative to the base port. * @throws IllegalStateException if i is out of range. */ public int getRelativePort(int i) { if (ports.size() < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested port with offset " + i + " for service that " + "has not reserved any ports: " + this); } if (i >= ports.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Requested port with offset " + i + " for service that " + "only has reserved " + ports.size() + " ports: " + this); } return ports.get(i); } /** * Must be overridden by services that should be started by * config-sentinel. The returned value will be used in * config-sentinel configuration. Returns null by default. * * @return null by default. */ public String getStartupCommand() { return null; } public Optional getPreShutdownCommand() { return Optional.empty(); } /** Returns the name that identifies this service for the config-sentinel, never null */ @Override public String getServiceName() { return getServiceType() + ((id == 1) ? "" : Integer.toString(id)); } /** * Returns the type of service. This is the class name without the * package prefix by default, never null */ @Override public String getServiceType() { return toLowerCase(getShortClassName()); } /** * Strips the package prefix and returns the short classname. * * @return classname without package prefix. */ private String getShortClassName() { Class myClass = getClass(); Package myPackage = myClass.getPackage(); return myClass.getName().substring(1 + myPackage.getName().length()); } @Override public HostResource getHost() { return hostResource; } @Override public String getHostName() { return hostResource.getHostname(); } /** * @return The id (index) of this service on the host where it runs */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Computes a number that identifies the service on the given * host. The number of services of the same type (Class) is * counted and the number is returned. * * @param host the host on which the service will run * @return id number for the given service. */ // TODO: Do something more intelligent in the Host class..? protected int getIndex(HostResource host) { int i = 0; for (Service s : host.getServices()) { if (s.getServiceType().equals(getServiceType()) && (s != this)) { i++; } } return i + 1; } @Override public ServiceInfo getServiceInfo() { Set portInfos = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < portsMeta.getNumPorts(); i++) { portInfos.add(new PortInfo(ports.get(i), new LinkedHashSet<>(portsMeta.getTagsAt(i)))); } Map properties = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry prop : serviceProperties.entrySet()) { properties.put(prop.getKey(), prop.getValue().toString()); } return new ServiceInfo(getServiceName(), getServiceType(), portInfos, properties, getConfigId(), getHostName()); } /** * Sets a service property value for the given key. * * @param key a key used for this property * @param value a String value associated with the key * @return this service */ public AbstractService setProp(String key, String value) { serviceProperties.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Sets a service property value for the given key. * * @param key a key used for this property * @param value an Integer value associated with the key * @return this service */ public AbstractService setProp(String key, Integer value) { serviceProperties.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Gets a service property value mapped to the given key * as a String, or null if no such key exists. * * @param key a key used for lookup in the service properties * @return the associated String value for the given key, or null */ public String getServicePropertyString(String key) { return getServicePropertyString(key, null); } public String getServicePropertyString(String key, String defStr) { Object result = serviceProperties.get(key); return (result == null) ? defStr : result.toString(); } /** Optional execution args for this service */ public String getJvmOptions() { return jvmOptions; } public final void setJvmOptions(String args) { jvmOptions = (args == null) ? "" : args; } public final void appendJvmOptions(String args) { if ((args != null) && ! "".equals(args)) { setJvmOptions(jvmOptions + getSeparator(jvmOptions) + args); } } private static String getSeparator(String current) { return ("".equals(current)) ? "" : " "; } public final void prependJvmOptions(String args) { if ((args != null) && ! "".equals(args)) { setJvmOptions(args + getSeparator(jvmOptions) + jvmOptions); } } public String getPreLoad() { return preload != null ? preload : defaultPreload(); } public void setPreLoad(String preload) { this.preload = preload; } public long getMMapNoCoreLimit() { return mmapNoCoreLimit; } public void setMMapNoCoreLimit(long noCoreLimit) { this.mmapNoCoreLimit = noCoreLimit; } public boolean getCoreOnOOM() { return coreOnOOM; } public void setCoreOnOOM(boolean coreOnOOM) { this.coreOnOOM = coreOnOOM; } public int getOmpNumThreads() { return ompNumThreads; } public void setOmpNumThreads(int value) { ompNumThreads = value; } public String getNoVespaMalloc() { return noVespaMalloc; } public String getVespaMalloc() { return vespaMalloc; } public String getVespaMallocDebug() { return vespaMallocDebug; } public String getVespaMallocDebugStackTrace() { return vespaMallocDebugStackTrace; } public void setNoVespaMalloc(String s) { noVespaMalloc = s; } public void setVespaMalloc(String s) { vespaMalloc = s; } public void setVespaMallocDebug(String s) { vespaMallocDebug = s; } public void setVespaMallocDebugStackTrace(String s) { vespaMallocDebugStackTrace = s; } public String getMMapNoCoreEnvVariable() { return (getMMapNoCoreLimit() >= 0L) ? "VESPA_MMAP_NOCORE_LIMIT=" + getMMapNoCoreLimit() + " " : ""; } public String getCoreOnOOMEnvVariable() { return getCoreOnOOM() ? "" : "VESPA_SILENCE_CORE_ON_OOM=true "; } public String getOmpNumThreadsEnvVariable() { return (getOmpNumThreads() == 0) ? "" : "OMP_NUM_THREADS=" + getOmpNumThreads() + " "; } public String getNoVespaMallocEnvVariable() { return "".equals(getNoVespaMalloc()) ? "" : "VESPA_USE_NO_VESPAMALLOC=\"" + getNoVespaMalloc() + "\" "; } public String getVespaMallocEnvVariable() { return "".equals(getVespaMalloc()) ? "" : "VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC=\"" + getVespaMalloc() + "\" "; } public String getVespaMallocDebugEnvVariable() { return "".equals(getVespaMallocDebug()) ? "" : "VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_D=\"" + getVespaMallocDebug() + "\" "; } public String getVespaMallocDebugStackTraceEnvVariable() { return "".equals(getVespaMallocDebugStackTrace()) ? "" : "VESPA_USE_VESPAMALLOC_DST=\"" + getVespaMallocDebugStackTrace() + "\" "; } public String getEnvVariables() { return getCoreOnOOMEnvVariable() + getOmpNumThreadsEnvVariable() + getMMapNoCoreEnvVariable() + getNoVespaMallocEnvVariable() + getVespaMallocEnvVariable() + getVespaMallocDebugEnvVariable() + getVespaMallocDebugStackTraceEnvVariable(); } /** * WARNING: should only be called before initService() */ public void setBasePort(int wantedPort) { this.basePort = wantedPort; } public void setHostResource(HostResource hostResource) { this.hostResource = hostResource; } public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /** * Add the given file to the application's file distributor. * * @param reference file reference (hash) */ public void send(FileReference reference) { getRoot().fileReferencesRepository().add(reference); } /** The service HTTP port for health status */ public int getHealthPort() { return -1;} /** * Overridden by subclasses. List of default dimensions to be added to this services metrics * * @return the default dimensions for this service */ public HashMap getDefaultMetricDimensions(){ return new LinkedHashMap<>(); } // For testing public int getNumPortsAllocated() { return ports.size(); } public HostResource getHostResource() { return hostResource; } public Optional getAffinity() { return affinity; } public void setAffinity(Affinity affinity) { this.affinity = Optional.ofNullable(affinity); } @Override public String toString() { return getServiceName() + " on " + (getHost() == null ? "no host" : getHost().toString()); } }