// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.di import com.yahoo.config.{ConfigInstance} import CloudSubscriberFactory._ import config.{Subscriber, SubscriberFactory} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import com.yahoo.vespa.config.ConfigKey import scala.Some import com.yahoo.config.subscription.{ConfigHandle, ConfigSource, ConfigSourceSet, ConfigSubscriber} import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException import java.util.logging.Logger import com.yahoo.log.LogLevel /** * @author tonytv */ class CloudSubscriberFactory(configSource: ConfigSource) extends SubscriberFactory { private var testGeneration: Option[Long] = None private val activeSubscribers = new java.util.WeakHashMap[CloudSubscriber, Int]() override def getSubscriber(configKeys: java.util.Set[_ <: ConfigKey[_]]): Subscriber = { val subscriber = new CloudSubscriber(configKeys.toSet.asInstanceOf[Set[ConfigKeyT]], configSource) testGeneration.foreach(subscriber.subscriber.reload(_)) //TODO: test specific code, remove activeSubscribers.put(subscriber, 0) subscriber } //TODO: test specific code, remove override def reloadActiveSubscribers(generation: Long) { testGeneration = Some(generation) val l = activeSubscribers.keySet().toSet l.foreach { _.subscriber.reload(generation) } } } object CloudSubscriberFactory { val log = Logger.getLogger(classOf[CloudSubscriberFactory].getName) private class CloudSubscriber(keys: Set[ConfigKeyT], configSource: ConfigSource) extends Subscriber { private[CloudSubscriberFactory] val subscriber = new ConfigSubscriber(configSource) private val handles: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigHandle[_ <: ConfigInstance]] = keys.map(subscribe).toMap //if waitNextGeneration has not yet been called, -1 should be returned var generation: Long = -1 private def subscribe(key: ConfigKeyT) = (key, subscriber.subscribe(key.getConfigClass, key.getConfigId)) override def configChanged = handles.values.exists(_.isChanged) //mapValues returns a view,, so we need to force evaluation of it here to prevent deferred evaluation. override def config = handles.mapValues(_.getConfig).toMap.view.force. asInstanceOf[Map[ConfigKey[ConfigInstance], ConfigInstance]] override def waitNextGeneration() = { require(!handles.isEmpty) /* Catch and ignore config exceptions due to missing config values for parameters that do * not have a default value. These exceptions occur when the user has removed a component * from services.xml, and the component takes a config that has parameters without a * default value in the def-file. There is a new 'components' config underway, where the * component is removed, so this old config generation will soon be replaced by a new one. */ var gotNextGen = false var numExceptions = 0 while (!gotNextGen) { try{ if (subscriber.nextGeneration()) gotNextGen = true } catch { case e: IllegalArgumentException => numExceptions += 1 log.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Ignoring exception from the config library: " + e.getMessage + "\n" + e.getStackTrace) if (numExceptions >= 5) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed retrieving the next config generation.", e) } } generation = subscriber.getGeneration generation } override def close() { subscriber.close() } } class Provider extends com.google.inject.Provider[SubscriberFactory] { override def get() = new CloudSubscriberFactory(ConfigSourceSet.createDefault()) } }