// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.model.content; /** * Class used to validate that hierarchic distribution is correctly setup when having an indexed content cluster. * * Note that this class does not implement the com.yahoo.vespa.model.application.validation.Validator interface, * but is instead used in the context of com.yahoo.vespa.model.ConfigProducer.validate() such that it can be unit tested * without having to build the complete vespa model. * * @author geirst */ public class IndexedHierarchicDistributionValidator { private final String clusterName; private final StorageGroup rootGroup; private final Redundancy redundancy; private final DispatchTuning.DispatchPolicy dispatchPolicy; public IndexedHierarchicDistributionValidator(String clusterName, StorageGroup rootGroup, Redundancy redundancy, DispatchTuning.DispatchPolicy dispatchPolicy) { this.clusterName = clusterName; this.rootGroup = rootGroup; this.redundancy = redundancy; this.dispatchPolicy = dispatchPolicy; } public void validate() { validateThatWeHaveOneGroupLevel(); validateThatLeafGroupsHasEqualNumberOfNodes(); validateThatLeafGroupsCountIsAFactorOfRedundancy(clusterName, redundancy.effectiveFinalRedundancy(), rootGroup.getSubgroups().size()); validateThatRedundancyPerGroupIsEqual(); validateThatReadyCopiesIsCompatibleWithRedundancy(clusterName, redundancy.effectiveFinalRedundancy(), redundancy.effectiveReadyCopies(), rootGroup.getSubgroups().size()); } private void validateThatWeHaveOneGroupLevel() { for (StorageGroup group : rootGroup.getSubgroups()) { if (group.getSubgroups().size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected all groups under root group '" + rootGroup.getName() + "' to be leaf groups only containing nodes, but sub group '" + group.getName() + "' contains " + group.getSubgroups().size() + " sub groups."); } } } private void validateThatLeafGroupsHasEqualNumberOfNodes() { if (dispatchPolicy != DispatchTuning.DispatchPolicy.ROUNDROBIN) return; StorageGroup previousGroup = null; for (StorageGroup group : rootGroup.getSubgroups()) { if (previousGroup == null) { // first group previousGroup = group; continue; } if (group.getNodes().size() != previousGroup.getNodes().size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected leaf groups to contain an equal number of nodes, but leaf group '" + previousGroup.getName() + "' contains " + previousGroup.getNodes().size() + " node(s) while leaf group '" + group.getName() + "' contains " + group.getNodes().size() + " node(s)."); previousGroup = group; } } static public void validateThatLeafGroupsCountIsAFactorOfRedundancy(String clusterName, int totalRedundancy, int subGroups) { if (totalRedundancy % subGroups != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected number of leaf groups (" + subGroups + ") to be a factor of redundancy (" + totalRedundancy + "), but it is not."); } } private void validateThatRedundancyPerGroupIsEqual() { int redundancyPerGroup = redundancy.effectiveFinalRedundancy() / rootGroup.getSubgroups().size(); String expPartitions = createDistributionPartitions(redundancyPerGroup, rootGroup.getSubgroups().size()); if (!rootGroup.getPartitions().get().equals(expPartitions)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected redundancy per leaf group to be " + redundancyPerGroup + ", but it is not according to distribution partitions '" + rootGroup.getPartitions().get() + "'. Expected distribution partitions should be '" + expPartitions + "'."); } } private String createDistributionPartitions(int redundancyPerGroup, int numGroups) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numGroups - 1; ++i) { sb.append(redundancyPerGroup); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("*"); return sb.toString(); } static public void validateThatReadyCopiesIsCompatibleWithRedundancy(String clusterName, int totalRedundancy, int totalReadyCopies, int groupCount) { if (totalRedundancy % groupCount != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected equal redundancy per group."); } if (totalReadyCopies % groupCount != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Expected equal amount of ready copies per group, but " + totalReadyCopies + " ready copies is specified with " + groupCount + " groups"); } if (totalReadyCopies == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getErrorMsgPrefix(clusterName) + "Warning. No ready copies configured. At least one is required."); } } static private String getErrorMsgPrefix(String clusterName) { return "In indexed content cluster '" + clusterName + "' using hierarchic distribution: "; } }