// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.config.provision; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; /** * The possible types of nodes in the node repository * * @author bratseth */ public enum NodeType { /** Node assignable to a tenant to run application workloads */ tenant("Tenant node"), /** Host of a tenant nodes */ host("Tenant host", tenant), /** Node serving the shared proxy layer */ proxy("Proxy node"), /** Host of a proxy node */ proxyhost("Proxy host", proxy), /** Config server node */ config("Config server node"), /** Host of a config server node */ confighost("Config server host", config), /** Controller node */ controller("Controller node"), /** Host of a controller node */ controllerhost("Controller host", controller); private final String description; private final List childNodeTypes; public static Optional ofOptional(String name) { for (var type : values()) { if (type.name().equals(name)) return Optional.of(type); } return Optional.empty(); } NodeType(String description, NodeType... childNodeTypes) { this.childNodeTypes = List.of(childNodeTypes); this.description = description; } public boolean isHost() { return !childNodeTypes.isEmpty(); } /** either config server or controller */ public boolean isConfigServerLike() { return this == config || this == controller; } /** either config server host or controller host */ public boolean isConfigServerHostLike() { return this == confighost || this == controllerhost; } /** Returns whether this supports host sharing */ public boolean isSharable() { return this == NodeType.host; } public String description() { return description; } /** * @return {@link NodeType} of the node(s) that run on this host * @throws IllegalStateException if this type is not a host */ public NodeType childNodeType() { return childNodeTypes().get(0); } /** * @return all {@link NodeType}s that can run on this host * @throws IllegalStateException if this type is not a host */ public List childNodeTypes() { if (! isHost()) throw new IllegalStateException(this + " has no children"); return childNodeTypes; } /** Returns whether given node type can run on this */ public boolean canRun(NodeType type) { return childNodeTypes.contains(type); } /** Returns the parent host type. */ public NodeType parentNodeType() { for (var type : values()) { if (type.childNodeTypes.contains(this)) return type; } throw new IllegalStateException(this + " has no parent"); } /** Returns the host type of this */ public NodeType hostType() { if (isHost()) return this; for (NodeType nodeType : values()) { // Ignore host types that support multiple node types if (nodeType.childNodeTypes.size() == 1 && nodeType.canRun(this)) { return nodeType; } } throw new IllegalStateException("No host of " + this + " exists"); } }