// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. grammar yqlplus; options { superClass = ParserBase; language = Java; } @header { import java.util.Stack; import com.yahoo.search.yql.*; } @parser::members { protected static class expression_scope { boolean in_select; } protected Stack expression_stack = new Stack(); } // tokens SELECT : 'select'; LIMIT : 'limit'; OFFSET : 'offset'; WHERE : 'where'; ORDERBY : 'order by'; DESC : 'desc'; FROM : 'from'; SOURCES : 'sources'; AS : 'as'; COMMA : ','; OUTPUT : 'output'; COUNT : 'count'; TRUE : 'true'; FALSE : 'false'; // brackets and other tokens in literals LPAREN : '('; RPAREN : ')'; LBRACKET : '['; RBRACKET : ']'; LBRACE : '{'; RBRACE : '}'; COLON : ':'; PIPE : '|'; // operators AND : 'and'; OR : 'or'; NOT_IN : 'not in'; IN : 'in'; LT : '<'; GT : '>'; LTEQ : '<='; GTEQ : '>='; NEQ : '!='; STAR : '*'; EQ : '='; LIKE : 'like'; CONTAINS : 'contains'; NOTLIKE : 'not like'; MATCHES : 'matches'; NOTMATCHES : 'not matches'; // effectively unary operators IS_NULL : 'is null'; IS_NOT_NULL : 'is not null'; // dereference DOT : '.'; AT : '@'; // quotes SQ : '\''; DQ : '"'; // statement delimiter SEMI : ';'; TIMEOUT : 'timeout'; /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * LEXER RULES *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IDENTIFIER : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'-')* ; LONG_INT : '-'?'0'..'9'+ ('L'|'l') ; INT : '-'?'0'..'9'+ ; FLOAT : ('-')?('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* EXPONENT? | ('-')?'.' ('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT? | ('-')?('0'..'9')+ EXPONENT ; fragment EXPONENT : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ; fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; fragment LETTER : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' ; STRING : DQ ( ESC_SEQ | ~('\\'| '"') )* DQ | SQ ( ESC_SEQ | ~('\\' | '\'') )* SQ ; fragment HEX_DIGIT : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ; fragment ESC_SEQ : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\'|'/') | UNICODE_ESC ; fragment UNICODE_ESC : '\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT ; WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ) -> channel(HIDDEN) ; COMMENT : ( ('//') ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n'? | '/*' .*? '*/' ) -> channel(HIDDEN) ; VESPA_GROUPING : ('all' | 'each') WS* VESPA_GROUPING_ARG WS* ('as' WS* VESPA_GROUPING_ARG WS*)? ('where' WS* VESPA_GROUPING_ARG)? ; fragment VESPA_GROUPING_ARG : ('(' | '[' | '<') ( ~('(' | '[' | '<' | ')' | ']' | '>') | VESPA_GROUPING_ARG )* (')' | ']' | '>') ; // --------- parser rules ------------ ident : keyword_as_ident | IDENTIFIER ; keyword_as_ident : SELECT | LIMIT | OFFSET | WHERE | 'order' | 'by' | DESC | OUTPUT | COUNT | SOURCES | MATCHES | LIKE ; program : (statement SEMI?)* EOF ; statement : output_statement ; output_statement : source_statement output_spec? ; source_statement : query_statement (PIPE pipeline_step)* ; pipeline_step : namespaced_name arguments[false]? | vespa_grouping ; vespa_grouping : VESPA_GROUPING | annotation VESPA_GROUPING ; output_spec : (OUTPUT AS ident) | (OUTPUT COUNT AS ident) ; query_statement : select_statement ; select_statement : SELECT select_field_spec select_source? where? orderby? limit? offset? timeout? ; select_field_spec : project_spec | STAR ; project_spec : field_def (COMMA field_def)* ; timeout : TIMEOUT fixed_or_parameter ; select_source : select_source_all | select_source_multi | select_source_from ; select_source_all : FROM SOURCES STAR ; select_source_multi : FROM SOURCES source_list ; select_source_from : FROM source_spec ; source_list : namespaced_name (COMMA namespaced_name )* ; source_spec : ( data_source (alias_def { ($data_source.ctx).addChild($alias_def.ctx); })? ) ; alias_def : (AS? IDENTIFIER) ; data_source : call_source | LPAREN source_statement RPAREN | sequence_source ; call_source : namespaced_name arguments[true]? ; sequence_source : AT ident ; namespaced_name : (dotted_idents (DOT STAR)?) ; orderby : ORDERBY orderby_fields ; orderby_fields : orderby_field (COMMA orderby_field)* ; orderby_field : expression[true] DESC | expression[true] ('asc')? ; limit : LIMIT fixed_or_parameter ; offset : OFFSET fixed_or_parameter ; where : WHERE expression[true] ; field_def : expression[true] alias_def? ; map_expression : LBRACE property_name_and_value? (COMMA property_name_and_value)* RBRACE ; arguments[boolean in_select] : LPAREN RPAREN | LPAREN (argument[$in_select] (COMMA argument[$in_select])*) RPAREN ; argument[boolean in_select] : expression[$in_select] ; // --------- expressions ------------ expression [boolean select] @init { expression_stack.push(new expression_scope()); expression_stack.peek().in_select = select; } @after { expression_stack.pop(); } : annotate_expression | logical_OR_expression | null_operator ; null_operator : 'null' ; annotate_expression : annotation logical_OR_expression ; annotation : LBRACKET map_expression RBRACKET | map_expression ; logical_OR_expression : logical_AND_expression (OR logical_AND_expression)+ | logical_AND_expression ; logical_AND_expression : equality_expression (AND equality_expression)* ; equality_expression : relational_expression ( ((IN | NOT_IN) in_not_in_target) | (IS_NULL | IS_NOT_NULL) | (equality_op relational_expression) ) | relational_expression ; in_not_in_target : {expression_stack.peek().in_select}? LPAREN select_statement RPAREN | literal_list ; equality_op : (EQ | NEQ | LIKE | NOTLIKE | MATCHES | NOTMATCHES | CONTAINS) ; relational_expression : additive_expression (relational_op additive_expression)? ; relational_op : (LT | GT | LTEQ | GTEQ) ; additive_expression : multiplicative_expression (additive_op additive_expression)? ; additive_op : '+' | '-' ; multiplicative_expression : unary_expression (mult_op multiplicative_expression)? ; mult_op : '*' | '/' | '%' ; unary_op : '-' | '!' ; unary_expression : dereferenced_expression | unary_op dereferenced_expression ; dereferenced_expression @init{ boolean in_select = expression_stack.peek().in_select; } : primary_expression ( indexref[in_select] | propertyref )* ; indexref[boolean in_select] : LBRACKET idx=expression[in_select] RBRACKET ; propertyref : DOT nm=IDENTIFIER ; primary_expression @init { boolean in_select = expression_stack.peek().in_select; } : call_expression[in_select] | fieldref | constant_expression | LPAREN expression[in_select] RPAREN ; call_expression[boolean in_select] : namespaced_name arguments[in_select] ; fieldref : namespaced_name ; // a parameter is an argument from outside the YQL statement parameter : AT ident ; property_name_and_value : property_name ':' constant_expression ; property_name : dotted_idents | STRING ; dotted_idents : ident (DOT ident)* ; constant_expression : scalar_literal | map_expression | array_literal | parameter ; array_literal : LBRACKET i+=constant_expression? (COMMA i+=constant_expression)* RBRACKET ; scalar_literal : TRUE | FALSE | STRING | LONG_INT | INT | FLOAT ; array_parameter : AT i=ident {isArrayParameter($i.ctx)}? ; literal_list : LPAREN literal_element (COMMA literal_element)* RPAREN ; literal_element : scalar_literal | parameter ; fixed_or_parameter : INT | parameter ;