// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.component; /** * @author baldersheim */ public class ComponentIdBenchmark { public void run() { boolean result=true; String strings[] = createStrings(1000); // Warm-up out("Warming up..."); for (int i=0; i<30*1000; i++) result = result ^ createComponentId(strings); long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); out("Running..."); for (int i=0; i<100*1000; i++) result = result ^ createComponentId(strings); out("Ignore this: " + result); // Make sure we are not fooled by optimization by creating an observable result long endTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); out("Create anonymous component ids of 1000 strings 100.000 times took " + (endTime-startTime) + " ms"); } private final String [] createStrings(int num) { String strings [] = new String [num]; for(int i=0; i < strings.length; i++) { strings[i] = "this.is.a.short.compound.name." + i; } return strings; } private final boolean createComponentId(String [] strings) { boolean retval = true; for (int i=0; i < strings.length; i++) { ComponentId n = ComponentId.createAnonymousComponentId(strings[i]); retval = retval ^ n.isAnonymous(); } return retval; } private void out(String string) { System.out.println(string); } public static void main(String[] args) { new ComponentIdBenchmark().run(); } }