// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.core.config; import com.yahoo.collections.PredicateSplit; import com.yahoo.config.FileReference; import com.yahoo.container.Container; import com.yahoo.filedistribution.fileacquirer.FileAcquirer; import com.yahoo.osgi.Osgi; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static com.yahoo.collections.PredicateSplit.partition; import static com.yahoo.container.core.BundleLoaderProperties.DISK_BUNDLE_PREFIX; /** * Manages the set of installed 3rd-party component bundles. * * @author Tony Vaagenes * @author gjoranv */ public class BundleLoader { /* Map of file refs of active bundles (not scheduled for uninstall) to a list of all bundles that were installed * (pre-install directive) by the bundle pointed to by the file ref (including itself). * * Used to: * 1. Avoid installing already installed bundles. Just an optimization, installing the same bundle location is a NOP * 2. Start bundles (all are started every time) * 3. Calculate the set of bundles to uninstall */ private final Map> reference2Bundles = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BundleLoader.class.getName()); private final Osgi osgi; public BundleLoader(Osgi osgi) { this.osgi = osgi; } private List obtainBundles(FileReference reference, FileAcquirer fileAcquirer) throws InterruptedException { File file = fileAcquirer.waitFor(reference, 7, TimeUnit.DAYS); return osgi.install(file.getAbsolutePath()); } private void install(List references) { Set bundlesToInstall = new HashSet<>(references); // This is just an optimization, as installing a bundle with the same location id returns the already installed bundle. // It's ok that fileRefs pending uninstall are removed from the map, because they are never in the new set of bundles.. bundlesToInstall.removeAll(reference2Bundles.keySet()); PredicateSplit bundlesToInstall_isDisk = partition(bundlesToInstall, BundleLoader::isDiskBundle); installBundlesFromDisk(bundlesToInstall_isDisk.trueValues); installBundlesFromFileDistribution(bundlesToInstall_isDisk.falseValues); // TODO: Remove. Bundles are also started in use() startBundles(); } private static boolean isDiskBundle(FileReference fileReference) { return fileReference.value().startsWith(DISK_BUNDLE_PREFIX); } private void installBundlesFromDisk(List bundlesToInstall) { for (FileReference reference : bundlesToInstall) { try { installBundleFromDisk(reference); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not install bundle '" + reference + "'", e); } } } private void installBundlesFromFileDistribution(List bundlesToInstall) { if (!bundlesToInstall.isEmpty()) { FileAcquirer fileAcquirer = Container.get().getFileAcquirer(); boolean hasFileDistribution = (fileAcquirer != null); if (hasFileDistribution) { installWithFileDistribution(bundlesToInstall, fileAcquirer); } else { log.warning("Can't retrieve bundles since file distribution is disabled."); } } } private void installBundleFromDisk(FileReference reference) { assert(reference.value().startsWith(DISK_BUNDLE_PREFIX)); String referenceFileName = reference.value().substring(DISK_BUNDLE_PREFIX.length()); log.info("Installing bundle from disk with reference '" + reference.value() + "'"); File file = new File(referenceFileName); if ( ! file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reference '" + reference.value() + "' not found on disk."); } List bundles = osgi.install(file.getAbsolutePath()); reference2Bundles.put(reference, bundles); } private void installWithFileDistribution(List bundlesToInstall, FileAcquirer fileAcquirer) { for (FileReference reference : bundlesToInstall) { try { log.info("Installing bundle with reference '" + reference.value() + "'"); List bundles = obtainBundles(reference, fileAcquirer); reference2Bundles.put(reference, bundles); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not install bundle '" + reference + "'", e); } } } /** * Resolves and starts (calls the Bundles BundleActivator) all bundles. Bundle resolution must take place * after all bundles are installed to ensure that the framework can resolve dependencies between bundles. */ private void startBundles() { for (List bundles : reference2Bundles.values()) { for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { try { if ( ! isFragment(bundle)) bundle.start(); // NOP for already ACTIVE bundles } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not start bundle '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "'", e); } } } } private boolean isFragment(Bundle bundle) { BundleRevision bundleRevision = bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class); if (bundleRevision == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null bundle revision means that bundle has probably been uninstalled: " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + ":" + bundle.getVersion()); return (bundleRevision.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0; } /** * Returns the bundles to schedule for uninstall after their components have been deconstructed * and removes the same bundles from the map of active bundles. */ private Set getBundlesToUninstall(List newReferences) { Set bundlesToRemove = new HashSet<>(osgi.getCurrentBundles()); for (FileReference fileReferenceToKeep: newReferences) { if (reference2Bundles.containsKey(fileReferenceToKeep)) bundlesToRemove.removeAll(reference2Bundles.get(fileReferenceToKeep)); } bundlesToRemove.removeAll(osgi.getInitialBundles()); removeInactiveFileReferences(newReferences); return bundlesToRemove; } private void removeInactiveFileReferences(List newReferences) { // Clean up the map of active bundles Set fileReferencesToRemove = new HashSet<>(reference2Bundles.keySet()); fileReferencesToRemove.removeAll(newReferences); fileReferencesToRemove.forEach(reference2Bundles::remove); } /** * Installs the given set of bundles and returns the set of bundles that is no longer used * by the application, and should therefore be scheduled for uninstall. */ public synchronized Set use(List newBundles) { Set bundlesToUninstall = getBundlesToUninstall(newBundles); osgi.allowDuplicateBundles(bundlesToUninstall); log.info(() -> bundlesToUninstall.isEmpty() ? "Adding bundles to allowed duplicates: " + bundlesToUninstall : ""); install(newBundles); startBundles(); log.info(installedBundlesMessage()); return bundlesToUninstall; } private String installedBundlesMessage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Installed bundles: {" ); for (Bundle b : osgi.getBundles()) sb.append("[" + b.getBundleId() + "]" + b.getSymbolicName() + ":" + b.getVersion() + ", "); sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } }