// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.schema.processing; import com.yahoo.schema.ApplicationBuilder; import com.yahoo.schema.derived.TestableDeployLogger; import com.yahoo.schema.parser.ParseException; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import static com.yahoo.config.model.test.TestUtil.joinLines; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; public class SummaryDiskAccessValidatorTestCase { @Test void logs_warning_when_accessing_field_that_needs_disk_access() throws ParseException { var sd = joinLines( "schema test {", " document test {", " field str_map type map {", " indexing: summary", " # Not all struct fields are attributes -> needs disk access", " struct-field key { indexing: attribute }", " }", " }", " document-summary my_sum {", " summary str_map type map { source: str_map }", " }", "}"); var logger = new TestableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromString(sd, logger); assertEquals(1, logger.warnings.size()); assertThat(logger.warnings.get(0), containsString("In schema 'test', document summary 'my_sum': " + "Fields [str_map] references non-attribute fields: Using this summary will cause disk accesses")); } @Test void does_not_log_warning_when_accessing_imported_map_field() throws ParseException { var parent = joinLines( "schema parent {", " document parent {", " field str_map type map {", " indexing: summary", " # All struct fields must be attributes in order to import this fields", " struct-field key { indexing: attribute }", " struct-field value { indexing: attribute }", " }", " }", "}"); var child = joinLines( "schema child {", " document child {", " field ref type reference { indexing: attribute }", " }", " import field ref.str_map as ref_str_map {}", " document-summary my_sum {", " summary ref_str_map type map { source: ref_str_map }", " }", "}"); var logger = new TestableDeployLogger(); ApplicationBuilder.createFromStrings(logger, child, parent); assertEquals(0, logger.warnings.size()); } }