# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. Admin = AdminV2 | AdminV3 | AdminV4 AdminV2 = element admin { attribute version { "2.0" } & element adminserver { service.attlist }? & GenericConfig* & LogServer? & ConfigServers? & AdminSlobroks? & AdminMonitoring? & Metrics? & ClusterControllers? & LoggingSpecs? & LogForwarding? } AdminV3 = element admin { attribute version { "3.0" } & GenericConfig* & Nodes } AdminV4 = element admin { attribute version { "4.0" } & AdminV4Slobroks? & AdminV4LogServers? & GenericConfig* & AdminMonitoring? & Metrics? & LoggingSpecs? & LogForwarding? } AdminV4Slobroks = element slobroks { OptionalDedicatedNodes } AdminV4LogServers = element logservers { OptionalDedicatedNodes } AdminSlobroks = element slobroks { element slobrok { service.attlist & attribute index { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? }+ } AdminMonitoring = element monitoring { attribute interval { xsd:int }?, attribute systemname { xsd:string }? } ConfigServer = element configserver { service.attlist } ConfigServers = element configservers { ConfigServer+ } LogServer = element logserver { service.attlist } Metrics = element metrics { element consumer { attribute id { xsd:Name } & element metric-set { attribute id { xsd:Name } }* & element metric { attribute id { xsd:Name } & attribute display-name { xsd:Name }? }* & Cloudwatch? }+ } Cloudwatch = element cloudwatch { attribute region { xsd:Name } & attribute namespace { xsd:string { pattern = "[\w_\-/#:\.]+" } } & ( element credentials { attribute access-key-name { xsd:Name } & attribute secret-key-name { xsd:Name } } | element shared-credentials { attribute file { string } & attribute profile { xsd:Name }? } )? } ClusterControllers = element cluster-controllers { attribute standalone-zookeeper { xsd:string }? & element cluster-controller { service.attlist }+ } LogForwarding = element logforwarding { attribute include-admin { xsd:boolean }? & element splunk { attribute splunk-home { xsd:string }? & attribute deployment-server { xsd:string } & attribute client-name { xsd:string } & attribute phone-home-interval { xsd:positiveInteger }? & attribute role { xsd:string }? } } LoggingSpecs = element logging { ( element class { attribute name { xsd:Name } & attribute levels { xsd:string } } | element package { attribute name { xsd:Name } & attribute levels { xsd:string } } )* }