#!/bin/bash # Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. #set -x if [ -z "${VESPA_HOME}" ]; then echo "Missing VESPA_HOME variable" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${VESPA_SERVICE_NAME}" ]; then echo "Missing VESPA_SERVICE_NAME variable" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}" ]; then echo "Missing VESPA_CONFIG_ID variable" exit 1 fi cd ${VESPA_HOME} || { echo "Cannot cd to ${VESPA_HOME}" 1>&2; exit 1; } . libexec/vespa/common-env.sh if test "$(uname -s)" = Darwin then DISCRIMINATOR=`echo ${VESPA_CONFIG_ID} | md5 -r | cut -d' ' -f1` else DISCRIMINATOR=`echo ${VESPA_CONFIG_ID} | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1` fi CONTAINER_HOME="${VESPA_HOME}/var/jdisc_container/${DISCRIMINATOR}/" if [[ "$VESPA_SERVICE_NAME" = "container" || "$VESPA_SERVICE_NAME" = "container-clustercontroller" || "$VESPA_SERVICE_NAME" = "qrserver" ]]; then ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX="${VESPA_HOME}/logs/vespa/zookeeper.${VESPA_SERVICE_NAME}" rm -f $ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX*lck zookeeper_log_file_property="-Dzookeeper_log_file_prefix=${ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX}" # TODO: Temporary, remove else clause after 2022-05-20 else ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX="${VESPA_HOME}/logs/vespa/zookeeper.${VESPA_SERVICE_NAME}" rm -f $ZOOKEEPER_LOG_FILE_PREFIX* fi # common setup export VESPA_LOG_TARGET=file:${VESPA_HOME}/logs/vespa/vespa.log export VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_DIR=${VESPA_HOME}/var/db/vespa/logcontrol export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${VESPA_HOME}/lib64 cfpfile=${CONTAINER_HOME}/jdisc.properties bundlecachedir=${CONTAINER_HOME}/bundlecache # class path CP="${VESPA_HOME}/lib/jars/jdisc_core-jar-with-dependencies.jar" mkdir -p $bundlecachedir || exit 1 printenv > $cfpfile || exit 1 getconfig() { set -e qrstartcfg="" case "${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}" in dir:*) config_dir=${VESPA_CONFIG_ID#dir:} qrstartcfg="`cat ${config_dir}/qr-start.cfg`" ;; *) qrstartcfg="`$VESPA_HOME/bin/vespa-get-config -l -w 10 -n search.config.qr-start -i ${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}`" ;; esac cmds=`echo "$qrstartcfg" | perl -ne 's/^(\w+)\.(\w+) (.*)/$1_$2=$3/ && print'` eval "$cmds" set +e } # Print the value of the cgroups v2 interface filename $1 for current process, # returning 0 on success. $1 is e.g. memory.max. vespa_cg2get() { local filename="$1" # Verify cgroups v2 if ! [ -e /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers ]; then return 1 fi local cgroup_content if ! cgroup_content=$(< /proc/self/cgroup); then echo "No such file: /proc/self/cgroup" >& 2 return 1 fi local slice while read -r; do if [ -n "$slice" ]; then echo "More than one line in /proc/self/cgroup" >&2 return 1 fi # Ignore prefix of line up to and including the right-most ':'. # Example line: "0::/user.slice/user-1002.slice/session-29.scope" slice="${REPLY##*:}" done <<< "$cgroup_content" local root_dir=/sys/fs/cgroup local leaf_dir="$root_dir$slice" local current_dir="$leaf_dir" local min_value= while (( ${#current_dir} >= ${#root_dir} )); do local path="$current_dir"/"$filename" if [ -r "$path" ]; then local value=$(< "$path") if [ -z "$min_value" ]; then min_value="$value" elif [ "$min_value" == max ]; then min_value="$value" elif [ "$value" != max ] && (( value < min_value )); then min_value="$value" fi fi current_dir="${current_dir%/*}" done if [ -z "$min_value" ]; then echo "No such filename was found at $leaf_dir: $filename" >&2 return 1 fi echo "$min_value" return 0 } configure_memory() { consider_fallback jvm_minHeapsize 1536 consider_fallback jvm_heapsize 1536 consider_fallback jvm_stacksize 512 consider_fallback jvm_baseMaxDirectMemorySize 75 consider_fallback jvm_compressedClassSpaceSize 32 consider_fallback jvm_directMemorySizeCache 0 # Update jvm_heapsize only if percentage is explicitly set (default is 0). if ((jvm_heapSizeAsPercentageOfPhysicalMemory > 0)); then available=`free -m | grep Mem | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '` if hash cgget 2>/dev/null; then # TODO: Create vespa_cgget for this and remove dependency on libcgroup-tools available_cgroup_bytes=$(cgget -nv -r memory.limit_in_bytes / 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [[ "$available_cgroup_bytes" =~ "Cgroup is not mounted" ]]; then available_cgroup_bytes=$(vespa_cg2get memory.max) else echo "$available_cgroup_bytes" >&2 fi # If command failed or returned value is 'max' assign a big value (default in CGroup v1) if ! [[ "$available_cgroup_bytes" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then available_cgroup_bytes=$(((1 << 63) -1)) fi fi available_cgroup=$((available_cgroup_bytes >> 20)) available=$((available > available_cgroup ? available_cgroup : available)) fi #Subtract 1G as fixed overhead for an application container. reserved_mem=1024 available=$((available > reserved_mem ? available - reserved_mem : available)) jvm_heapsize=$((available * jvm_heapSizeAsPercentageOfPhysicalMemory / 100)) jvm_minHeapsize=${jvm_heapsize} fi # Safety measure against bad min vs max heapsize. if ((jvm_minHeapsize > jvm_heapsize)); then jvm_minHeapsize=${jvm_heapsize} echo "Misconfigured heap size, jvm_minHeapsize(${jvm_minHeapsize} is larger than jvm_heapsize(${jvm_heapsize}). It has been capped." fi maxDirectMemorySize=$(( jvm_baseMaxDirectMemorySize + jvm_heapsize / 8 + jvm_directMemorySizeCache )) memory_options="-Xms${jvm_minHeapsize}m -Xmx${jvm_heapsize}m" memory_options="${memory_options} -XX:ThreadStackSize=${jvm_stacksize}" memory_options="${memory_options} -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=${maxDirectMemorySize}m" memory_options="${memory_options} $(get_jvm_hugepage_settings $jvm_heapsize)" if ((jvm_compressedClassSpaceSize != 0)); then memory_options="${memory_options} -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=${jvm_compressedClassSpaceSize}m" fi } configure_cpu() { if ((jvm_availableProcessors > 0)); then cpu_options="-XX:ActiveProcessorCount=${jvm_availableProcessors}" else cpu_options="-XX:ActiveProcessorCount=`nproc`" fi } configure_numactl() { numactlcmd=$(get_numa_ctl_cmd) } configure_gcopts() { consider_fallback jvm_gcopts "-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:NewRatio=1" if [ "$jvm_verbosegc" = "true" ]; then jvm_gcopts="${jvm_gcopts} -Xlog:gc" fi } configure_env_vars() { if [ "$qrs_env" ]; then for setting in ${qrs_env} ; do case $setting in *"="*) eval "$setting"; export ${setting%%=*} ;; *) log_message warning "ignoring invalid qrs_env setting '$setting' from '$qrs_env'" ;; esac done fi } configure_classpath () { if [ "${jdisc_classpath_extra}" ]; then CP="${CP}:${jdisc_classpath_extra}" fi } configure_preload () { export JAVAVM_LD_PRELOAD= unset LD_PRELOAD envcmd="/usr/bin/env" # trim whitespace: PRELOAD=${PRELOAD# } PRELOAD=${PRELOAD% } if [ "$PRELOAD" ]; then envcmd="/usr/bin/env JAVAVM_LD_PRELOAD=$PRELOAD LD_PRELOAD=$PRELOAD" log_message config "setting up extra preload: $envcmd" fi } # import VARIABLENAME with default VALUE import_cfg_var () { varname=$1 ret_val=$2 prefixed_varname="vespa_container__${varname}" if varhasvalue $varname ; then : already set elif varhasvalue $prefixed_varname ; then eval "$varname=\${$prefixed_varname}" else eval "$varname=\${ret_val}" fi } getconfig configure_memory configure_gcopts configure_env_vars configure_classpath configure_numactl configure_cpu configure_preload exec $numactlcmd $envcmd java \ -Dconfig.id="${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}" \ -XX:+PreserveFramePointer \ ${VESPA_CONTAINER_JVMARGS} \ ${cpu_options} \ ${memory_options} \ ${jvm_gcopts} \ -XX:MaxJavaStackTraceDepth=1000000 \ -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \ -XX:HeapDumpPath="${VESPA_HOME}/var/crash" \ -XX:ErrorFile="${VESPA_HOME}/var/crash/hs_err_pid%p.log" \ -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError \ --add-opens=java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED \ --add-opens=java.base/sun.security.ssl=ALL-UNNAMED \ -Djava.io.tmpdir="${VESPA_HOME}/tmp" \ -Djava.library.path="${VESPA_HOME}/lib64" \ -Djava.security.properties=${VESPA_HOME}/conf/vespa/java.security.override \ -Djava.awt.headless=true \ -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=JKS \ -Djdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation=true \ -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 \ -Dsun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout=5000 -Dsun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout=60000 \ -Djdisc.config.file="$cfpfile" \ -Djdisc.export.packages=${jdisc_export_packages} \ -Djdisc.cache.path="$bundlecachedir" \ -Djdisc.bundle.path="${VESPA_HOME}/lib/jars" \ -Djdisc.logger.enabled=false \ -Djdisc.logger.level=WARNING \ -Djdisc.logger.tag="${VESPA_CONFIG_ID}" \ -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger \ -Dvespa.log.control.dir="${VESPA_LOG_CONTROL_DIR}" \ ${zookeeper_log_file_property} \ -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \ -cp "$CP" \ "$@" \ com.yahoo.jdisc.core.StandaloneMain file:${VESPA_HOME}/lib/jars/container-disc-jar-with-dependencies.jar