// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema.processing; import com.yahoo.config.application.api.DeployLogger; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.FieldDescription; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.QueryProfileType; import com.yahoo.search.query.profile.types.TensorFieldType; import com.yahoo.schema.RankProfile; import com.yahoo.schema.RankProfileRegistry; import com.yahoo.schema.ApplicationBuilder; import com.yahoo.searchlib.rankingexpression.rule.ReferenceNode; import com.yahoo.tensor.TensorType; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static com.yahoo.config.model.test.TestUtil.joinLines; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; /** * @author bratseth */ public class RankingExpressionTypeResolverTestCase { @Test void tensorFirstPhaseMustProduceDouble() throws Exception { try { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[3]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: attribute(a)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("In schema 'test', rank profile 'my_rank_profile': The first-phase expression must produce a double (a tensor with no dimensions), but produces tensor(x[10],y[3])", Exceptions.toMessageString(expected)); } } @Test void tensorFirstPhaseFromConstantMustProduceDouble() throws Exception { try { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "schema test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(d0[3]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " function my_func() {", " expression: x_tensor*2.0", " }", " function inline other_func() {", " expression: z_tensor+3.0", " }", " first-phase {", " expression: reduce(attribute(a),sum,d0)+y_tensor+my_func+other_func", " }", " constants {", " x_tensor {", // legacy form " type: tensor(x{})", " value: { {x:bar}:17 }", " }", " y_tensor tensor(y{}):{{y:foo}:42 }", " z_tensor tensor(z{}):{qux:666}", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("In schema 'test', rank profile 'my_rank_profile': The first-phase expression must produce a double (a tensor with no dimensions), but produces tensor(x{},y{},z{})", Exceptions.toMessageString(expected)); } } @Test void tensorSecondPhaseMustProduceDouble() throws Exception { try { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[3]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: sum(attribute(a))", " }", " second-phase {", " expression: attribute(a)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("In schema 'test', rank profile 'my_rank_profile': The second-phase expression must produce a double (a tensor with no dimensions), but produces tensor(x[10],y[3])", Exceptions.toMessageString(expected)); } } @Test void tensorConditionsMustHaveTypeCompatibleBranches() throws Exception { try { ApplicationBuilder schemaBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(); schemaBuilder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[5]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " field b type tensor(z[10]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: sum(if(1>0, attribute(a), attribute(b)))", " }", " }", "}" )); schemaBuilder.build(true); fail("Expected exception"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("In schema 'test', rank profile 'my_rank_profile': The first-phase expression is invalid: An if expression must produce compatible types in both alternatives, but the 'true' type is tensor(x[10],y[5]) while the 'false' type is tensor(z[10])" + "\n'true' branch: attribute(a)" + "\n'false' branch: attribute(b)", Exceptions.toMessageString(expected)); } } @Test void testFunctionInvocationTypes() throws Exception { RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry = new RankProfileRegistry(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(rankProfileRegistry); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[3]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " field b type tensor(z[10]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " function macro1(attribute_to_use) {", " expression: attribute(attribute_to_use)", " }", " summary-features {", " macro1(a)", " macro1(b)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); RankProfile profile = builder.getRankProfileRegistry().get(builder.getSchema(), "my_rank_profile"); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[10],y[3])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("macro1(a)").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(z[10])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("macro1(b)").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); } @Test void testTensorFunctionInvocationTypes_Nested() throws Exception { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[1]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " field b type tensor(z[10]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " function return_a() {", " expression: return_first(attribute(a), attribute(b))", " }", " function return_b() {", " expression: return_second(attribute(a), attribute(b))", " }", " function return_first(e1, e2) {", " expression: e1", " }", " function return_second(e1, e2) {", " expression: return_first(e2, e1)", " }", " summary-features {", " return_a", " return_b", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); RankProfile profile = builder.getRankProfileRegistry().get(builder.getSchema(), "my_rank_profile"); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[10],y[1])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("return_a").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(z[10])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("return_b").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); } @Test void testAttributeInvocationViaBoundIdentifier() throws Exception { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search newsarticle {", " document newsarticle {", " field title type string {", " indexing {", " input title | index", " }", " weight: 30", " }", " field usstaticrank type int {", " indexing: summary | attribute", " }", " field eustaticrank type int {", " indexing: summary | attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile default {", " macro newsboost() { ", " expression: 200 * matches(title)", " }", " macro commonboost(mystaticrank) { ", " expression: attribute(mystaticrank) + newsboost", " }", " macro commonfirstphase(mystaticrank) { ", " expression: nativeFieldMatch(title) + commonboost(mystaticrank) ", " }", " first-phase { expression: commonfirstphase(usstaticrank) }", " }", " rank-profile eurank inherits default {", " first-phase { expression: commonfirstphase(eustaticrank) }", " }", "}")); builder.build(true); RankProfile profile = builder.getRankProfileRegistry().get(builder.getSchema(), "eurank"); } @Test void testTensorFunctionInvocationTypes_NestedSameName() throws Exception { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field a type tensor(x[10],y[1]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " field b type tensor(z[10]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " function return_a() {", " expression: return_first(attribute(a), attribute(b))", " }", " function return_b() {", " expression: return_second(attribute(a), attribute(b))", " }", " function return_first(e1, e2) {", " expression: just_return(e1)", " }", " function just_return(e1) {", " expression: e1", " }", " function return_second(e1, e2) {", " expression: return_first(e2+0, e1)", " }", " summary-features {", " return_a", " return_b", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); RankProfile profile = builder.getRankProfileRegistry().get(builder.getSchema(), "my_rank_profile"); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(x[10],y[1])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("return_a").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(z[10])"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("return_b").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); } @Test void testTensorFunctionInvocationTypes_viaFuncWithExpr() throws Exception { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test {", " field t1 type tensor(y{}) { indexing: attribute | summary }", " field t2 type tensor(x{}) { indexing: attribute | summary }", " }", " rank-profile test {", " function my_func(t) { expression: sum(t, x) + 1 }", " function test_func_via_func_with_expr() { expression: call_func_with_expr( attribute(t1), attribute(t2) ) }", " function call_func_with_expr(a, b) { expression: my_func( a * b ) }", " summary-features { test_func_via_func_with_expr }", " }", "}")); builder.build(true); RankProfile profile = builder.getRankProfileRegistry().get(builder.getSchema(), "test"); assertEquals(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(y{})"), summaryFeatures(profile).get("test_func_via_func_with_expr").type(profile.typeContext(builder.getQueryProfileRegistry()))); } @Test void importedFieldsAreAvailable() throws Exception { ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search parent {", " document parent {", " field a type tensor(x[5],y[1000]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search child {", " document child { ", " field ref type reference {", "indexing: attribute | summary", " }", " }", " import field ref.a as imported_a {}", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: sum(attribute(imported_a))", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); } @Test void undeclaredQueryFeaturesAreAccepted() throws Exception { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field anyfield type double {" + " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: query(foo) + f() + sum(attribute(anyfield))", " }", " function f() {", " expression: query(bar) + query(baz)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); String message = logger.findMessage("The following query features"); assertNull(message); } @Test void undeclaredQueryFeaturesAreNotAcceptedWhenStrict() throws Exception { try { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field anyfield type double {" + " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " strict: true" + " first-phase {", " expression: query(foo) + f() + sum(attribute(anyfield))", " }", " function f() {", " expression: query(bar) + query(baz)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals("In schema 'test', rank profile 'my_rank_profile': rank profile 'my_rank_profile' " + "is strict but is missing a declaration of inputs [query(bar), query(baz), query(foo)]", Exceptions.toMessageString(e)); } } @Test void undeclaredQueryFeaturesAreAcceptedWithWarningWhenUsingTensors() throws Exception { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field anyfield type tensor(d[2]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: query(foo) + f() + sum(attribute(anyfield))", " }", " function f() {", " expression: query(bar) + query(baz)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); String message = logger.findMessage("The following inputs"); assertNotNull(message); assertEquals("WARNING: The following inputs used in rank profile 'my_rank_profile' are not declared and " + "will be interpreted as scalars, not tensors: [query(bar), query(baz), query(foo)]", message); } @Test void requireThatUsingArrayWarns() throws Exception { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field foo type array {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: map(attribute(foo), f(x)(42*x))", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); String message = logger.findMessage("collection"); assertNotNull(message); assertEquals("WARNING: Using attribute(foo) collectiontype: ARRAY in ranking expression will always evaluate to 0.0", message); } @Test void requireThatUsingWsetWarns() throws Exception { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field foo type weightedset {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: attribute(foo)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); String message = logger.findMessage("collection"); assertNotNull(message); assertEquals("WARNING: Using attribute(foo) collectiontype: WEIGHTEDSET in ranking expression will always evaluate to 0.0", message); } @Test void noWarningWhenUsingTensorsWhenQueryFeaturesAreDeclared() throws Exception { InspectableDeployLogger logger = new InspectableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder builder = new ApplicationBuilder(logger); QueryProfileType myType = new QueryProfileType("mytype"); myType.addField(new FieldDescription("rank.feature.query(foo)", new TensorFieldType(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(d[2])"))), builder.getQueryProfileRegistry().getTypeRegistry()); myType.addField(new FieldDescription("rank.feature.query(bar)", new TensorFieldType(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(d[2])"))), builder.getQueryProfileRegistry().getTypeRegistry()); myType.addField(new FieldDescription("rank.feature.query(baz)", new TensorFieldType(TensorType.fromSpec("tensor(d[2])"))), builder.getQueryProfileRegistry().getTypeRegistry()); builder.getQueryProfileRegistry().getTypeRegistry().register(myType); builder.addSchema(joinLines( "search test {", " document test { ", " field anyfield type tensor(d[2]) {", " indexing: attribute", " }", " }", " rank-profile my_rank_profile {", " first-phase {", " expression: sum(query(foo) + f() + sum(attribute(anyfield)))", " }", " function f() {", " expression: query(bar) + query(baz)", " }", " }", "}" )); builder.build(true); String message = logger.findMessage("The following query features"); assertNull(message); } private Map summaryFeatures(RankProfile profile) { return profile.getSummaryFeatures().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(f -> f.toString(), f -> f)); } private static class InspectableDeployLogger implements DeployLogger { private List messages = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void log(Level level, String message) { messages.add(level + ": " + message); } /** Returns the first message containing the given string, or null if none */ public String findMessage(String substring) { return messages.stream().filter(message -> message.contains(substring)).findFirst().orElse(null); } } }