search newsindex { # # For any change, you should update the doc # document newsindex { # # The simplified language code used for tokenizing the document # during indexing. # # This field on top to make sure indexing is correct for rest of document. # field language type string { indexing: index | attribute | summary | set_language match: word rank: filter normalizing: none stemming: none } # # Data labels # # Multiple purpose field: # 1. indicate whether content is internal or external # 2. labeling the content type if it is internal (ymedia:type=story) # field labels type array { indexing: summary | index | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } match: word rank: filter normalizing: none stemming: none } # # URL # field url type uri { indexing: summary | index normalizing: none stemming: none alias url.hostname: site } # # UUID # # Internal content ID # field uuid type string { indexing: summary | index match: word rank: filter normalizing: none stemming: none } field documenttype type string { indexing: index | summary | attribute match: word rank: filter normalizing: none stemming: none } field title type string { indexing: index | summary weight: 30 stemming: none bolding: on } field abstract type string { indexing: index | summary weight: 20 stemming: none bolding: on # NUWA-126: per editor, it should be controlled in API layer summary: dynamic } field body type string { indexing: index | summary weight: 6 stemming: none summary: dynamic } field author type string { indexing: index | summary stemming: none } # # Provider Name # # Provider name for internal content # field providername type string { indexing: summary } # # Provider Id # # Provider id for internal content # field providerid type string { indexing: index | summary | attribute match: word rank: filter stemming: none normalizing: none } # # Publish timestamp in seconds # field pubdate type long { indexing: summary | attribute alias: date attribute { fast-search fast-access } } # # Expire timestamp in seconds # # Internal content must not be showded after this timestamp # field expdate type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } } # # Embargo timestamp in seconds # # Internal content should not be showed before this timestamp # field embargodate type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } } # # processing timestamp in seconds # # mainly for internal tracking # field procdate type long { indexing: summary | attribute } # # indexing timestamp in seconds # # mainly for internal tracking # field indexdate type long { indexing: summary | attribute } # crawler timestamp # # mainly for internal tracking # field crawldate type long { indexing: summary | attribute } # # # Thumbnail # field thumbnails type array { indexing: summary normalizing: none stemming: none } field thumbnail_count type int { indexing: summary | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } } # # Tracking Identity # # Store the tracking id for media Content Asset Tracking system (CAT) # field trail type string { indexing: summary | index normalizing: none stemming: none } # # property + "_" + region + "_" + lang # # use this field to filter properties we want in results. # filter internal content based on property and its language # # For US News, we will need results from US news and US finance, but don't # want US autos and others. # Ex. # filter = +(pty_lang:news_US_en-US pty_lang:finance_US_en-US) # filter = +(pty_lang:autos_TW_zh-Hant-TW pty_lang:news_TW_zh-Hant-TW) # field pty_lang type array { indexing: summary | index | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } match: word rank:filter normalizing: none stemming: none } # # property + "_" + region + "_" + lang + "|" + property URL # # use this field to store the property URL for internal content. # Ex. # news_US_en-US| # field pty_urls type array { indexing: summary normalizing: none stemming: none } #### NSite fields field nsite_sourceid type string { indexing: summary | index | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } normalizing: none stemming: none rank: filter rank-type: empty } field nsite_sourcefeedid type string { indexing: summary | index | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } normalizing: none stemming: none rank: filter rank-type: empty } # source + provider for internal data # this feature is mainly for TW / HK markets field nsite_sourceprovider type string { indexing: summary | index | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } normalizing: none stemming: none rank: filter rank-type: empty } field nsite_sourcecountry type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_sourcelocale type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_sourcecontinent type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_sourcerank type int { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field nsite_sourceurl type uri { indexing: summary | index normalizing: none stemming: none alias nsite_sourceurl.hostname: nsite_sourcesite } field nsite_sourcename type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_shortsourcename type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_othersourcename type string { indexing: summary | index stemming: none } field nsite_categories type array { indexing: summary | index normalizing: none stemming: none rank: filter alias: nsite_category alias: nsite_cat } field nsite_attributes type array { indexing: summary | index normalizing: none stemming: none match: word rank: filter } #### Fingerprint fields # # Hashcode of full content # # use this field for dedup in the runtime. # field fingerprint type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } # # Hashcode of title # # use this field for dedup in the runtime. # field titlefingerprint type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } } #### Sieve Classifier Scores # # # newsyScore field # field sieve_newsyscore type float { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } #### User Feedback (UF) features # # uf_ctr_[0-9]hr: CTR # uf_ctn_[0-9]hr: click count # uf_vtn_[0-9]hr: view count # uf_totalview_1hr: News DD total page view (under testing) # # uf_updatedate: user feedback update timestamp in seconds # field uf_updatedate type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute { fast-search fast-access } } ## 1 hour field uf_ctr_1hr type float { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_ctn_1hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_vtn_1hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_totalview_1hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } ## 3 hours field uf_ctr_3hr type float { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_ctn_3hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_vtn_3hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } ## 12 hours field uf_ctr_12hr type float { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_ctn_12hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_vtn_12hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } ## 24 hours field uf_ctr_24hr type float { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_ctn_24hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } field uf_vtn_24hr type long { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } # # Video duration in seconds # field video_duration type int { indexing: summary | attribute attribute: fast-search } } fieldset default { fields: title, abstract, body } # Fieldset for Magazines to be able to search in author name by default fieldset defaultandauthor { fields: title, abstract, body, author } rank-profile base inherits default { first-phase { expression: nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) } macro globalstaticrank() { expression { attribute(pubdate) / 2 } } macro usstaticrank() { expression { globalstaticrank + (if (isNan(attribute(nsite_sourcerank)) == 1.0, sourcerank, attribute(nsite_sourcerank)) * 4000) } } macro asiastaticrank() { expression { usstaticrank } } macro eustaticrank() { expression { usstaticrank } } constants { sourcerank: 1 } } rank-profile pubdate { first-phase { expression: freshness(pubdate) } second-phase { expression: freshness(pubdate) } } # use for time sorting in vertical SRP rank-profile date { first-phase { expression: attribute(pubdate) } } rank-profile usrankmlr_tau2 inherits base { summary-features { age(pubdate) attribute(pubdate) asiastaticrank eustaticrank globalstaticrank usstaticrank fieldMatch(abstract) fieldMatch(abstract).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).completeness fieldMatch(abstract).earliness fieldMatch(abstract).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(abstract).importance fieldMatch(abstract).occurrence fieldMatch(abstract).significance fieldMatch(abstract).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).weight fieldMatch(body) fieldMatch(body).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(body).completeness fieldMatch(body).earliness fieldMatch(body).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(body).importance fieldMatch(body).occurrence fieldMatch(body).significance fieldMatch(body).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title) fieldMatch(title).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(title).completeness fieldMatch(title).earliness fieldMatch(title).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(title).importance fieldMatch(title).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(title).occurrence fieldMatch(title).significance fieldMatch(title).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title).weight fieldMatch(url) fieldMatch(url).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(url).completeness fieldMatch(url).earliness fieldMatch(url).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(url).importance fieldMatch(url).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(url).occurrence fieldMatch(url).significance fieldMatch(url).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(url).weight fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename) fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).completeness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).earliness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).importance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).occurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).weight attribute(nsite_sourcerank) match nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) nativeRank queryTermCount } constants { time_rewards: 900 maxAge: 604800 scale: 86400 } first-phase { expression: nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) } macro textfeature() { expression: file:usrankmlr_aug16.expression } macro freshness_logscale() { expression: (log(maxAge + scale) - log(max(0, age(pubdate) - attribute(nsite_sourcerank) * time_rewards) + scale)) / (log(maxAge + scale) - log(scale)) } second-phase { expression: min(textfeature, freshness_logscale) * 5 } } rank-profile northstarmlr inherits usrankmlr { } rank-profile usrankmlr inherits base { summary-features { age(pubdate) attribute(pubdate) asiastaticrank eustaticrank globalstaticrank usstaticrank fieldMatch(abstract) fieldMatch(abstract).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).completeness fieldMatch(abstract).earliness fieldMatch(abstract).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(abstract).importance fieldMatch(abstract).occurrence fieldMatch(abstract).significance fieldMatch(abstract).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).weight fieldMatch(body) fieldMatch(body).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(body).completeness fieldMatch(body).earliness fieldMatch(body).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(body).importance fieldMatch(body).occurrence fieldMatch(body).significance fieldMatch(body).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title) fieldMatch(title).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(title).completeness fieldMatch(title).earliness fieldMatch(title).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(title).importance fieldMatch(title).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(title).occurrence fieldMatch(title).significance fieldMatch(title).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title).weight fieldMatch(url) fieldMatch(url).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(url).completeness fieldMatch(url).earliness fieldMatch(url).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(url).importance fieldMatch(url).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(url).occurrence fieldMatch(url).significance fieldMatch(url).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(url).weight fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename) fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).completeness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).earliness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).importance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).occurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).weight attribute(nsite_sourcerank) match nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) nativeRank queryTermCount } second-phase { # substitute boost6hr by trail expression: file:gbrank_t174_n12_s008_WT2to1.calibrated.vespa.v3.expression } } rank-profile nuwamlr inherits base { summary-features { age(pubdate) attribute(pubdate) asiastaticrank eustaticrank globalstaticrank usstaticrank fieldMatch(abstract) fieldMatch(abstract).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).completeness fieldMatch(abstract).earliness fieldMatch(abstract).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(abstract).importance fieldMatch(abstract).occurrence fieldMatch(abstract).significance fieldMatch(abstract).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).weight fieldMatch(body) fieldMatch(body).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(body).completeness fieldMatch(body).earliness fieldMatch(body).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(body).importance fieldMatch(body).occurrence fieldMatch(body).significance fieldMatch(body).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title) fieldMatch(title).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(title).completeness fieldMatch(title).earliness fieldMatch(title).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(title).importance fieldMatch(title).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(title).occurrence fieldMatch(title).significance fieldMatch(title).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title).weight fieldMatch(url) fieldMatch(url).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(url).completeness fieldMatch(url).earliness fieldMatch(url).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(url).importance fieldMatch(url).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(url).occurrence fieldMatch(url).significance fieldMatch(url).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(url).weight fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename) fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).completeness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).earliness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).importance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).occurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).weight attribute(nsite_sourcerank) match nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) nativeRank queryTermCount has_thumbnail } macro has_thumbnail() { expression { if (attribute(thumbnail_count) >= 1, 1, 0) } } second-phase { expression: file:nuwa_v2_sourceid.expression } } rank-profile nuwamlr_noid inherits base { summary-features { age(pubdate) attribute(pubdate) asiastaticrank eustaticrank globalstaticrank usstaticrank fieldMatch(abstract) fieldMatch(abstract).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).completeness fieldMatch(abstract).earliness fieldMatch(abstract).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(abstract).importance fieldMatch(abstract).occurrence fieldMatch(abstract).significance fieldMatch(abstract).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(abstract).weight fieldMatch(body) fieldMatch(body).absoluteOccurrence fieldMatch(body).completeness fieldMatch(body).earliness fieldMatch(body).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(body).importance fieldMatch(body).occurrence fieldMatch(body).significance fieldMatch(body).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title) fieldMatch(title).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(title).completeness fieldMatch(title).earliness fieldMatch(title).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(title).importance fieldMatch(title).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(title).occurrence fieldMatch(title).significance fieldMatch(title).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(title).weight fieldMatch(url) fieldMatch(url).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(url).completeness fieldMatch(url).earliness fieldMatch(url).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(url).importance fieldMatch(url).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(url).occurrence fieldMatch(url).significance fieldMatch(url).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(url).weight fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename) fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).absoluteProximity fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).completeness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).earliness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).fieldCompleteness fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).importance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).longestSequenceRatio fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).occurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significance fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).significantOccurrence fieldMatch(nsite_sourcename).weight attribute(nsite_sourcerank) match nativeFieldMatch(title,abstract,body) nativeRank queryTermCount has_thumbnail } macro has_thumbnail() { expression { if (attribute(thumbnail_count) >= 1, 1, 0) } } second-phase { expression: file:nuwa_v2_nosourceid.expression } } } # vim:filetype=yaml:expandtab:ts=2:sw=2