# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. search rankprofiles { document rankprofiles { field field1 type string { indexing: index } field field2 type int { indexing: attribute attribute: fast-search } field field3 type int { indexing: attribute attribute: fast-search } } model default { } model other1 inherits default { rank field1: filter rank none: filter } model other2 inherits other1 { } model other3 { } model four { match-phase { attribute: field2 order: ascending max-hits: 12345 } } model five { match-phase { attribute: field2 order: descending max-hits: 54321 } } model six { match-phase { attribute: field3 max-hits: 666 } } model seven { match-phase { attribute: field3 max-hits:800 evaluation-point:0.7 pre-post-filter-tipping-point:3.4 } } model eight inherits seven { } }