// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.provision; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; /** * The node resources required by an application cluster * * @author bratseth */ public class NodeResources { // Standard unit cost in dollars per hour private static final double cpuUnitCost = 0.11; private static final double memoryUnitCost = 0.011; private static final double diskUnitCost = 0.0004; private static final double gpuUnitCost = 0.075; private static final NodeResources zero = new NodeResources(0, 0, 0, 0); private static final NodeResources unspecified = new NodeResources(0, 0, 0, 0); public enum DiskSpeed { fast, // Has/requires SSD disk or similar speed slow, // Has spinning disk/Is tuned to work with the speed of spinning disks any; // In requests only: The performance of the cluster using this does not depend on disk speed /** * Compares disk speeds by cost: Slower is cheaper, and therefore before. * Any can be slow and therefore costs the same as slow. */ public static int compare(DiskSpeed a, DiskSpeed b) { if (a == any) a = slow; if (b == any) b = slow; if (a == slow && b == fast) return -1; if (a == fast && b == slow) return 1; return 0; } public boolean compatibleWith(DiskSpeed other) { return this == any || other == any || other == this; } private DiskSpeed combineWith(DiskSpeed other) { if (this == any) return other; if (other == any) return this; if (this == other) return this; throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot be combined with " + other); } public boolean isDefault() { return this == getDefault(); } public static DiskSpeed getDefault() { return fast; } } public enum StorageType { remote, // Has remote (network) storage/Is tuned to work with network storage local, // Storage is/must be attached to the local host any; // In requests only: Can use both local and remote storage /** * Compares storage type by cost: Remote is cheaper, and therefore before. * Any can be remote and therefore costs the same as remote. */ public static int compare(StorageType a, StorageType b) { if (a == any) a = remote; if (b == any) b = remote; if (a == remote && b == local) return -1; if (a == local && b == remote) return 1; return 0; } public boolean compatibleWith(StorageType other) { return this == any || other == any || other == this; } private StorageType combineWith(StorageType other) { if (this == any) return other; if (other == any) return this; if (this == other) return this; throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot be combined with " + other); } public boolean isDefault() { return this == getDefault(); } public static StorageType getDefault() { return any; } } public enum Architecture { x86_64, arm64, any; public static int compare(Architecture a, Architecture b) { if (a == any) a = x86_64; if (b == any) b = x86_64; if (a == x86_64 && b == arm64) return -1; if (a == arm64 && b == x86_64) return 1; return 0; } public boolean compatibleWith(Architecture other) { return this == any || other == any || other == this; } private Architecture combineWith(Architecture other) { if (this == any) return other; if (other == any) return this; if (this == other) return this; throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot be combined with " + other); } public boolean isDefault() { return this == getDefault(); } public static Architecture getDefault() { return x86_64; } } public record GpuResources(int count, double memoryGb) { private static final GpuResources zero = new GpuResources(0, 0); public GpuResources { validate(memoryGb, "memory"); } private boolean lessThan(GpuResources other) { return this.count < other.count || this.memoryGb < other.memoryGb; } public boolean isZero() { return this.equals(zero); } public static GpuResources zero() { return zero; } public boolean isDefault() { return this.equals(getDefault()); } /** Returns zero gpu resources. */ public static GpuResources getDefault() { return zero; } public GpuResources plus(GpuResources other) { return new GpuResources(this.count + other.count, this.memoryGb + other.memoryGb); } public GpuResources minus(GpuResources other) { return new GpuResources(this.count - other.count, this.memoryGb - other.memoryGb); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; GpuResources that = (GpuResources) o; return count == that.count && equal(this.memoryGb, that.memoryGb); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(count, memoryGb); } } private final double vcpu; private final double memoryGb; private final double diskGb; private final double bandwidthGbps; private final GpuResources gpuResources; private final DiskSpeed diskSpeed; private final StorageType storageType; private final Architecture architecture; public NodeResources(double vcpu, double memoryGb, double diskGb, double bandwidthGbps) { this(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, DiskSpeed.getDefault()); } public NodeResources(double vcpu, double memoryGb, double diskGb, double bandwidthGbps, DiskSpeed diskSpeed) { this(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, StorageType.getDefault(), Architecture.getDefault(), GpuResources.getDefault()); } public NodeResources(double vcpu, double memoryGb, double diskGb, double bandwidthGbps, DiskSpeed diskSpeed, StorageType storageType) { this(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, Architecture.getDefault(), GpuResources.getDefault()); } public NodeResources(double vcpu, double memoryGb, double diskGb, double bandwidthGbps, DiskSpeed diskSpeed, StorageType storageType, Architecture architecture) { this(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, GpuResources.getDefault()); } public NodeResources(double vcpu, double memoryGb, double diskGb, double bandwidthGbps, DiskSpeed diskSpeed, StorageType storageType, Architecture architecture, GpuResources gpuResources) { this.vcpu = validate(vcpu, "vcpu"); this.memoryGb = validate(memoryGb, "memory"); this.diskGb = validate(diskGb, "disk"); this.bandwidthGbps = validate(bandwidthGbps, "bandwidth"); this.gpuResources = gpuResources; this.diskSpeed = diskSpeed; this.storageType = storageType; this.architecture = architecture; } public double vcpu() { return vcpu; } public double memoryGb() { return memoryGb; } public double diskGb() { return diskGb; } public double bandwidthGbps() { return bandwidthGbps; } public DiskSpeed diskSpeed() { return diskSpeed; } public StorageType storageType() { return storageType; } public Architecture architecture() { return architecture; } public GpuResources gpuResources() { return gpuResources; } /** Returns the standard cost of these resources, in dollars per hour */ public double cost() { return (vcpu * cpuUnitCost) + (memoryGb * memoryUnitCost) + (diskGb * diskUnitCost) + (gpuResources.count * gpuResources.memoryGb * gpuUnitCost); } public NodeResources withVcpu(double vcpu) { ensureSpecified(); if (vcpu == this.vcpu) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources withMemoryGb(double memoryGb) { ensureSpecified(); if (memoryGb == this.memoryGb) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources withDiskGb(double diskGb) { ensureSpecified(); if (diskGb == this.diskGb) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources withBandwidthGbps(double bandwidthGbps) { ensureSpecified(); if (bandwidthGbps == this.bandwidthGbps) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources with(DiskSpeed diskSpeed) { ensureSpecified(); if (diskSpeed == this.diskSpeed) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources with(StorageType storageType) { ensureSpecified(); if (storageType == this.storageType) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources with(Architecture architecture) { ensureSpecified(); if (architecture == this.architecture) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } public NodeResources with(GpuResources gpuResources) { ensureSpecified(); if (this.gpuResources.equals(gpuResources)) return this; return new NodeResources(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture, gpuResources); } /** Returns this with disk speed, storage type and architecture set to any */ public NodeResources justNumbers() { if (isUnspecified()) return unspecified(); return with(NodeResources.DiskSpeed.any).with(StorageType.any).with(Architecture.any); } /** Returns this with all numbers set to 0 */ public NodeResources justNonNumbers() { if (isUnspecified()) return unspecified(); return withVcpu(0).withMemoryGb(0).withDiskGb(0).withBandwidthGbps(0).with(GpuResources.zero()); } public NodeResources subtract(NodeResources other) { ensureSpecified(); other.ensureSpecified(); if ( ! this.isInterchangeableWith(other)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " and " + other + " are not interchangeable"); return new NodeResources(vcpu - other.vcpu, memoryGb - other.memoryGb, diskGb - other.diskGb, bandwidthGbps - other.bandwidthGbps, this.diskSpeed.combineWith(other.diskSpeed), this.storageType.combineWith(other.storageType), this.architecture.combineWith(other.architecture), this.gpuResources.minus(other.gpuResources)); } public NodeResources add(NodeResources other) { ensureSpecified(); if ( ! this.isInterchangeableWith(other)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " and " + other + " are not interchangeable"); return new NodeResources(vcpu + other.vcpu, memoryGb + other.memoryGb, diskGb + other.diskGb, bandwidthGbps + other.bandwidthGbps, this.diskSpeed.combineWith(other.diskSpeed), this.storageType.combineWith(other.storageType), this.architecture.combineWith(other.architecture), this.gpuResources.plus(other.gpuResources)); } public NodeResources multipliedBy(double factor) { return this.withVcpu(vcpu * factor) .withMemoryGb(memoryGb * factor) .withDiskGb(diskGb * factor) .withBandwidthGbps(bandwidthGbps * factor); } private boolean isInterchangeableWith(NodeResources other) { ensureSpecified(); other.ensureSpecified(); if (this.diskSpeed != DiskSpeed.any && other.diskSpeed != DiskSpeed.any && this.diskSpeed != other.diskSpeed) return false; if (this.storageType != StorageType.any && other.storageType != StorageType.any && this.storageType != other.storageType) return false; if (this.architecture != Architecture.any && other.architecture != Architecture.any && this.architecture != other.architecture) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if ( ! (o instanceof NodeResources other)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.vcpu, other.vcpu)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.memoryGb, other.memoryGb)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.diskGb, other.diskGb)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.bandwidthGbps, other.bandwidthGbps)) return false; if ( ! this.gpuResources.equals(other.gpuResources)) return false; if (this.diskSpeed != other.diskSpeed) return false; if (this.storageType != other.storageType) return false; if (this.architecture != other.architecture) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(vcpu, memoryGb, diskGb, bandwidthGbps, diskSpeed, storageType, architecture); } private static StringBuilder appendDouble(StringBuilder sb, double d) { long x10 = Math.round(d * 10); sb.append(x10 / 10).append('.').append(x10 % 10); return sb; } @Override public String toString() { if (isUnspecified()) return "unspecified resources"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[vcpu: "); appendDouble(sb, vcpu); sb.append(", memory: "); appendDouble(sb, memoryGb); sb.append(" Gb, disk "); appendDouble(sb, diskGb); sb.append(" Gb"); if (bandwidthGbps > 0) { sb.append(", bandwidth: "); appendDouble(sb, bandwidthGbps); sb.append(" Gbps"); } if ( !diskSpeed.isDefault()) { sb.append(", disk speed: ").append(diskSpeed); } if ( !storageType.isDefault()) { sb.append(", storage type: ").append(storageType); } sb.append(", architecture: ").append(architecture); if ( !gpuResources.isDefault()) { sb.append(", gpu count: ").append(gpuResources.count()); sb.append(", gpu memory: "); appendDouble(sb, gpuResources.memoryGb()); sb.append(" Gb"); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } /** Returns true if all the resources of this are the same or larger than the given resources */ public boolean satisfies(NodeResources other) { ensureSpecified(); other.ensureSpecified(); if (this.vcpu < other.vcpu) return false; if (this.memoryGb < other.memoryGb) return false; if (this.diskGb < other.diskGb) return false; if (this.bandwidthGbps < other.bandwidthGbps) return false; if (this.gpuResources.lessThan(other.gpuResources)) return false; // Why doesn't a fast disk satisfy a slow disk? Because if slow disk is explicitly specified // (i.e not "any"), you should not randomly, sometimes get a faster disk as that means you may // draw conclusions about performance on the basis of better resources than you think you have if (other.diskSpeed != DiskSpeed.any && other.diskSpeed != this.diskSpeed) return false; // Same reasoning as the above if (other.storageType != StorageType.any && other.storageType != this.storageType) return false; // Same reasoning as the above if (other.architecture != Architecture.any && other.architecture != this.architecture) return false; return true; } /** * Returns true if all the resources of this are the same as or compatible with the requested resources: * - Equal numbers only where request implies it (i.e not for disk if storage is any/remote, and not for bandwidth * where we don't enforce constraints), * - Compatible non-numbers. */ public boolean compatibleWith(NodeResources requested) { if ( ! equal(this.vcpu, requested.vcpu)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.memoryGb, requested.memoryGb)) return false; if (this.storageType == StorageType.local || requested.storageType == StorageType.local) { if ( ! equal(this.diskGb, requested.diskGb)) return false; } else { if (this.diskGb < requested.diskGb) return false; } if ( ! this.gpuResources.equals(requested.gpuResources)) return false; if ( ! this.diskSpeed.compatibleWith(requested.diskSpeed)) return false; if ( ! this.storageType.compatibleWith(requested.storageType)) return false; if ( ! this.architecture.compatibleWith(requested.architecture)) return false; return true; } /** * Returns true if all the resources of this are the same as or compatible with the given resources: * - Equal numbers. * - Compatible non-numbers. */ public boolean equalsWhereSpecified(NodeResources other) { if ( ! equal(this.vcpu, other.vcpu)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.memoryGb, other.memoryGb)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.diskGb, other.diskGb)) return false; if ( ! equal(this.bandwidthGbps, other.bandwidthGbps)) return false; if ( ! this.gpuResources.equals(other.gpuResources)) return false; if ( ! this.diskSpeed.compatibleWith(other.diskSpeed)) return false; if ( ! this.storageType.compatibleWith(other.storageType)) return false; if ( ! this.architecture.compatibleWith(other.architecture)) return false; return true; } public static NodeResources unspecified() { return unspecified; } public boolean isUnspecified() { return this == unspecified; } private void ensureSpecified() { if (isUnspecified()) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot perform this on unspecified resources"); } // Returns squared euclidean distance of the relevant numerical values of two node resources public double distanceTo(NodeResources other) { if ( ! this.diskSpeed().compatibleWith(other.diskSpeed())) return Double.MAX_VALUE; if ( ! this.storageType().compatibleWith(other.storageType())) return Double.MAX_VALUE; double distance = Math.pow(this.vcpu() - other.vcpu(), 2) + Math.pow(this.memoryGb() - other.memoryGb(), 2); if (this.storageType() == StorageType.local || other.storageType() == StorageType.local) distance += Math.pow(this.diskGb() - other.diskGb(), 2); return distance; } /** Returns this.isUnspecified() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(this) */ public Optional asOptional() { return this.isUnspecified() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(this); } private static boolean equal(double a, double b) { return Math.abs(a - b) < 0.00000001; } /** * Create this from serial form. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string cannot be parsed as a serial form of this */ public static NodeResources fromLegacyName(String name) { if ( ! name.startsWith("d-")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A node specification string must start by 'd-' but was '" + name + "'"); String[] parts = name.split("-"); if (parts.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A node specification string must contain three numbers separated by '-' but was '" + name + "'"); double cpu = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); double mem = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); double dsk = Integer.parseInt(parts[3]); if (cpu == 0) cpu = 0.5; if (cpu == 2 && mem == 8 ) cpu = 1.5; if (cpu == 2 && mem == 12 ) cpu = 2.3; return new NodeResources(cpu, mem, dsk, 0.3, DiskSpeed.getDefault(), StorageType.getDefault(), Architecture.x86_64); } private static double validate(double value, String valueName) { if (Double.isNaN(value)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(valueName + " cannot be NaN"); if (Double.isInfinite(value)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(valueName + " cannot be infinite"); return value; } public boolean isZero() { return this.equals(zero); } public static NodeResources zero() { return zero; } }