// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.provision; import com.yahoo.component.Version; /** * A node's membership in a cluster. * This is a value object. * * @author bratseth */ public class ClusterMembership { private ClusterSpec cluster; // final private int index; // final private boolean retired; // final private String stringValue; // final protected ClusterMembership() {} private ClusterMembership(String stringValue, Version vespaVersion) { String restValue; if (stringValue.endsWith("/retired")) { retired = true; restValue = stringValue.substring(0, stringValue.length() - "/retired".length()); } else { retired = false; restValue = stringValue; } String[] components = restValue.split("/"); if ( components.length == 3) // Aug 2016: This should never happen any more initWithoutGroup(components, vespaVersion); else if (components.length == 4) initWithGroup(components, vespaVersion); else throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse '" + stringValue + "' to a cluster membership. " + "Expected 'id/type.index[/group]'"); this.stringValue = toStringValue(); } private ClusterMembership(ClusterSpec cluster, int index, boolean retired) { this.cluster = cluster; this.index = index; this.retired = retired; this.stringValue = toStringValue(); } private void initWithoutGroup(String[] components, Version vespaVersion) { this.cluster = ClusterSpec.request(ClusterSpec.Type.valueOf(components[0]), ClusterSpec.Id.from(components[1]), vespaVersion); this.index = Integer.parseInt(components[2]); } private void initWithGroup(String[] components, Version vespaVersion) { this.cluster = ClusterSpec.from(ClusterSpec.Type.valueOf(components[0]), ClusterSpec.Id.from(components[1]), ClusterSpec.Group.from(Integer.valueOf(components[2])), vespaVersion); this.index = Integer.parseInt(components[3]); } protected String toStringValue() { return cluster.type().name() + "/" + cluster.id().value() + ( cluster.group().isPresent() ? "/" + cluster.group().get().index() : "") + "/" + index + ( retired ? "/retired" : ""); } /** Returns the cluster this node is a member of */ public ClusterSpec cluster() { return cluster; } /** Returns the index of this node within the cluster */ public int index() { return index; } /** Returns whether the cluster should prepare for this node to be removed */ public boolean retired() { return retired; } /** Returns a copy of this which is retired */ public ClusterMembership retire() { return new ClusterMembership(cluster, index, true); } /** Returns a copy of this node which is not retired */ public ClusterMembership unretire() { return new ClusterMembership(cluster, index, false); } public ClusterMembership changeCluster(ClusterSpec newCluster) { return new ClusterMembership(newCluster, index, retired); } /** * Returns all the information in this as a string which can be used to construct the same ClusterMembership * instance using {@link #from}. This string is currently stored in ZooKeeper on running instances. */ public String stringValue() { return stringValue; } @Override public int hashCode() { return stringValue().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if ( ! (other instanceof ClusterMembership)) return false; return ((ClusterMembership)other).stringValue().equals(stringValue()); } @Override public String toString() { return stringValue(); } public static ClusterMembership from(String stringValue, Version vespaVersion) { return new ClusterMembership(stringValue, vespaVersion); } public static ClusterMembership from(ClusterSpec cluster, int index) { return new ClusterMembership(cluster, index, false); } public static ClusterMembership retiredFrom(ClusterSpec cluster, int index) { return new ClusterMembership(cluster, index, true); } }