# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. namespace=jdisc.http.client userAgent string default = "JDisc/1.0" chunkedEncodingEnabled bool default = false compressionEnabled bool default = false connectionPoolEnabled bool default = true followRedirects bool default = false removeQueryParamsOnRedirect bool default = true sslConnectionPoolEnabled bool default = true proxyServer string default = "" useProxyProperties bool default = false useRawUri bool default = false compressionLevel int default = -1 maxNumConnections int default = -1 maxNumConnectionsPerHost int default = -1 maxNumRedirects int default = 5 maxNumRetries int default = 0 connectionTimeout double default = 60 idleConnectionInPoolTimeout double default = 60 idleConnectionTimeout double default = 60 idleWebSocketTimeout double default = 15 requestTimeout double default = 60 ssl.enabled bool default = false ssl.keyStoreType string default = "JKS" # Vespa home is prepended is path is relative ssl.keyStorePath string default = "jdisc_container/keyStore.jks" # Vespa home is prepended is path is relative ssl.trustStorePath string default = "conf/jdisc_container/trustStore.jks" ssl.keyDBKey string default = "jdisc_container" ssl.algorithm string default = "SunX509" ssl.protocol string default = "TLS"