// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core import java.lang.reflect.{Constructor, InvocationTargetException, Modifier, ParameterizedType, Type} import java.util.logging.Logger import com.google.inject.Inject import com.yahoo.component.{AbstractComponent, ComponentId} import com.yahoo.config.ConfigInstance import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.Provider import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.ComponentNode._ import com.yahoo.container.di.componentgraph.core.Node.equalEdges import com.yahoo.container.di.{ConfigKeyT, JavaAnnotation, createKey, makeClassCovariant, preserveStackTrace, removeStackTrace} import com.yahoo.vespa.config.ConfigKey import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future, TimeoutException} import scala.language.postfixOps /** * @author Tony Vaagenes * @author gjoranv */ class ComponentNode(componentId: ComponentId, val configId: String, clazz: Class[_ <: AnyRef], val XXX_key: JavaAnnotation = null) // TODO expose key, not javaAnnotation extends Node(componentId) { require(!isAbstract(clazz), "Can't instantiate abstract class " + clazz.getName) var arguments : Array[AnyRef] = _ val constructor: Constructor[AnyRef] = bestConstructor(clazz) var availableConfigs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance] = null override val instanceKey = createKey(clazz, XXX_key) override val instanceType = clazz override def usedComponents: List[Node] = { require(arguments != null, "Arguments must be set first.") arguments.collect{case node: Node => node}.toList } override val componentType: Class[AnyRef] = { def allSuperClasses(clazz: Class[_], coll : List[Class[_]]) : List[Class[_]] = { if (clazz == null) coll else allSuperClasses(clazz.getSuperclass, clazz :: coll) } def allGenericInterfaces(clazz : Class[_]) = allSuperClasses(clazz, List()) flatMap (_.getGenericInterfaces) def isProvider = classOf[Provider[_]].isAssignableFrom(clazz) def providerComponentType = (allGenericInterfaces(clazz).collect { case t: ParameterizedType if t.getRawType == classOf[Provider[_]] => t.getActualTypeArguments.head }).head if (isProvider) providerComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[AnyRef]] //TODO: Test what happens if you ask for something that isn't a class, e.g. a parametrized type. else clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[AnyRef]] } def setArguments(arguments: Array[AnyRef]) { this.arguments = arguments } def cutStackTraceAtConstructor(throwable: Throwable): Throwable = { def takeUntilComponentNode(elements: Array[StackTraceElement]) = elements.takeWhile(_.getClassName != classOf[ComponentNode].getName) def dropToInitAtEnd(elements: Array[StackTraceElement]) = elements.reverse.dropWhile(_.getMethodName != "").reverse val modifyStackTrace = takeUntilComponentNode _ andThen dropToInitAtEnd val dependencyInjectorStackTraceMarker = new StackTraceElement("============= Dependency Injection =============", "newInstance", null, -1) if (throwable != null && !preserveStackTrace) { throwable.setStackTrace(modifyStackTrace(throwable.getStackTrace) :+ dependencyInjectorStackTraceMarker) cutStackTraceAtConstructor(throwable.getCause) } throwable } override protected def newInstance() : AnyRef = { assert (arguments != null, "graph.complete must be called before retrieving instances.") val actualArguments = arguments.map { case node: Node => node.newOrCachedInstance() case config: ConfigKeyT => availableConfigs(config.asInstanceOf[ConfigKeyT]) case other => other } val instance = try { constructor.newInstance(actualArguments: _*) } catch { case e: InvocationTargetException => throw removeStackTrace(ErrorOrComponentConstructorException(cutStackTraceAtConstructor(e.getCause), s"Error constructing $idAndType")) } initId(instance) } private def ErrorOrComponentConstructorException(cause: Throwable, message: String) : Throwable = { if (cause != null && cause.isInstanceOf[Error]) // don't convert Errors to RuntimeExceptions new Error(message, cause) else new ComponentConstructorException(message, cause) } private def initId(component: AnyRef) = { def checkAndSetId(c: AbstractComponent) { if (c.hasInitializedId && c.getId != componentId ) throw new IllegalStateException("Component with id '" + componentId + "' has set a bogus component id: '" + c.getId + "'") c.initId(componentId) } component match { case component: AbstractComponent => checkAndSetId(component) case other => () } component } override def equals(other: Any) = { other match { case that: ComponentNode => super.equals(that) && equalEdges(arguments.toList, that.arguments.toList) && usedConfigs == that.usedConfigs } } private def usedConfigs = { require(availableConfigs != null, "setAvailableConfigs must be called!") ( arguments collect {case c: ConfigKeyT => c} map (availableConfigs) ).toList } def getAnnotatedConstructorParams: Array[(Type, Array[JavaAnnotation])] = { constructor.getGenericParameterTypes zip constructor.getParameterAnnotations } def setAvailableConfigs(configs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance]) { require (arguments != null, "graph.complete must be called before graph.setAvailableConfigs.") availableConfigs = configs } override def configKeys = { configParameterClasses.map(new ConfigKey(_, configId)).toSet } private def configParameterClasses: Array[Class[ConfigInstance]] = { constructor.getGenericParameterTypes.collect { case clazz: Class[_] if classOf[ConfigInstance].isAssignableFrom(clazz) => clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[ConfigInstance]] } } override def label = { val configNames = configKeys.map(_.getName + ".def").toList (List(instanceType.getSimpleName, Node.packageName(instanceType)) ::: configNames). mkString("{", "|", "}") } } object ComponentNode { val log = Logger.getLogger(classOf[ComponentNode].getName) private def bestConstructor(clazz: Class[AnyRef]) = { val publicConstructors = clazz.getConstructors.asInstanceOf[Array[Constructor[AnyRef]]] def constructorAnnotatedWithInject = { publicConstructors filter {_.getAnnotation(classOf[Inject]) != null} match { case Array() => None case Array(single) => Some(single) case _ => throwComponentConstructorException("Multiple constructors annotated with inject in class " + clazz.getName) } } def constructorWithMostConfigParameters = { def isConfigInstance(clazz: Class[_]) = classOf[ConfigInstance].isAssignableFrom(clazz) publicConstructors match { case Array() => throwComponentConstructorException("No public constructors in class " + clazz.getName) case Array(single) => single case _ => log.warning("Multiple public constructors found in class %s, there should only be one. ".format(clazz.getName) + "If more than one public constructor is needed, the primary one must be annotated with @Inject.") publicConstructors. sortBy(_.getParameterTypes.filter(isConfigInstance).size). last } } constructorAnnotatedWithInject getOrElse constructorWithMostConfigParameters } private def throwComponentConstructorException(message: String) = throw removeStackTrace(new ComponentConstructorException(message)) class ComponentConstructorException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(message, cause) { def this(message: String) = this(message, null) } def isAbstract(clazz: Class[_ <: AnyRef]) = Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers) }