# Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. schema parent { document parent { field pf1 type string { indexing: summary } field importedschema_ref type reference { indexing: attribute } } fieldset parent_set { fields: pf1 } stemming: none index parent_index { stemming: best } field parent_field type string { indexing: input pf1 | lowercase | index | attribute | summary } rank-profile parent_profile { constants { parent_constant tensor(x{},y{}): file:constants/my_constant_tensor_file.json } } onnx-model parent_model { file: small_constants_and_functions.onnx } document-summary parent_summary { summary pf1 { } } import field importedschema_ref.importedfield1 as parent_imported { } raw-as-base64-in-summary: true }