# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. namespace=cloud.config # Vespa home is prepended if the file is relative zooKeeperConfigFile string default="conf/zookeeper/zookeeper.cfg" # For more info about the values below, see ZooKeeper documentation # tick time in milliseconds, min and max session timeout are 2 and 20 times this value tickTime int default=6000 initLimit int default=20 syncLimit int default=15 maxClientConnections int default=0 # Vespa home is prepended if the file is relative dataDir string default="var/zookeeper" clientPort int default=2181 # TODO(bjorncs): remove setting - no longer in use secureClientPort int default=2184 snapshotCount int default=50000 # Purge interval in hours autopurge.purgeInterval int default=1 autopurge.snapRetainCount int default=15 # Vespa home is prepended if the file is relative myidFile string default="var/zookeeper/myid" # Change from default of 1 Mb in zookeeper to 50 Mb juteMaxBuffer int default=52428800 myid int restart server[].id int server[].hostname string server[].quorumPort int default=2182 server[].electionPort int default=2183 # Whether this server is joining an existing cluster server[].joining bool default=false # Needed when upgrading from ZooKeeper 3.4 to 3.5, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-3056, # and in general where there is a zookeeper ensemble running that has had few transactions. # TODO: Consider setting this to false by default (and override where appropriate) trustEmptySnapshot bool default=true # TLS options # TODO(bjorncs): todo cleanup after migrating to unified Vespa TLS configuration tlsForQuorumCommunication enum { OFF, PORT_UNIFICATION, TLS_WITH_PORT_UNIFICATION, TLS_ONLY } default=OFF # TODO(bjorncs): todo cleanup after migrating to unified Vespa TLS configuration tlsForClientServerCommunication enum { OFF, PORT_UNIFICATION, TLS_WITH_PORT_UNIFICATION, TLS_ONLY } default=OFF # TODO(bjorncs): remove setting - no longer in use jksKeyStoreFile string default="conf/zookeeper/zookeeper.jks" dynamicReconfiguration bool default=false