// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema; import com.yahoo.schema.parser.ParseException; import com.yahoo.vespa.documentmodel.DocumentSummary; import com.yahoo.vespa.model.test.utils.DeployLoggerStub; import com.yahoo.vespa.objects.FieldBase; import org.junit.Test; import static com.yahoo.config.model.test.TestUtil.joinLines; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * Tests summary validation * * @author bratseth */ public class SummaryTestCase { @Test public void testMemorySummary() throws ParseException { String sd = joinLines( "schema memorysummary {", " document memorysummary {", " field inmemory type string {", " indexing: attribute | summary", " }", " field ondisk type string {", " indexing: index # no summary, so ignored", " }", " }", "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); assertTrue(logger.entries.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testDiskSummary() throws ParseException { String sd = joinLines( "schema disksummary {", " document-summary foobar {", " summary foo1 type string { source: inmemory }", " summary foo2 type string { source: ondisk }", " }", " document disksummary {", " field inmemory type string {", " indexing: attribute | summary", " }", " field ondisk type string {", " indexing: index | summary", " }", " }", "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); assertEquals(1, logger.entries.size()); assertEquals(Level.WARNING, logger.entries.get(0).level); assertEquals("summary field 'foo2' in document summary 'foobar' references source field 'ondisk', " + "which is not an attribute: Using this summary will cause disk accesses. " + "Set 'from-disk' on this summary class to silence this warning.", logger.entries.get(0).message); } @Test public void testDiskSummaryExplicit() throws ParseException { String sd = joinLines( "schema disksummary {", " document disksummary {", " field inmemory type string {", " indexing: attribute | summary", " }", " field ondisk type string {", " indexing: index | summary", " }", " }", " document-summary foobar {", " summary foo1 type string { source: inmemory }", " summary foo2 type string { source: ondisk }", " from-disk", " }", "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); assertTrue(logger.entries.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testStructMemorySummary() throws ParseException { String sd = joinLines( "schema structmemorysummary {", " document structmemorysummary {", " struct elem {", " field name type string {}", " field weight type int {}", " }", " field elem_array type array {", " indexing: summary", " struct-field name {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " struct-field weight {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " }", " document-summary filtered {", " summary elem_array_filtered type array {", " source: elem_array", " matched-elements-only", " }", " }", "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); assertTrue(logger.entries.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testInheritance() throws Exception { String sd = joinLines( "schema music {", " document music {", " field title type string {", " indexing: summary | attribute | index", " }", " field artist type string {", " indexing: summary | attribute | index", " }", " field album type string {", " indexing: summary | attribute | index", " }", " }", " document-summary title {", " summary title type string {", " source: title", " }", " }", " document-summary title_artist inherits title {", " summary artist type string {", " source: artist", " }", " }", " document-summary everything inherits title_artist {", " summary album type string {", " source: album", " }", " }", "}"); var logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); var search = ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger).getSchema(); assertEquals(List.of(), logger.entries); var titleField = "title"; var artistField = "artist"; var albumField = "album"; var titleSummary = search.getSummary(titleField); var titleArtistSummary = search.getSummary(titleField + "_" + artistField); var everythingSummary = search.getSummary("everything"); var implicitFields = List.of("rankfeatures", "summaryfeatures"); var tests = List.of( new TestValue(titleSummary, null, List.of(List.of(titleField), implicitFields)), new TestValue(titleArtistSummary, titleSummary, List.of(List.of(titleField), implicitFields, List.of(artistField))), new TestValue(everythingSummary, titleArtistSummary, List.of(List.of(titleField), implicitFields, List.of(artistField, albumField))) ); tests.forEach(testValue -> { var actualFields = testValue.summary.getSummaryFields().values().stream() .map(FieldBase::getName) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(testValue.summary.getName() + (testValue.parent == null ? " does not inherit anything" : " inherits " + testValue.parent.getName()), Optional.ofNullable(testValue.parent), testValue.summary.inherited()); assertEquals("Summary " + testValue.summary.getName() + " has expected fields", testValue.fields, actualFields); }); } @Test public void testRedeclaringInheritedFieldFails() throws Exception { String sd = joinLines( "schema music {", " document music {", " field title type string {", " indexing: summary | attribute | index", " }", " field title_short type string {", " indexing: summary | attribute | index", " }", " }", " document-summary title {", " summary title type string {", " source: title", " }", " }", " document-summary title2 inherits title {", " summary title type string {", " source: title_short", " }", " }", "}"); var logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); try { ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals("For schema 'music', summary class 'title2', summary field 'title': Can not use " + "source 'title_short' for this summary field, an equally named field in summary class 'title' " + "uses a different source: 'title'.", e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testValidationOfInheritedSummary() throws ParseException { try { String schema = joinLines( "schema test {" + " document test {" + " }" + " document-summary test_summary inherits nonesuch {" + " }" + "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromStrings(logger, schema); assertEquals("document summary 'test_summary' inherits nonesuch but this is not present in schema 'test'", logger.entries.get(0).message); // fail("Expected failure"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // assertEquals("document summary 'test_summary' inherits nonesuch but this is not present in schema 'test'", // e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testInheritingParentSummary() throws ParseException { String parent = joinLines( "schema parent {" + " document parent {" + " field pf1 type string {" + " indexing: summary" + " }" + " }" + " document-summary parent_summary {" + " summary pf1 type string {}" + " }" + "}"); String child = joinLines( "schema child inherits parent {" + " document child inherits parent {" + " field cf1 type string {" + " indexing: summary" + " }" + " }" + " document-summary child_summary inherits parent_summary {" + " summary cf1 type string {}" + " }" + "}"); DeployLoggerStub logger = new DeployLoggerStub(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromStrings(logger, parent, child); logger.entries.forEach(e -> System.out.println(e)); //assertTrue(logger.entries.isEmpty()); } private static class TestValue { private final DocumentSummary summary; private final DocumentSummary parent; private final List fields; public TestValue(DocumentSummary summary, DocumentSummary parent, List> fields) { this.summary = summary; this.parent = parent; this.fields = fields.stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList());; } } }