# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. ContainerCluster = element container { attribute version { "1.0" } & attribute id { xsd:NCName }? & Include* & ContainerServices & DocumentBinding* & NodesOfContainerCluster? & ClientAuthorize? } ContainerServices = SearchInContainer? & DocprocInContainer? & ProcessingInContainer? & ModelEvaluation? & DocumentApi? & Components* & Component* & Embedder* & Handler* & Server* & Http? & AccessLog* & SecretStore? & ZooKeeper? & GenericConfig* # TODO(ogronnesby): Change this configuration syntax ClientAuthorize = element client-authorize { empty } Components = element components { Include* & Component* } Include = element \include { attribute dir { text } } Http = element http { (Filtering & HttpServer+) | HttpServer+ | empty } Filtering = element filtering { attribute strict-mode { xsd:boolean }? & HttpFilter* & AccessControl? & element request-chain { HttpFilterChain }* & element response-chain { HttpFilterChain }* } HttpServer = element server { attribute port { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? & attribute required { xsd:boolean }? & attribute default-request-chain { xsd:string }? & attribute default-response-chain { xsd:string }? & ComponentId & (Ssl | SslProvider)? & GenericConfig* } AccessLog = element accesslog { attribute type { string "yapache" | string "vespa" | string "json" | string "disabled" }? & attribute fileNamePattern { string }? & attribute compressOnRotation { xsd:boolean }? & attribute symlinkName { string }? & attribute compressionType { string "gzip" | string "zstd" }? & attribute queueSize { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? & attribute bufferSize { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? & attribute rotationInterval { string }? } SecretStore = element secret-store { attribute type { string "oath-ckms" | string "cloud" } & element group { attribute name { string } & attribute environment { string "alpha" | string "corp" | string "prod" | string "aws" | string "aws_stage" } } * & element store { attribute id { string } & element aws-parameter-store { attribute account { string } & attribute aws-region { string } } * }? } ZooKeeper = element zookeeper { empty } Embedder = element embedder { attribute id { string }? & attribute class { xsd:Name | JavaId }? & attribute bundle { xsd:Name }? & attribute def { xsd:Name }? & anyElement* } ModelEvaluation = element model-evaluation { element onnx { element models { element model { attribute name { string } & element intraop-threads { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? & element interop-threads { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }? & element execution-mode { string "sequential" | string "parallel" }? }* }? }? } Ssl = element ssl { element private-key-file { string } & element certificate-file { string } & element ca-certificates-file { string }? & element client-authentication { string "disabled" | string "want" | string "need" }? & element cipher-suites { string }? & element protocols { string }? } SslProvider = element ssl-provider { BundleSpec } Threadpool = element threadpool { element max-threads { xsd:nonNegativeInteger } & element min-threads { xsd:nonNegativeInteger } & element queue-size { xsd:nonNegativeInteger } } # SEARCH: SearchInContainer = element search { Include* & ServerBindings? & Searcher* & SearchChain* & Provider* & Renderer* & GenericConfig* & Threadpool? } SearchChain = element chain { GenericSearchChain } GenericSearchChain = ComponentId & SearchChainInheritance & attribute searchers { text }? & Searcher* & Phase* & GenericConfig* SearchChainInheritance = attribute inherits { text }? & attribute excludes { text }? & element inherits { element chain { ComponentSpec }* & element exclude { ComponentSpec }* }? # DOCPROC: DocprocInContainer = element document-processing { Include* & DocprocClusterAttributes? & DocumentProcessorV3* & ChainInDocprocInContainerCluster* & GenericConfig* } ChainInDocprocInContainerCluster = element chain { DocprocChainV3Contents } # PROCESSING: ProcessingInContainer = element processing { Include* & ServerBindings? & Processor* & Chain* & ProcessingRenderer* & GenericConfig* } # DOCUMENT API: DocumentApi = element document-api { ServerBindings & GenericConfig* & element abortondocumenterror { xsd:boolean }? & element retryenabled { xsd:boolean }? & element route { text }? & element maxpendingdocs { xsd:positiveInteger }? & element maxpendingbytes { xsd:positiveInteger }? & element retrydelay { xsd:double { minInclusive = "0.0" } }? & element timeout { xsd:double { minInclusive = "0.0" } }? & element tracelevel { xsd:positiveInteger }? & element mbusport { xsd:positiveInteger }? & DocumentRestApi? & HttpClientApi? } DocumentRestApi = element rest-api { empty } HttpClientApi = element http-client-api { Threadpool? } # NODES: NodesOfContainerCluster = element nodes { attribute jvm-options { text }? & attribute jvm-gc-options { text }? & attribute preload { text }? & attribute allocated-memory { text }? & attribute cpu-socket-affinity { xsd:boolean }? & element jvm { attribute options { text }? & attribute gc-options { text }? & attribute allocated-memory { text }? } ? & Resources? & element environment-variables { anyElement + } ? & ( ( attribute of { xsd:string } & attribute required { xsd:boolean }? ) | attribute type { xsd:string } | ( attribute count { xsd:positiveInteger | xsd:string } & attribute flavor { xsd:string }? & attribute required { xsd:boolean }? & attribute exclusive { xsd:boolean }? & attribute docker-image { xsd:string }? ) | element node { attribute hostalias { xsd:NCName } & attribute cpu-socket { xsd:positiveInteger }? & GenericConfig* }+ ) } #DOCUMENT BINDINGS: DocumentBinding = element document { attribute type { xsd:NCName } & attribute class { xsd:NCName } & attribute bundle { xsd:NCName } }