#!/bin/sh # Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # BEGIN environment bootstrap section # Do not edit between here and END as this section should stay identical in all scripts findpath () { myname=${0} mypath=${myname%/*} myname=${myname##*/} empty_if_start_slash=${mypath%%/*} if [ "${empty_if_start_slash}" ]; then mypath=$(pwd)/${mypath} fi if [ "$mypath" ] && [ -d "$mypath" ]; then return fi mypath=$(pwd) if [ -f "${mypath}/${myname}" ]; then return fi echo "FATAL: Could not figure out the path where $myname lives from $0" exit 1 } COMMON_ENV=libexec/vespa/common-env.sh source_common_env () { if [ "$VESPA_HOME" ] && [ -d "$VESPA_HOME" ]; then export VESPA_HOME common_env=$VESPA_HOME/$COMMON_ENV if [ -f "$common_env" ]; then . $common_env return fi fi return 1 } findroot () { source_common_env && return if [ "$VESPA_HOME" ]; then echo "FATAL: bad VESPA_HOME value '$VESPA_HOME'" exit 1 fi if [ "$ROOT" ] && [ -d "$ROOT" ]; then VESPA_HOME="$ROOT" source_common_env && return fi findpath while [ "$mypath" ]; do VESPA_HOME=${mypath} source_common_env && return mypath=${mypath%/*} done echo "FATAL: missing VESPA_HOME environment variable" echo "Could not locate $COMMON_ENV anywhere" exit 1 } findhost () { if [ "${VESPA_HOSTNAME}" = "" ]; then VESPA_HOSTNAME=$(vespa-detect-hostname || hostname -f || hostname || echo "localhost") || exit 1 fi validate="${VESPA_HOME}/bin/vespa-validate-hostname" if [ -f "$validate" ]; then "$validate" "${VESPA_HOSTNAME}" || exit 1 fi export VESPA_HOSTNAME } findroot findhost # END environment bootstrap section cd ${VESPA_HOME} || { echo "Cannot cd to ${VESPA_HOME}" 1>&2; exit 1; } fixfile () { if [ -f $1 ]; then if [ "${VESPA_USER}" ] && [ "${VESPA_UNPRIVILEGED}" != yes ]; then chown ${VESPA_USER} $1 fi chmod 644 $1 fi } fixddir () { if ! [ -d $1 ]; then echo "Creating data directory $1" mkdir -p $1 || exit 1 fi if [ "${VESPA_USER}" ] && [ "${VESPA_UNPRIVILEGED}" != yes ]; then chown ${VESPA_USER} $1 fi chmod 755 $1 } fixddir ${VESPA_HOME}/conf/zookeeper fixfile ${VESPA_HOME}/conf/zookeeper/zookeeper.cfg fixddir ${VESPA_HOME}/var/zookeeper fixfile ${VESPA_HOME}/var/zookeeper/myid fixddir ${VESPA_HOME}/var/zookeeper/version-2 not_a_configserver () { for hn in $(vespa-print-default configservers); do if [ "$hn" = localhost ] || [ "$hn" = "${VESPA_HOSTNAME}" ]; then return 1 fi done return 0 } if not_a_configserver ; then echo "Will not start config server, host ${VESPA_HOSTNAME}" \ "is not part of VESPA_CONFIGSERVERS: " $(vespa-print-default configservers) exit 1 fi fixlimits checkjava ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX="${VESPA_HOME}/logs/vespa/zookeeper.configserver" rm -f ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX*lck # common setup export VESPA_LOG_TARGET=file:${VESPA_HOME}/logs/vespa/vespa.log export VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_DIR="${VESPA_HOME}/var/db/vespa/logcontrol" export VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_FILE="${VESPA_HOME}/var/db/vespa/logcontrol/configserver.logcontrol" export VESPA_SERVICE_NAME=configserver export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${VESPA_HOME}/lib64 #Does not need fast allocation export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1 vespa-run-as-vespa-user ${VESPA_HOME}/libexec/vespa/start-logd # stuff for the configserver process: appdir="${VESPA_HOME}/conf/configserver-app" pidfile="${VESPA_HOME}/var/run/configserver.pid" cfpfile="${VESPA_HOME}/var/jdisc_container/configserver.properties" bundlecachedir="${VESPA_HOME}/var/vespa/bundlecache/configserver" export JAVAVM_LD_PRELOAD= unset LD_PRELOAD # will be picked up by standalone-container: export standalone_jdisc_container__app_location=${appdir} export standalone_jdisc_container__deployment_profile=configserver # class path CP="${VESPA_HOME}/lib/jars/jdisc_core-jar-with-dependencies.jar" baseuserargs="$VESPA_CONFIGSERVER_JVMARGS" serveruserargs="$cloudconfig_server__jvmargs" jvmargs="$baseuserargs $serveruserargs" export LD_PRELOAD=${VESPA_HOME}/lib64/vespa/malloc/libvespamalloc.so printenv > $cfpfile fixddir $bundlecachedir vespa-run-as-vespa-user vespa-runserver -s configserver -r 30 -p $pidfile -- \ java \ -Xms128m -Xmx2048m \ -XX:+PreserveFramePointer \ -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \ -XX:HeapDumpPath="${VESPA_HOME}/var/crash" \ -XX:ErrorFile="${VESPA_HOME}/var/crash/hs_err_pid%p.log" \ -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError \ -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow \ -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=1000000 \ $jvmargs \ --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/sun.security.ssl=ALL-UNNAMED \ -Djava.io.tmpdir=${VESPA_HOME}/tmp \ -Djava.library.path=${VESPA_HOME}/lib64 \ -Djava.awt.headless=true \ -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 \ -Dsun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout=5000 -Dsun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout=60000 \ -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=JKS \ -Djdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation=true \ -Djdisc.config.file=$cfpfile \ -Djdisc.export.packages= \ -Djdisc.cache.path=$bundlecachedir \ -Djdisc.bundle.path=${VESPA_HOME}/lib/jars \ -Djdisc.logger.enabled=true \ -Djdisc.logger.level=ALL \ -Djdisc.logger.tag=jdisc/configserver \ -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \ -Dzookeeper_log_file_prefix=${ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX} \ -cp "$CP" \ com.yahoo.jdisc.core.StandaloneMain standalone-container-jar-with-dependencies.jar