# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. ## Named lists of special tokens - string which should be ## treated as words no matter what characters they consist of. ## A special token can also optionally be replaced by another ## token. ## ## Special tokens are case sensitive, since queries and tokens ## are lowercased they should normally be written in lower case. ## ## The list named default is the only list which is used currently ## ## Order matters in token lists. If one special token is a ## prefix of another token, Vespa will prefer to return the first ## matching token in the list when encountering the longest ## special token. namespace=vespa.configdefinition ## Path to makefsa binary, needed to create specialtokens-dictionary ## If the path is relative, vespa home is prepended makefsaPath string default="bin/vespa-makefsa" ## Use 'default' as the name of the list to use in regular ## indexing and queries tokenlist[].name string ## Special tokens, any string is permitted tokenlist[].tokens[].token string ## The token which should replace the special token ## If no replace is set for a token, the word token ## will be the special token string itself tokenlist[].tokens[].replace string default=""