// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.model; import com.yahoo.config.model.api.ModelContext; import com.yahoo.cloud.config.SentinelConfig; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone; /** * There is one config-sentinel running on each Vespa host, and one * instance of this class is therefore created by each instance of * class {@link Host}. * * @author gjoranv */ public class ConfigSentinel extends AbstractService implements SentinelConfig.Producer { static final int BASEPORT = 19097; private final ApplicationId applicationId; private final Zone zone; private final boolean ignoreRequestedStackSizes; /** * Constructs a new ConfigSentinel for the given host. * * @param host Physical host on which to run. */ public ConfigSentinel(Host host, ApplicationId applicationId, Zone zone, ModelContext.FeatureFlags featureFlags) { super(host, "sentinel"); this.applicationId = applicationId; this.zone = zone; this.ignoreRequestedStackSizes = featureFlags.ignoreThreadStackSizes(); portsMeta.on(0).tag("rpc").tag("admin"); portsMeta.on(1).tag("telnet").tag("interactive").tag("http").tag("state"); setProp("clustertype", "hosts"); setProp("clustername", "admin"); } @Override public void allocatePorts(int start, PortAllocBridge from) { if (start == 0) start = BASEPORT; from.requirePort(start++, "rpc"); from.requirePort(start++, "http"); } /** * Returns the desired base port for this service. */ public int getWantedPort() { return 19097; } /** * The desired base port is the only allowed base port. */ public boolean requiresWantedPort() { return true; } /** * @return The number of ports reserved by the Sentinel. */ public int getPortCount() { return 2; } @Override public int getHealthPort() {return getRelativePort(1); } /** * Overrides parent method as this is named config-sentinel and not configsentinel all over Vespa * @return service type for config-sentinel */ public String getServiceType(){ return "config-sentinel"; } @Override public void getConfig(SentinelConfig.Builder builder) { builder.application(getApplicationConfig()); builder.ignoreRequestedStackSizes(ignoreRequestedStackSizes); for (Service s : getHostResource().getServices()) { if (s.getStartupCommand() != null) { builder.service(getServiceConfig(s)); } } } private SentinelConfig.Application.Builder getApplicationConfig() { SentinelConfig.Application.Builder builder = new SentinelConfig.Application.Builder(); builder.tenant(applicationId.tenant().value()); builder.name(applicationId.application().value()); builder.environment(zone.environment().value()); builder.region(zone.region().value()); builder.instance(applicationId.instance().value()); return builder; } private SentinelConfig.Service.Builder getServiceConfig(Service s) { SentinelConfig.Service.Builder serviceBuilder = new SentinelConfig.Service.Builder(); serviceBuilder.command(s.getStartupCommand()); serviceBuilder.name(s.getServiceName()); serviceBuilder.id(s.getConfigId()); serviceBuilder.affinity(getServiceAffinity(s)); setPreShutdownCommand(serviceBuilder, s); return serviceBuilder; } private void setPreShutdownCommand(SentinelConfig.Service.Builder serviceBuilder, Service service) { if (service.getPreShutdownCommand().isPresent()) { serviceBuilder.preShutdownCommand(service.getPreShutdownCommand().get()); } } private SentinelConfig.Service.Affinity.Builder getServiceAffinity(Service s) { SentinelConfig.Service.Affinity.Builder builder = new SentinelConfig.Service.Affinity.Builder(); if (s.getAffinity().isPresent()) { builder.cpuSocket(s.getAffinity().get().cpuSocket()); } return builder; } }