/** * Copyright (c) 2008, Christophe Dolivet * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of EditArea nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Open source under the BSD License. * * * * Autocompletion class * * An auto completion box appear while you're writing. It's possible to force it to appear with Ctrl+Space short cut * * Loaded as a plugin inside editArea (everything made here could have been made in the plugin directory) * But is definitly linked to syntax selection (no need to do 2 different files for color and auto complete for each syntax language) * and add a too important feature that many people would miss if included as a plugin * * - init param: autocompletion_start * - Button name: "autocompletion" */ var EditArea_autocompletion= { /** * Get called once this file is loaded (editArea still not initialized) * * @return nothing */ init: function(){ // alert("test init: "+ this._someInternalFunction(2, 3)); if(editArea.settings["autocompletion"]) this.enabled= true; else this.enabled= false; this.current_word = false; this.shown = false; this.selectIndex = -1; this.forceDisplay = false; this.isInMiddleWord = false; this.autoSelectIfOneResult = false; this.delayBeforeDisplay = 100; this.checkDelayTimer = false; this.curr_syntax_str = ''; this.file_syntax_datas = {}; } /** * Returns the HTML code for a specific control string or false if this plugin doesn't have that control. * A control can be a button, select list or any other HTML item to present in the EditArea user interface. * Language variables such as {$lang_somekey} will also be replaced with contents from * the language packs. * * @param {string} ctrl_name: the name of the control to add * @return HTML code for a specific control or false. * @type string or boolean */ /*,get_control_html: function(ctrl_name){ switch( ctrl_name ){ case 'autocompletion': // Control id, button img, command return parent.editAreaLoader.get_button_html('autocompletion_but', 'autocompletion.gif', 'toggle_autocompletion', false, this.baseURL); break; } return false; }*/ /** * Get called once EditArea is fully loaded and initialised * * @return nothing */ ,onload: function(){ if(this.enabled) { var icon= document.getElementById("autocompletion"); if(icon) editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true); } this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.style = "width: 150px; height: 65px; font-family: Tahoma"; this.container.id = "auto_completion_area"; editArea.container.insertBefore( this.container, editArea.container.firstChild ); // add event detection for hiding suggestion box parent.editAreaLoader.add_event( document, "click", function(){ editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._hide();} ); parent.editAreaLoader.add_event( editArea.textarea, "blur", function(){ editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._hide();} ); } /** * Is called each time the user touch a keyboard key. * * @param (event) e: the keydown event * @return true - pass to next handler in chain, false - stop chain execution * @type boolean */ ,onkeydown: function(e){ if(!this.enabled) return true; if (EA_keys[e.keyCode]) letter=EA_keys[e.keyCode]; else letter=String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); // shown if( this._isShown() ) { // if escape, hide the box if(letter=="Esc") { this._hide(); return false; } // Enter else if( letter=="Entrer") { var as = this.container.getElementsByTagName('A'); // select a suggested entry if( this.selectIndex >= 0 && this.selectIndex < as.length ) { as[ this.selectIndex ].onmousedown(); return false } // simply add an enter in the code else { this._hide(); return true; } } else if( letter=="Tab" || letter=="Down") { this._selectNext(); return false; } else if( letter=="Up") { this._selectBefore(); return false; } } // hidden else { } // show current suggestion list and do autoSelect if possible (no matter it's shown or hidden) if( letter=="Space" && CtrlPressed(e) ) { //parent.console.log('SHOW SUGGEST'); this.forceDisplay = true; this.autoSelectIfOneResult = true; this._checkLetter(); return false; } // wait a short period for check that the cursor isn't moving setTimeout("editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._checkDelayAndCursorBeforeDisplay();", editArea.check_line_selection_timer +5 ); this.checkDelayTimer = false; return true; } /** * Executes a specific command, this function handles plugin commands. * * @param {string} cmd: the name of the command being executed * @param {unknown} param: the parameter of the command * @return true - pass to next handler in chain, false - stop chain execution * @type boolean */ ,execCommand: function(cmd, param){ switch( cmd ){ case 'toggle_autocompletion': var icon= document.getElementById("autocompletion"); if(!this.enabled) { if(icon != null){ editArea.restoreClass(icon); editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true); } this.enabled= true; } else { this.enabled= false; if(icon != null) editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false); } return true; } return true; } ,_checkDelayAndCursorBeforeDisplay: function() { this.checkDelayTimer = setTimeout("if(editArea.textarea.selectionStart == "+ editArea.textarea.selectionStart +") EditArea_autocompletion._checkLetter();", this.delayBeforeDisplay - editArea.check_line_selection_timer - 5 ); } // hide the suggested box ,_hide: function(){ this.container.style.display="none"; this.selectIndex = -1; this.shown = false; this.forceDisplay = false; this.autoSelectIfOneResult = false; } // display the suggested box ,_show: function(){ if( !this._isShown() ) { this.container.style.display="block"; this.selectIndex = -1; this.shown = true; } } // is the suggested box displayed? ,_isShown: function(){ return this.shown; } // setter and getter ,_isInMiddleWord: function( new_value ){ if( typeof( new_value ) == "undefined" ) return this.isInMiddleWord; else this.isInMiddleWord = new_value; } // select the next element in the suggested box ,_selectNext: function() { var as = this.container.getElementsByTagName('A'); // clean existing elements for( var i=0; i= as.length || this.selectIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : this.selectIndex; as[ this.selectIndex ].className += " focus"; } // select the previous element in the suggested box ,_selectBefore: function() { var as = this.container.getElementsByTagName('A'); // clean existing elements for( var i=0; i= as.length || this.selectIndex < 0 ) ? as.length-1 : this.selectIndex; as[ this.selectIndex ].className += " focus"; } ,_select: function( content ) { cursor_forced_position = content.indexOf( '{@}' ); content = content.replace(/{@}/g, '' ); editArea.getIESelection(); // retrive the number of matching characters var start_index = Math.max( 0, editArea.textarea.selectionEnd - content.length ); line_string = editArea.textarea.value.substring( start_index, editArea.textarea.selectionEnd + 1); limit = line_string.length -1; nbMatch = 0; for( i =0; i 0 ) parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectionRange(editArea.id, editArea.textarea.selectionStart - nbMatch , editArea.textarea.selectionEnd); parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectedText(editArea.id, content ); range= parent.editAreaLoader.getSelectionRange(editArea.id); if( cursor_forced_position != -1 ) new_pos = range["end"] - ( content.length-cursor_forced_position ); else new_pos = range["end"]; parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectionRange(editArea.id, new_pos, new_pos); this._hide(); } /** * Parse the AUTO_COMPLETION part of syntax definition files */ ,_parseSyntaxAutoCompletionDatas: function(){ //foreach syntax loaded for(var lang in parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax) { if(!parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[lang]['autocompletion']) // init the regexp if not already initialized { parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[lang]['autocompletion']= {}; // the file has auto completion datas if(parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION']) { // parse them for(var i in parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION']) { datas = parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION'][i]; tmp = {}; if(datas["CASE_SENSITIVE"]!="undefined" && datas["CASE_SENSITIVE"]==false) tmp["modifiers"]="i"; else tmp["modifiers"]=""; tmp["prefix_separator"]= datas["REGEXP"]["prefix_separator"]; tmp["match_prefix_separator"]= new RegExp( datas["REGEXP"]["prefix_separator"] +"$", tmp["modifiers"]); tmp["match_word"]= new RegExp("(?:"+ datas["REGEXP"]["before_word"] +")("+ datas["REGEXP"]["possible_words_letters"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"]); tmp["match_next_letter"]= new RegExp("^("+ datas["REGEXP"]["letter_after_word_must_match"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"]); tmp["keywords"]= {}; //console.log( datas["KEYWORDS"] ); for( var prefix in datas["KEYWORDS"] ) { tmp["keywords"][prefix]= { prefix: prefix, prefix_name: prefix, prefix_reg: new RegExp("(?:"+ parent.editAreaLoader.get_escaped_regexp( prefix ) +")(?:"+ tmp["prefix_separator"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"] ), datas: [] }; for( var j=0; j it's valid if( !match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length == 0 ) { if( ! before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) ) hasMatch = true; } // we still need to check the prefix if there is one else if( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length > 0 ) { if( before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) ) hasMatch = true; } if( hasMatch ) results[results.length]= [ this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix], this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j] ]; } } } } // it doesn't match any possible word but we want to display something // we'll display to list of all available words else if( this.forceDisplay || match_prefix_separator ) { for(var prefix in this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"]) { for(var j=0; j it's valid if( !match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length == 0 ) { hasMatch = true; } // we still need to check the prefix if there is one else if( match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length > 0 ) { var before = last_chars; //.substr( 0, last_chars.length ); if( before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) ) hasMatch = true; } if( hasMatch ) results[results.length]= [ this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix], this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j] ]; } } } } } // there is only one result, and we can select it automatically if( results.length == 1 && this.autoSelectIfOneResult ) { // console.log( results ); this._select( results[0][1]['replace_with'] ); } else if( results.length == 0 ) { this._hide(); } else { // build the suggestion box content var lines=[]; for(var i=0; i"+ results[i][1]['comment']; if(results[i][0]['prefix_name'].length>0) line+=''+ results[i][0]['prefix_name'] +''; line+=''; lines[lines.length]=line; } // sort results this.container.innerHTML = '
    '+ lines.sort().join('') +'
'; var cursor = _$("cursor_pos"); this.container.style.top = ( cursor.cursor_top + editArea.lineHeight ) +"px"; this.container.style.left = ( cursor.cursor_left + 8 ) +"px"; this._show(); } this.autoSelectIfOneResult = false; time=new Date; t2= time.getTime(); //parent.console.log( begin_word +"\n"+ (t2-t1) +"\n"+ html ); } } }; // Load as a plugin editArea.settings['plugins'][ editArea.settings['plugins'].length ] = 'autocompletion'; editArea.add_plugin('autocompletion', EditArea_autocompletion);