// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.prelude.cluster; import com.yahoo.collections.TinyIdentitySet; import com.yahoo.component.annotation.Inject; import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId; import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After; import com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry; import com.yahoo.container.QrSearchersConfig; import com.yahoo.container.core.documentapi.VespaDocumentAccess; import com.yahoo.container.handler.VipStatus; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.ClusterParams; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.DocumentdbInfoConfig; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.IndexedBackend; import com.yahoo.prelude.fastsearch.VespaBackend; import com.yahoo.search.Query; import com.yahoo.search.Result; import com.yahoo.search.Searcher; import com.yahoo.search.config.ClusterConfig; import com.yahoo.search.dispatch.Dispatcher; import com.yahoo.search.query.ParameterParser; import com.yahoo.search.ranking.GlobalPhaseRanker; import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage; import com.yahoo.search.schema.Cluster; import com.yahoo.search.schema.SchemaInfo; import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution; import com.yahoo.vespa.streamingvisitors.StreamingBackend; import com.yahoo.yolean.Exceptions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * A searcher which forwards to a cluster of monitored native Vespa backends. * * @author bratseth * @author Steinar Knutsen * @author geirst */ @After("*") public class ClusterSearcher extends Searcher { private final static long DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 600000L; private final static long DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 10000L; private final String searchClusterName; // The set of document types contained in this search cluster private final Map schema2Searcher; private final SchemaInfo schemaInfo; private final long maxQueryTimeout; // in milliseconds private final long maxQueryCacheTimeout; // in milliseconds private final Executor executor; private final GlobalPhaseRanker globalPhaseRanker; @Inject public ClusterSearcher(ComponentId id, Executor executor, QrSearchersConfig qrsConfig, ClusterConfig clusterConfig, DocumentdbInfoConfig documentDbConfig, SchemaInfo schemaInfo, ComponentRegistry dispatchers, GlobalPhaseRanker globalPhaseRanker, VipStatus vipStatus, VespaDocumentAccess access) { super(id); this.executor = executor; this.schemaInfo = schemaInfo; int searchClusterIndex = clusterConfig.clusterId(); searchClusterName = clusterConfig.clusterName(); QrSearchersConfig.Searchcluster searchClusterConfig = getSearchClusterConfigFromClusterName(qrsConfig, searchClusterName); this.globalPhaseRanker = globalPhaseRanker; schema2Searcher = new LinkedHashMap<>(); maxQueryTimeout = ParameterParser.asMilliSeconds(clusterConfig.maxQueryTimeout(), DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT); maxQueryCacheTimeout = ParameterParser.asMilliSeconds(clusterConfig.maxQueryCacheTimeout(), DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT); VespaBackend streaming = null, indexed = null; ClusterParams clusterParams = makeClusterParams(searchClusterIndex, qrsConfig .com().yahoo().prelude().fastsearch().IndexedBackend().docsum() .defaultclass(), documentDbConfig, schemaInfo); for (DocumentdbInfoConfig.Documentdb docDb : documentDbConfig.documentdb()) { if (docDb.mode() == DocumentdbInfoConfig.Documentdb.Mode.Enum.INDEX) { if (indexed == null) { indexed = searchDispatch(clusterParams, searchClusterName, dispatchers); } schema2Searcher.put(docDb.name(), indexed); } else if (docDb.mode() == DocumentdbInfoConfig.Documentdb.Mode.Enum.STREAMING) { if (streaming == null) { streaming = streamingCluster(clusterParams, searchClusterConfig, access); vipStatus.addToRotation(streaming.getName()); } schema2Searcher.put(docDb.name(), streaming); } } } private static QrSearchersConfig.Searchcluster getSearchClusterConfigFromClusterName(QrSearchersConfig config, String name) { for (QrSearchersConfig.Searchcluster searchCluster : config.searchcluster()) { if (searchCluster.name().equals(name)) { return searchCluster; } } throw new IllegalStateException("No configured search cluster '" + name + "' among : " + config.searchcluster().stream().map(QrSearchersConfig.Searchcluster::name).toList()); } private static ClusterParams makeClusterParams(int searchclusterIndex, String defaultSummary, DocumentdbInfoConfig documentDbConfig, SchemaInfo schemaInfo) { return new ClusterParams("sc" + searchclusterIndex + ".num" + 0, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), defaultSummary, documentDbConfig, schemaInfo); } private static IndexedBackend searchDispatch(ClusterParams clusterParams, String searchClusterName, ComponentRegistry dispatchers) { ComponentId dispatcherComponentId = new ComponentId("dispatcher." + searchClusterName); Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers.getComponent(dispatcherComponentId); if (dispatcher == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Configuration error: No dispatcher " + dispatcherComponentId + " is configured"); return new IndexedBackend(clusterParams, dispatcher); } private static StreamingBackend streamingCluster(ClusterParams clusterParams, QrSearchersConfig.Searchcluster searchClusterConfig, VespaDocumentAccess access) { return new StreamingBackend(clusterParams, searchClusterConfig.rankprofiles_configid(), access, searchClusterConfig.storagecluster().routespec()); } /** Do not use, for internal testing purposes only. **/ ClusterSearcher(SchemaInfo schemaInfo, Map schema2Searcher, Executor executor) { this.schemaInfo = schemaInfo; searchClusterName = "testScenario"; maxQueryTimeout = DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_TIMEOUT; maxQueryCacheTimeout = DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT; this.executor = executor; this.globalPhaseRanker = null; this.schema2Searcher = schema2Searcher; } /** Do not use, for internal testing purposes only. **/ ClusterSearcher(SchemaInfo schemaInfo, Map schema2Searcher) { this(schemaInfo, schema2Searcher, null); } @Override public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) { validateQueryTimeout(query); validateQueryCache(query); if (schema2Searcher.isEmpty()) { return new Result(query, ErrorMessage.createNoBackendsInService("Could not search")); } if (query.getTimeLeft() <= 0) { return new Result(query, ErrorMessage.createTimeout("No time left for searching")); } return doSearch(query); } @Override public void fill(Result result, String summaryClass, Execution execution) { fill(result, summaryClass); } private void fill(Result result, String summaryClass) { Query query = result.getQuery(); var restrict = query.getModel().getRestrict(); Collection servers = (restrict != null && ! restrict.isEmpty()) ? query.getModel().getRestrict().stream() .map(schema2Searcher::get) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(TinyIdentitySet::new)) : schema2Searcher.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(TinyIdentitySet::new)); if ( ! servers.isEmpty() ) { for (var server : servers) { if (query.getTimeLeft() > 0) { server.fill(result, summaryClass); } else { if (result.hits().getErrorHit() == null) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createTimeout("No time left to get summaries, query timeout was " + query.getTimeout() + " ms")); } } } } else { if (result.hits().getErrorHit() == null) { result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createNoBackendsInService("Could not fill result")); } } } private void validateQueryTimeout(Query query) { if (query.getTimeout() <= maxQueryTimeout) return; if (query.getTrace().isTraceable(2)) { query.trace("Query timeout (" + query.getTimeout() + " ms) > max query timeout (" + maxQueryTimeout + " ms). Setting timeout to " + maxQueryTimeout + " ms.", 2); } query.setTimeout(maxQueryTimeout); } private void validateQueryCache(Query query) { if ( ! query.getRanking().getQueryCache() ) return; if (query.getTimeout() <= maxQueryCacheTimeout) return; if (query.getTrace().isTraceable(2)) { query.trace("Query timeout (" + query.getTimeout() + " ms) > max query cache timeout (" + maxQueryCacheTimeout + " ms). Disabling query cache.", 2); } query.getRanking().setQueryCache(false); } private Result doSearch(Query query) { if (schema2Searcher.size() > 1) { return searchMultipleDocumentTypes(query); } else { String schema = schema2Searcher.keySet().iterator().next(); query.getModel().setRestrict(schema); return perSchemaSearch(schema, query); } } private Result perSchemaSearch(String schema, Query query) { Set restrict = query.getModel().getRestrict(); if (restrict.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("perSchemaSearch must always be called with 1 schema, got: " + restrict.size()); } int rerankCount = globalPhaseRanker != null ? globalPhaseRanker.getRerankCount(query, schema) : 0; boolean useGlobalPhase = rerankCount > 0; final int wantOffset = query.getOffset(); final int wantHits = query.getHits(); if (useGlobalPhase) { var error = globalPhaseRanker.validateNoSorting(query, schema).orElse(null); if (error != null) return new Result(query, error); int useHits = Math.max(wantOffset + wantHits, rerankCount); query.setOffset(0); query.setHits(useHits); } Result result = schema2Searcher.get(schema).search(schema, query); if (useGlobalPhase) { globalPhaseRanker.rerankHits(query, result, schema); result.hits().trim(wantOffset, wantHits); query.setOffset(wantOffset); query.setHits(wantHits); } return result; } private static void processResult(Query query, FutureTask task, Result mergedResult) { try { Result result = task.get(); mergedResult.mergeWith(result); mergedResult.hits().addAll(result.hits().asUnorderedHits()); } catch (ExecutionException e) { mergedResult.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createInternalServerError("Failed querying '" + query.getModel().getRestrict() + "': " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e), e)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { mergedResult.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createInternalServerError("Failed querying '" + query.getModel().getRestrict() + "': " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e))); } } private Result searchMultipleDocumentTypes(Query query) { Set schemas = resolveSchemas(query); Map schemaQueries = createQueries(query, schemas); if (schemaQueries.size() == 1) { var entry = schemaQueries.entrySet().iterator().next(); return perSchemaSearch(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { Result mergedResult = new Result(query); List> pending = new ArrayList<>(schemaQueries.size()); for (var entry : schemaQueries.entrySet()) { FutureTask task = new FutureTask<>(() -> perSchemaSearch(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); try { executor.execute(task); pending.add(task); } catch (RejectedExecutionException rej) { task.run(); processResult(query, task, mergedResult); } } for (FutureTask task : pending) { processResult(query, task, mergedResult); } // Should we trim the merged result? if (query.getOffset() > 0 || query.getHits() < mergedResult.hits().size()) { if (mergedResult.getHitOrderer() != null) { // Make sure we have the necessary data for sorting fill(mergedResult, VespaBackend.SORTABLE_ATTRIBUTES_SUMMARY_CLASS); } mergedResult.hits().trim(query.getOffset(), query.getHits()); query.setOffset(0); // Needed when doing a trim } return mergedResult; } } private Set resolveSourceSubset(Set sources) { Set candidates = new HashSet<>(); for (String source : sources) { Cluster cluster = schemaInfo.clusters().get(source); if (cluster != null) candidates.addAll(cluster.schemas()); } return (candidates.isEmpty() ? sources : candidates).stream() .filter(schema2Searcher::containsKey).collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet()); } Set resolveSchemas(Query query) { Set restrict = query.getModel().getRestrict(); if (restrict == null || restrict.isEmpty()) { Set sources = query.getModel().getSources(); return (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) ? schema2Searcher.keySet() : resolveSourceSubset(sources); } else { return filterValidDocumentTypes(restrict); } } private Set filterValidDocumentTypes(Collection restrict) { Set retval = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String docType : restrict) { if (docType != null && schema2Searcher.containsKey(docType)) { retval.add(docType); } } return retval; } private Map createQueries(Query query, Set schemas) { query.getModel().getQueryTree(); // performance: parse query before cloning such that it is only done once if (schemas.size() == 1) { String schema = schemas.iterator().next(); query.getModel().setRestrict(schema); return Map.of(schema, query); } else if ( ! schemas.isEmpty() ) { var schemaQueries = new HashMap(); for (String schema : schemas) { Query q = query.clone(); q.setOffset(0); q.setHits(query.getOffset() + query.getHits()); q.getModel().setRestrict(schema); schemaQueries.put(schema, q); } return schemaQueries; } return Map.of(); } @Override public void deconstruct() { Map servers = new HashMap<>(); for (var server : schema2Searcher.values()) { servers.put(server.getName(), server); } for (var server : servers.values()) { server.shutDown(); } } }