# Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. search music { document music { field bgndata type string { indexing: summary summary: dynamic } field sales type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field pto type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field keys type string { indexing: index } field mid type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field ew type string { indexing: summary | index bolding: on } field surl type string { indexing: summary } field userrate type int { indexing: summary } field pid type string { indexing: summary } field weight type float { indexing: summary | attribute } field url type string { indexing: summary } field isbn type string { indexing: summary } field fmt type string { indexing: summary | index } field albumid type string { indexing: summary } field disp_song type string { indexing: summary } field song type string { indexing: summary | index summary: dynamic } field pfrom type int { indexing: summary } field bgnpfrom type float { indexing: summary | attribute } field categories type string { indexing: summary | index } field data type string { indexing: summary } field numreview type int { indexing: summary } field bgnsellers type int { indexing: summary } field image type string { indexing: summary } field artist type string { indexing: summary | index } field artistspid type string { indexing: summary } field title type string { indexing: summary | index } field newestedition type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field bgnpto type string { indexing: summary summary: dynamic bolding: on } field year type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field did type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field scorekey type int { indexing: summary } field cbid type int { indexing: summary | attribute } field metalvalue type string { indexing: summary } field hiphopvalue type string { indexing: summary match { token } } field powermetalvalue type string { indexing: index | summary rank: filter } field progvalue type string { indexing: index | summary rank { filter } } } field metalvalue_arr type array { indexing: input metalvalue | split ";" | attribute } field hiphopvalue_arr type array { indexing: input hiphopvalue | split ";" | attribute } fieldset default { fields: keys, ew, artist, song, title } }