// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.config; import com.yahoo.jrt.Method; import com.yahoo.jrt.MethodHandler; import com.yahoo.jrt.Request; /** * Defines methods used for RPC config requests. */ public class JRTMethods { public static final String configV3getConfigMethodName = "config.v3.getConfig"; private static final String configV3GetConfigRequestTypes = "s"; private static final String configV3GetConfigResponseTypes = "sx"; public static Method createConfigV3GetConfigMethod(MethodHandler methodHandler) { return addDescriptions( new Method(configV3getConfigMethodName, configV3GetConfigRequestTypes, configV3GetConfigResponseTypes, methodHandler)); } private static Method addDescriptions(Method method) { return method.methodDesc("get config v3") .paramDesc(0, "request", "config request") .returnDesc(0, "response", "config response") .returnDesc(1, "payload", "config response payload"); } public static boolean checkV3ReturnTypes(Request request) { return request.checkReturnTypes(JRTMethods.configV3GetConfigResponseTypes); } }