# Copyright 2020 Oath Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. search neuralnet { document neuralnet { field pinned type int { indexing: attribute } field createdAt type long { indexing: attribute } field updatedAt type long { indexing: attribute } field uvCount type int { indexing: attribute } field dvCount type int { indexing: attribute } field aVoteCount type int { indexing: attribute } field rCount type int { indexing: attribute } field uniqueRACount type int { indexing: attribute } field rTo type string { indexing: attribute } field markedAsAAt type long { indexing: attribute } field normalizedTextScore type float { indexing: attribute } field t type float { indexing: attribute } field relevance type float { indexing: attribute } field normalizedCS type float { indexing: attribute } field laAt type long { indexing: attribute } field hsScore type double { indexing: attribute } } rank-profile defaultRankProfile inherits default { constants { maxSignedSixtyFourBitInteger: 9223372036854775807 } macro log10_1p(x) { expression: log10(x+1) } macro textScoreToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(normalizedTextScore)) == 1, 0, attribute(normalizedTextScore)) } macro rCountToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(rCount)) == 1, 0, if(attribute(rCount) < 0, 0, attribute(rCount))) } macro uniqueRCountToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(uniqueRCount)) == 1, 0, if(attribute(uniqueRACount) < 0, 0, attribute(uniqueRACount))) } macro uvCountToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(uvCount)) == 1, 0, if(attribute(uvCount) < 0, 0, attribute(uvCount))) } macro dvCountToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(dvCount)) == 1, 0, if(attribute(dvCount) < 0, 0, attribute(dvCount))) } macro aVoteCountToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(aVoteCount)) == 1, 0, if(attribute(aVoteCount) < 0, 0, attribute(aVoteCount))) } macro totalPR() { expression: uniqueRCountToUse + query(voteToRRatio) * (uvCountToUse - dvCountToUse) - aVoteCountToUse } macro totalvote() { expression: query(reportaweight) * aVoteCountToUse + dvCountToUse + query(rweight) * uniqueRCountToUse + uvCountToUse } macro phat() { expression: if (totalvote == 0, 0, ( query(rweight) * uniqueRCountToUse + uvCountToUse) / totalvote) } macro nCScoreToUse() { expression: if (totalPR > 0, log10(totalPR), 0) } macro hsScoreToUse() { expression: attribute(hsScore) } macro tScoreToUse() { expression: if (isNan(attribute(t)) == 1, 0.6, attribute(t)) } macro relevanceScoreToUse() { expression: if (isNan(attribute(relevance)) == 1, 0.254, attribute(relevance)) } macro freshnessToUse() { expression: if (freshness(createdAt).logscale < 0.01, 0.01, freshness(createdAt).logscale) } macro rankedAt() { expression: now } macro createdAtToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(createdAt)) == 1, rankedAt, attribute(createdAt)) } macro laAtToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(laAt)) == 1, attribute(createdAt), attribute(laAt)) } macro markedAsAAtToUse() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(markedAsAAt)) == 1, maxSignedSixtyFourBitInteger, attribute(markedAsAAt)) } macro tdToUse() { expression: pow(2, 0 - ((rankedAt - createdAtToUse) / query(decay))) } macro commentOverallScore() { expression: query(textweight) * textScoreToUse + query(communityweight) * nCScoreToUse } macro pinScore() { expression: if(isNan(attribute(pinned)) == 1, 0, query(pinweight) * attribute(pinned)) } macro freshnessRank() { expression: nativeRank + freshness(createdAt) } first-phase { expression: nativeRank } } rank-profile neuralNetworkProfile inherits defaultRankProfile { macro nn_input() { expression { concat(log10_1p(aVoteCountToUse), concat(log10_1p(dvCountToUse), concat(log10_1p(uniqueRCountToUse), concat(log10_1p(uvCountToUse), concat(phat, concat(log10_1p(totalvote), concat(hsScoreToUse, concat(tdToUse, tScoreToUse, x), x), x), x), x), x), x), x) } } macro get_model_weights(field) { expression: if(query(field) == 0, constant(field), query(field)) } macro layer_0() { expression: elu(xw_plus_b(nn_input, get_model_weights(W_0), get_model_weights(b_0), x)) } macro layer_1() { expression: elu(xw_plus_b(layer_0, get_model_weights(W_1), get_model_weights(b_1), hidden)) } macro layer_out() { expression: sum(xw_plus_b(layer_1, get_model_weights(W_out), get_model_weights(b_out), out)) } first-phase { expression: freshnessRank } second-phase { expression: layer_out rerank-count: 2000 } } constant W_0 { file: neural-network-201805/W_0.json type: tensor(x[9],hidden[9]) } constant b_0 { file: neural-network-201805/b_0.json type: tensor(hidden[9]) } constant W_1 { file: neural-network-201805/W_1.json type: tensor(hidden[9],out[9]) } constant b_1 { file: neural-network-201805/b_1.json type: tensor(out[9]) } constant W_out { file: neural-network-201805/W_out.json type: tensor(out[9]) } constant b_out { file: neural-network-201805/b_out.json type: tensor(out[1]) } }