# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. schema streamingstruct { document streamingstruct { field coupleof type string { indexing: index | summary } field normalfields type string { indexing: index | summary summary anothersummaryfield { source: normalfields } } struct s1 { field f1 type string { } field f1s type string { match: substring } field f2 type int { } field f3 type double { } # Allow default matchtypes in struct. Can be overridden. # No index/attribute related stuff. It is only a datatype definition. } struct ns1 { field nf1 type s1 { } field nf1s type s1 { match: substring } field nf2 type string { } # May specify nested structs. } field a type s1 { indexing: summary # Will generate attribute a.f1, a.f1s, a.f2, a.f3 # with datatypes preserved. # No customisation. # a will be a synonym for all (a.*) } field m type map { indexing: summary # Will generate attribute m.key, m.value # with datatypes preserved. # m will be a synonym for all (m.*) } field b type s1 { indexing: index | summary # Will generate index b.f1, b.f1s, b.f2, b.f3 # with datatypes preserved if backend allows. # No customisation. # b will be synonym for all (b.*). } field c type s1 { struct-field f1 { # Whatever you normally write in a field declaration indexing: attribute | summary # -> Generates attribute c.f1 } struct-field f1s { indexing: index | summary # -> c.f1s match: prefix } struct-field f3 { indexing: index | summary # -> c.f3 } # attribute c will be synonym for c.f1. # Index c will be synonym for c.f1s OR c.f3. # Indexed search can handle that however they want. } field c2 type s1 { struct-field f1 { # Whatever you normally write in a field declaration indexing: attribute | summary # -> Generates attribute c2.f1 } struct-field f1s { indexing: index | summary # -> c2.f1s match: suffix } struct-field f2 { indexing: index | summary # -> c2.f2 } struct-field f3 { indexing: index | summary # -> c2.f3 } } field c3 type s1 { # Uses all sub fields, but not summary for all. struct-field f1 { indexing: attribute | summary } struct-field f1s { indexing: index match: prefix } struct-field f2 { indexing: index | summary } struct-field f3 { indexing: index | summary } } field n type ns1 { struct-field nf1 { struct-field f1 { indexing: index | summary } struct-field f1s { indexing: index | summary match: prefix } struct-field f3 { indexing: index } } struct-field nf1s { indexing: index | summary } struct-field nf2 { indexing: index | summary } # Will generate indexes n.nf1.f1, n.nf1.f1s, n.nf1.f3, # n.nf1s.f1, n.nf1s.f1s, n.nf1s.f2, n.nf1s.f3 # and n.nf2. # n will be synonym for all 8, # n.nf1 will be synonym for the first 3 and # n.nf1s will be synonym for the next 4 } field array1 type array { indexing: summary } field array2 type array { indexing: index | summary } field array3 type array { struct-field f1 { indexing: attribute | summary # -> Generates attribute array3.f1 } struct-field f1s { indexing: index | summary # -> array3.f1s match: prefix } struct-field f3 { indexing: index | summary # -> array3.f3 } } field subject type s1 { struct-field f1 { indexing: summary summary subject { source:subject.f1 } } } field d type s1 { indexing: index # override matching for all subfields match: prefix } field e type s1 { indexing: index # override matching for all subfields match: substring } field f type s1 { indexing: index # override matching for all subfields match: suffix } field g type string { indexing: index | summary summary: dynamic } } document-summary summ { summary snippet type string { dynamic source: a.f1, b.f2 } summary snippet2 type string { source: a.f1, b.f1, b.f2 } } }