// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.config.server.http.v1; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId; import com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer; import com.yahoo.jdisc.http.HttpRequest; import com.yahoo.path.Path; import com.yahoo.restapi.RestApi; import com.yahoo.restapi.RestApiException; import com.yahoo.restapi.RestApiRequestHandler; import com.yahoo.restapi.SlimeJsonResponse; import com.yahoo.slime.Cursor; import com.yahoo.slime.Slime; import com.yahoo.slime.SlimeUtils; import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.Curator; import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorOperations; import com.yahoo.vespa.curator.transaction.CuratorTransaction; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * This implements the /routing/v1/status REST API on the config server, providing explicit control over the routing * status of a deployment or zone (all deployments). The routing status manipulated by this is only respected by the * shared routing layer. * * @author bjorncs * @author mpolden */ public class RoutingStatusApiHandler extends RestApiRequestHandler { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RoutingStatusApiHandler.class.getName()); private static final Path ROUTING_ROOT = Path.fromString("/routing/v1/"); private static final Path DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_ROOT = ROUTING_ROOT.append("status"); private static final Path ZONE_STATUS = ROUTING_ROOT.append("zone-inactive"); private final Curator curator; private final Clock clock; private final Deployer deployer; @Inject public RoutingStatusApiHandler(Context context, Curator curator, Deployer deployer) { this(context, curator, Clock.systemUTC(), deployer); } RoutingStatusApiHandler(Context context, Curator curator, Clock clock, Deployer deployer) { super(context, RoutingStatusApiHandler::createRestApiDefinition); this.curator = Objects.requireNonNull(curator); this.clock = Objects.requireNonNull(clock); this.deployer = Objects.requireNonNull(deployer); curator.create(DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_ROOT); } private static RestApi createRestApiDefinition(RoutingStatusApiHandler self) { return RestApi.builder() .addRoute(RestApi.route("/routing/v1/status") .get(self::listInactiveDeployments)) .addRoute(RestApi.route("/routing/v1/status/zone") .get(self::zoneStatus) .put(self::changeZoneStatus) .delete(self::changeZoneStatus)) .addRoute(RestApi.route("/routing/v1/status/{upstreamName}") .get(self::getDeploymentStatus) .put(self::changeDeploymentStatus)) .build(); } /** Get upstream of all deployments with status OUT */ private SlimeJsonResponse listInactiveDeployments(RestApi.RequestContext context) { List inactiveDeployments = curator.getChildren(DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_ROOT).stream() .filter(upstreamName -> deploymentStatus(upstreamName).status() == RoutingStatus.out) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableList()); Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor rootArray = slime.setArray(); inactiveDeployments.forEach(rootArray::addString); return new SlimeJsonResponse(slime); } /** Get the routing status of a deployment */ private SlimeJsonResponse getDeploymentStatus(RestApi.RequestContext context) { String upstreamName = upstreamName(context); DeploymentRoutingStatus deploymentRoutingStatus = deploymentStatus(upstreamName); // If the entire zone is out, we always return OUT regardless of the actual routing status if (zoneStatus() == RoutingStatus.out) { String reason = String.format("Rotation is OUT because the zone is OUT (actual deployment status is %s)", deploymentRoutingStatus.status().name().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); deploymentRoutingStatus = new DeploymentRoutingStatus(RoutingStatus.out, "operator", reason, clock.instant()); } return new SlimeJsonResponse(toSlime(deploymentRoutingStatus)); } /** Change routing status of a deployment */ private SlimeJsonResponse changeDeploymentStatus(RestApi.RequestContext context) { Set upstreamNames = upstreamNames(context); ApplicationId instance = instance(context); RestApi.RequestContext.RequestContent requestContent = context.requestContentOrThrow(); Slime requestBody = Exceptions.uncheck(() -> SlimeUtils.jsonToSlime(requestContent.content().readAllBytes())); DeploymentRoutingStatus wantedStatus = deploymentRoutingStatusFromSlime(requestBody, clock.instant()); DeploymentRoutingStatus currentStatus = deploymentStatus(upstreamNames.iterator().next()); // Redeploy application so that a new LbServicesConfig containing the updated status is generated and consumed // by routing layer. This is required to update weights for application endpoints when routing status for a // deployment is changed changeStatus(upstreamNames, wantedStatus); try { deployer.deployFromLocalActive(instance, Duration.ofMinutes(1)); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to redeploy " + instance + ". Reverting routing status to " + currentStatus.status(), e); changeStatus(upstreamNames, currentStatus); throw new RestApiException.InternalServerError("Failed to change status to " + wantedStatus.status() + ", reverting to " + currentStatus.status() + " because redeployment of " + instance + " failed: " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e)); } return new SlimeJsonResponse(toSlime(wantedStatus)); } /** Change routing status of a zone */ private SlimeJsonResponse changeZoneStatus(RestApi.RequestContext context) { boolean in = context.request().getMethod() == HttpRequest.Method.DELETE; if (in) { curator.delete(ZONE_STATUS); return new SlimeJsonResponse(toSlime(RoutingStatus.in)); } else { curator.create(ZONE_STATUS); return new SlimeJsonResponse(toSlime(RoutingStatus.out)); } } /** Read the status for zone */ private SlimeJsonResponse zoneStatus(RestApi.RequestContext context) { return new SlimeJsonResponse(toSlime(zoneStatus())); } /** Change the status of one or more upstream names */ private void changeStatus(Set upstreamNames, DeploymentRoutingStatus newStatus) { CuratorTransaction transaction = new CuratorTransaction(curator); for (var upstreamName : upstreamNames) { Path path = deploymentStatusPath(upstreamName); if (curator.exists(path)) { transaction.add(CuratorOperations.delete(path.getAbsolute())); } transaction.add(CuratorOperations.create(path.getAbsolute(), toJsonBytes(newStatus))); } transaction.commit(); } /** Read the status for a deployment */ private DeploymentRoutingStatus deploymentStatus(String upstreamName) { Instant changedAt = clock.instant(); Path path = deploymentStatusPath(upstreamName); Optional data = curator.getData(path); if (data.isEmpty()) { return new DeploymentRoutingStatus(RoutingStatus.in, "", "", changedAt); } String agent = ""; String reason = ""; RoutingStatus status = RoutingStatus.out; if (data.get().length > 0) { // Compatibility with old format, where no data is stored Slime slime = SlimeUtils.jsonToSlime(data.get()); Cursor root = slime.get(); status = asRoutingStatus(root.field("status").asString()); agent = root.field("agent").asString(); reason = root.field("cause").asString(); changedAt = Instant.ofEpochSecond(root.field("lastUpdate").asLong()); } return new DeploymentRoutingStatus(status, agent, reason, changedAt); } private RoutingStatus zoneStatus() { return curator.exists(ZONE_STATUS) ? RoutingStatus.out : RoutingStatus.in; } protected Path deploymentStatusPath(String upstreamName) { return DEPLOYMENT_STATUS_ROOT.append(upstreamName); } private static String upstreamName(RestApi.RequestContext context) { return upstreamNames(context).iterator().next(); } private static Set upstreamNames(RestApi.RequestContext context) { Set upstreamNames = Arrays.stream(context.pathParameters().getStringOrThrow("upstreamName") .split(",")) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (upstreamNames.isEmpty()) { throw new RestApiException.BadRequest("At least one upstream name must be specified"); } for (var upstreamName : upstreamNames) { if (upstreamName.contains(" ")) { throw new RestApiException.BadRequest("Invalid upstream name: '" + upstreamName + "'"); } } return upstreamNames; } private static ApplicationId instance(RestApi.RequestContext context) { return context.queryParameters().getString("application") .map(ApplicationId::fromSerializedForm) .orElseThrow(() -> new RestApiException.BadRequest("Missing application parameter")); } private byte[] toJsonBytes(DeploymentRoutingStatus status) { return Exceptions.uncheck(() -> SlimeUtils.toJsonBytes(toSlime(status))); } private Slime toSlime(DeploymentRoutingStatus status) { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor root = slime.setObject(); root.setString("status", asString(status.status())); root.setString("cause", status.reason()); root.setString("agent", status.agent()); root.setLong("lastUpdate", status.changedAt().getEpochSecond()); return slime; } private static Slime toSlime(RoutingStatus status) { Slime slime = new Slime(); Cursor root = slime.setObject(); root.setString("status", asString(status)); return slime; } private static RoutingStatus asRoutingStatus(String s) { switch (s) { case "IN": return RoutingStatus.in; case "OUT": return RoutingStatus.out; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown status: '" + s + "'"); } private static String asString(RoutingStatus status) { switch (status) { case in: return "IN"; case out: return "OUT"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown status: " + status); } private static DeploymentRoutingStatus deploymentRoutingStatusFromSlime(Slime slime, Instant changedAt) { Cursor root = slime.get(); return new DeploymentRoutingStatus(asRoutingStatus(root.field("status").asString()), root.field("agent").asString(), root.field("cause").asString(), changedAt); } private static class DeploymentRoutingStatus { private final RoutingStatus status; private final String agent; private final String reason; private final Instant changedAt; public DeploymentRoutingStatus(RoutingStatus status, String agent, String reason, Instant changedAt) { this.status = Objects.requireNonNull(status); this.agent = Objects.requireNonNull(agent); this.reason = Objects.requireNonNull(reason); this.changedAt = Objects.requireNonNull(changedAt); } public RoutingStatus status() { return status; } public String agent() { return agent; } public String reason() { return reason; } public Instant changedAt() { return changedAt; } } private enum RoutingStatus { in, out } }