// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.model; import com.yahoo.config.model.producer.TreeConfigProducer; import com.yahoo.config.model.test.MockRoot; import com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; /** * @author arnej */ public class HostPortsTest { @Test void next_available_baseport_is_BASE_PORT_when_no_ports_have_been_reserved() { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); assertThat(host.nextAvailableBaseport(1), is(HostPorts.BASE_PORT)); } @Test void next_available_baseport_is_BASE_PORT_plus_one_when_one_port_has_been_reserved() { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); host.reservePort(new TestService(root, 1), HostPorts.BASE_PORT); assertThat(host.nextAvailableBaseport(1), is(HostPorts.BASE_PORT + 1)); } @Test void no_available_baseport_when_service_requires_more_consecutive_ports_than_available() { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); for (int p = HostPorts.BASE_PORT; p < HostPorts.BASE_PORT + HostPorts.MAX_PORTS; p += 2) { host.reservePort(new TestService(root, 1), p); } assertThat(host.nextAvailableBaseport(2), is(0)); try { host.reservePort(new TestService(root, 2), HostPorts.BASE_PORT); } catch (RuntimeException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("Too many ports are reserved")); } } @Test void port_above_vespas_port_range_can_be_reserved() { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); host.allocatePorts(new TestService(root, 1), HostPorts.BASE_PORT + HostPorts.MAX_PORTS + 1); } @Test void allocating_same_port_throws_exception() { assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); TestService service1 = new TestService(root, 1); TestService service2 = new TestService(root, 1); host.allocatePorts(service1, HostPorts.BASE_PORT); host.allocatePorts(service2, HostPorts.BASE_PORT); }); } @Test void allocating_overlapping_ports_throws_exception() { assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); TestService service2 = new TestService(root, 2); TestService service1 = new TestService(root, 1); host.allocatePorts(service2, HostPorts.BASE_PORT); host.allocatePorts(service1, HostPorts.BASE_PORT + 1); }); } NetworkPorts emulOldPorts() { List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(new NetworkPorts.Allocation(8080, "qrs", "foo", "http")); list.add(new NetworkPorts.Allocation(19101, "slobrok", "slobrok.0", "http")); return new NetworkPorts(list); } @Test void use_old_port_when_available() { HostPorts host = new HostPorts("myhostname"); host.addNetworkPorts(emulOldPorts()); MockRoot root = new MockRoot(); Service service = new MockSlobrok(root, 0); assertThat(service.getConfigId(), is("slobrok.0")); // check that matching service get port from saved allocations List ports = host.allocatePorts(service, 0); assertThat(ports.size(), is(1)); assertThat(ports.get(0), is(19101)); // check that new service get next free port ports = host.allocatePorts(new MockSlobrok(root, 1), 0); assertThat(ports.get(0), is(19100)); // check that new service get next free port, skipping the allocated one ports = host.allocatePorts(new MockSlobrok(root, 2), 0); assertThat(ports.get(0), is(19102)); } private static class MockSlobrok extends AbstractService { MockSlobrok(TreeConfigProducer parent, int number) { super(parent, "slobrok."+number); } @Override public int getPortCount() { return 1; } @Override public String getServiceType() { return "slobrok"; } @Override public void allocatePorts(int start, PortAllocBridge from) { from.allocatePort("http"); } } private static int counter = 0; int getCounter() { return ++counter; } private class TestService extends AbstractService { private final int portCount; TestService(TreeConfigProducer parent, int portCount) { super(parent, "testService" + getCounter()); this.portCount = portCount; } @Override public boolean requiresWantedPort() { return true; } @Override public int getPortCount() { return portCount; } @Override public void allocatePorts(int start, PortAllocBridge from) { for (int i = 0; i < portCount; i++) { String suffix = "generic." + i; if (start == 0) { from.allocatePort(suffix); } else { from.requirePort(start++, suffix); } } } } }