# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. search rankproperties { document rankproperties { field title type string { indexing: index weight: 50 } field description type string { indexing: index weight: 10 } field tag type string { indexing: attribute } } rank-profile default { weight tag: 33 first-phase { expression: nativeFieldMatch } second-phase { expression: match } rank-properties { $test1:"foo" query(test2): 12.3 #$weight:1 } } rank-profile child inherits default { weight title: 15 #rank-properties { # $test:"bar" # $weight:2 #} #first-phase { # expression { # $weight # } #} } rank-profile standalone { weight description: 35 weight tag: 88 first-phase { expression: match + fieldMatch(title) } second-phase { expression: match + nativeFieldMatch } } }