# Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. namespace=container.core # File name patterns supporting the expected time variables, e.g. ".%Y%m%d%H%M%S" fileHandler.pattern string # When should rotation happen, in minutes after midnight # Does this really need to be configurable? # Could just configure "every N minutes" instead fileHandler.rotation string default="0 60 ..." # Use this as the name of the symlink created pointing to the newest file in the "date" naming scheme. # This is ignored if the sequence naming scheme is used. fileHandler.symlink string default="" # compress the previous access log after rotation fileHandler.compressOnRotation bool default=true # Compression format fileHandler.compressionFormat enum {GZIP, ZSTD} default=GZIP # Max queue length of file handler fileHandler.queueSize int default=10000 # Buffer size for the output stream has a default of 256k fileHandler.bufferSize int default=262144