# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. namespace=jdisc.http # Whether to enable developer mode, where stack traces etc are visible in response bodies. developerMode bool default=false # The gzip compression level to use, if compression is enabled in a request. responseCompressionLevel int default=6 # DEPRECATED - Ignored, no longer in use. httpKeepAliveEnabled bool default=true # TODO Vespa 8 Remove httpKeepAliveEnabled # Maximum number of request per http connection before server will hangup. # Naming taken from apache http server. # 0 means never hangup. # DEPRECATED - Ignored, no longer in use. Use similar parameter in connector config instead. maxKeepAliveRequests int default=0 # TODO Vespa 8 Remove maxKeepAliveRequests # Whether the request body of POSTed forms should be removed (form parameters are available as request parameters). removeRawPostBodyForWwwUrlEncodedPost bool default=false # The component ID of a filter filter[].id string # The binding of a filter filter[].binding string # Filter id for a default filter (chain) defaultFilters[].filterId string # The local port which the default filter should be applied to defaultFilters[].localPort int # Reject all requests not handled by a request filter (chain) strictFiltering bool default = false # Max number of threads in underlying Jetty pool maxWorkerThreads int default = 200 # Min number of threads in underlying Jetty pool minWorkerThreads int default = 8 # Stop timeout in seconds. The maximum allowed time to process in-flight requests during server shutdown. Setting it to 0 disable graceful shutdown. stopTimeout double default = 30.0 # Enable embedded JMX server. Note: only accessible through the loopback interface. jmx.enabled bool default = false # Listen port for the JMX server. jmx.listenPort int default = 1099 # Paths that should be reported with monitoring dimensions where applicable metric.monitoringHandlerPaths[] string # Paths that should be reported with search dimensions where applicable metric.searchHandlerPaths[] string # HTTP request headers that contain remote address accessLog.remoteAddressHeaders[] string # HTTP request headers that contain remote port accessLog.remotePortHeaders[] string # Whether to enable jdisc connection log connectionLog.enabled bool default=false