// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.provision; import ai.vespa.http.DomainName; import ai.vespa.http.HttpURL; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.Attribute; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; /** * @author jonmv */ public interface EndpointsChecker { record Endpoint(ApplicationId applicationId, ClusterSpec.Id clusterName, HttpURL url, Optional ipAddress, Optional canonicalName, boolean isPublic, CloudAccount account) { } /** Status sorted by increasing readiness. */ enum Status { endpointsUnavailable, containersUnhealthy, available } record Availability(Status status, String message) { public static final Availability ready = new Availability(Status.available, "Endpoints are ready."); } interface HostNameResolver { Optional resolve(DomainName hostName); } interface CNameResolver { Optional resolve(DomainName hostName); } interface HealthChecker { Availability healthy(Endpoint endpoint); } interface HealthCheckerProvider { default HealthChecker getHealthChecker() { return __ -> Availability.ready; } } static EndpointsChecker of(HealthChecker healthChecker) { return zoneEndpoints -> endpointsAvailable(zoneEndpoints, EndpointsChecker::resolveHostName, EndpointsChecker::resolveCname, healthChecker); } static EndpointsChecker mock(HostNameResolver hostNameResolver, CNameResolver cNameResolver, HealthChecker healthChecker) { return zoneEndpoints -> endpointsAvailable(zoneEndpoints, hostNameResolver, cNameResolver, healthChecker); } Availability endpointsAvailable(List zoneEndpoints); private static Availability endpointsAvailable(List zoneEndpoints, HostNameResolver hostNameResolver, CNameResolver cNameResolver, HealthChecker healthChecker) { if (zoneEndpoints.isEmpty()) return new Availability(Status.endpointsUnavailable, "Endpoints not yet ready."); for (Endpoint endpoint : zoneEndpoints) { Optional resolvedIpAddress = hostNameResolver.resolve(endpoint.url().domain()); if (resolvedIpAddress.isEmpty()) return new Availability(Status.endpointsUnavailable, "DNS lookup yielded no IP address for '" + endpoint.url().domain() + "'."); if (resolvedIpAddress.equals(endpoint.ipAddress())) // We expect a certain IP address, and that's what we got, so we're good. continue; if (endpoint.ipAddress().isPresent()) // We expect a certain IP address, but that's not what we got. return new Availability(Status.endpointsUnavailable, "IP address of '" + endpoint.url().domain() + "' (" + resolvedIpAddress.get().getHostAddress() + ") and load balancer " + "' (" + endpoint.ipAddress().get().getHostAddress() + ") are not equal"); if (endpoint.canonicalName().isEmpty()) // We have no expected IP address, and no canonical name, so there's nothing more to check. continue; Optional cNameValue = cNameResolver.resolve(endpoint.url().domain()); if (cNameValue.filter(endpoint.canonicalName().get()::equals).isEmpty()) { return new Availability(Status.endpointsUnavailable, "CNAME '" + endpoint.url().domain() + "' points at " + cNameValue.map(name -> "'" + name + "'").orElse("nothing") + " but should point at load balancer " + endpoint.canonicalName().map(name -> "'" + name + "'").orElse("nothing")); } Optional loadBalancerAddress = hostNameResolver.resolve(endpoint.canonicalName().get()); if ( ! loadBalancerAddress.equals(resolvedIpAddress)) { return new Availability(Status.endpointsUnavailable, "IP address of CNAME '" + endpoint.url().domain() + "' (" + resolvedIpAddress.get().getHostAddress() + ") and load balancer '" + endpoint.canonicalName().get() + "' (" + loadBalancerAddress.map(InetAddress::getHostAddress).orElse("empty") + ") are not equal"); } } Availability availability = Availability.ready; for (Endpoint endpoint : zoneEndpoints) { Availability candidate = healthChecker.healthy(endpoint); if (candidate.status.compareTo(availability.status) < 0) availability = candidate; } return availability; } /** Returns the IP address of the given host name, if any. */ private static Optional resolveHostName(DomainName hostname) { try { return Optional.of(InetAddress.getByName(hostname.value())); } catch (UnknownHostException ignored) { return Optional.empty(); } } /** Returns the host name of the given CNAME, if any. */ private static Optional resolveCname(DomainName endpoint) { try { InitialDirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(); try { Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes("dns:/" + endpoint.value(), new String[]{ "CNAME" }); for (Attribute attribute : Collections.list(attrs.getAll())) { Enumeration vals = attribute.getAll(); if (vals.hasMoreElements()) { String hostname = vals.nextElement().toString(); return Optional.of(hostname.substring(0, hostname.length() - 1)).map(DomainName::of); } } } finally { ctx.close(); } } catch (NamingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return Optional.empty(); } }